great info

Saturday, May 28, 2011


If cigarettes were the same as cocaine / heroin, why not banned? Awareness of the dangers of cigarettes are late arrival. The rulers also many countries around the world are smokers. Regulations made by them. You do not want this country fall apart because its rulers so grumpy and psychologically mad because they do not miss smoking.

In America, the law governing the matter of cigarettes is run very tight. First, they invite young people in his ads, because they are very easy to addiction. Now it has not happened again, even at public smoking banned in many states. In fact, now prohibits tobacco companies in America young people to smoke, because the amount of lawsuits that are ready to chase them. Aware of the losers, tobacco companies began to shift its market share to developing countries (here the law is still weak). Privatization Indonesia by foreign tobacco companies is one way only.

Chewing tobacco (smokeless tobacco) as opa oma us, just as bad, because it is merely transferring the risk of cancer to the mouth and throat, and the effects on blood vessels are the same. The risk of cancer caused by smoking include the lips, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, larynx (vocal cords), urinary tract, pancreas, kidney, stomach, and of course, the lungs. Chewing tobacco can damage the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and your throat. Your TSH level will slowly rise, your voice became husky / raspy.

Use of smokeless tobacco increased lately (since 1999). During 2003 alone there are an estimated 1 million teenagers who chew tobacco. Tobacco advertising has been blamed as the main cause.LUNGS CANCER SOLUTIONS 2011

According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, more than 440,000 Americans die each year because of diseases caused by smoking (including gastrointestinal and respiratory illness). And now there are 46 million Americans who actively smoked. Or 1 in 4 Americans. Or more than 1 billion smokers around the world, aka 1 in 3 people worldwide. An estimated 25.6 million men (25.2%) and 22.6% of women (20.7%) in the United States are smokers. Smokers under 18 years of age in America: whites (25.1% men and 21.7% women), black African or blasterannya (27.6% men and 18% female), Hispanic / Latin (23.2% male and 12.5% ​​women), Asia (21.3% men and 6.9% women), Indian / Alaska (32% men and 36.9% women).

Why we should stop smoking?

• Can feel and smell food better. No more bad breath odor. Do not cough anymore.

• Reduce the risk of lung cancer, other cancers, heart disease, stroke, other lung diseases, and other diseases associated with the breath.

• Former smokers have better health levels than current smokers who do not repent. They are sick less often, rarely complains, rarely got bronchitis and pneumonia than current smokers.

• Save money. In the U.S. savings can be up to U.S. $ 700.00 per year. Moreover, current trends in cigarette prices will continue to rise.

What happens when we try to stop smoking? Status opium nicotine equivalent to cocaine and heroin. Rather than alcohol. The effect is immediately felt psychologically as dizziness, anxiety, moody, depressed, frustrated, angry, tired, insomnia, increased appetite (nicotine preventing hunger). All this happened because the process of disposal of toxins (detoxification) from the body was in progress. Nicotine affects the brain and in chemical terms. Nicotine stimulates the brain to produce dopamine (the neurotransmitter that makes the brain feel comfortable and confident). "The same effect can be felt by diligent exercises in the gym," says Morand. In addition to dopamine, a fitness also trigger the production of other neurotransmitters, namely serotonin (improve sleep quality and reduce the desire to consume fatty foods). Minimum follow fitness 30 minutes per session, 3-4 times a week, will help you stop smoking, make you so relaxed, and easy to sleep at night.

Without nicotine, you will eat indiscriminately because your metabolic system needs reboot (reset). Eat 6 times a day bodybuilding style seemed to mean nothing, but should still try. Eat as often as possible to stabilize your insulin levels during the day, so the risk of accumulation of fat in the body can be reduced. So be prepared to plan all your meals (low calorie and low fat) if you are in that stage. Diet should be your main concern today than any other day. My advice is, do not try to diet when trying to quit smoking. You can diet at any time if the smoking habit is gone soon. Trying on a diet and stop smoking at the same time, most likely will fail.

Difficult concentration during the process away from cigarettes are also often occur. Breakfast is the best solution to make you more safe and sound in the morning. Smokers tend to rely on cigarettes as well as breakfast in the morning to wake him. Once they stop smoking, some times they sometimes skip breakfast, make the quality of their daily activities decreased. "Skipping breakfast means your body sugar levels drop and make you feel weak all day. Breakfast is the ideal mix of complex carbohydrates and protein. Carbohydrate absorption into the body faster than the protein. Eating both together, will ensure the availability of energy during the day.

Although you've exceeded proficiency smoking factory chimney smoke that was burning though (hehehe), it's never too late for you to quit smoking. Once you resolve to quit smoking, the negative effects of smoking will start to disappear right away, no matter how long you are addicted to smoking.

1. After 20 minutes: Blood pressure fell to a level that approached the stage before you start your last cigarette.

2. After 8 hours: carbon monoxide levels in the blood became normal.

3. After 24 hours: Your risk of sudden heart attacks decreased slightly.

4. After 2 weeks to 3 months: Perfomance your lungs increased 30%

5. After 1 to 9 months: Diseases such as cough, sinus, sore pain, shortness of breath - decreased; cilia (tiny filaments in charge of cleaning the lungs) begin to function normally (reduced lung infection).

6. After 1 year: Risk of coronary heart disease to be 50% smaller than the other active smokers who still do not repent

7. After 5 years: Risk of stroke declined rapidly

8. After 10 years: Risk of lung cancer deaths decreased 50% compared to active smokers who do not repent

9. After 15 years: Risk of coronary heart disease is now equivalent to those who have never smoked in his life

"Tobacco also prevent you from getting physical fitness muscular style of your dream so far," said Scott Swartzwelder, Ph.D., clinical professor of medical physiology problems at Duke University and author of the book "Pumped: Straight Facts for Athletes About Drugs, Supplements and Training" .

Negative things that can be experienced by smokers who participated fitness are as follows:

1. Stamina decreases. When the oxygen demand increases (during exercise), then the burden will be increasingly felt the weight lifted. Reduced capacity of absorption of oxygen in the lungs of smokers (due to lung surface covered with tar nicotine), causing the amount of oxygen that reaches the alveoli is reduced, consequently the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases. Squat exercise for example, will create frustration bodybuilders who chose to become smokers. Sooner or later, they will be forced to take a decision, continue or stop smoking. Nicotine causes the decrease in blood flow to the whole body. For athletes who rely heavily on speed and maneuverability of a sudden physical movement, nicotine cause nerve problems in athletes. Although nicotine can help athletes to concentrate, but it hurt even more, because carbon monoxide reduces your ability in terms of how fast you can do on your muscle contractions. The slower the ability of your muscle contractions, the lower the response of muscles to move your limbs during action in the field. Carbon monoxide in cigarettes, if mixed with blood hemoglobin, it will lower the ability of red blood cells binds oxygen. The result is not as good stamina smokers non-smokers, including even the simplest physical aktfiitas like up and down stairs.

2. Difficult to increase muscle mass. Inhaling carbon monoxide from cigarettes, deplete oxygen reserves in your muscles, your result will be hard to get the desired muscle contraction during weight lifting, as a result the amount of load you can lift will decrease. "Since you failed to force the muscles to work to reach maximum genetic capabilities, aka reached the limit of his anaerobic capacity, then the cigarette will automatically force you to use light weights, your muscles when they should be able to lift heavier loads than it should if you are not a smoker," says Swartzwelder. If you are in the false condition like that (lifting weights with a lighter weight than it should), then you will find it hard to give the necessary stimulus for muscle growth to the next higher phase.

3. It took longer to increase muscle mass. Smoking is tantamount to delay wound healing process, therefore have a direct impact on the system of fundamental mechanical resistance training. "When you lift weights / fitness in order to build muscle, you just create the same micro-scale cuts in the muscle tissue that you coached, and that needs healing," says Ed Morand, a leading trainer in a gym in New York City / Town Sports International. "It took 48 to 72 hours for muscles to recover as before." After recovering (thanks to a break), then your muscles have adapted so that the muscles become stronger to face the next fitness workout. If accompanied by proper nutrition, in addition to strong, muscles also become larger in size than the previous. BUT smoking slows all these processes, resulting in muscle it may take longer than necessary to repair itself.

4. Decreased muscle strength. Your muscles can only be as strong as the muscle behind the bone itself. For young people and those who are youthful, perhaps most there is no fear at all heard the word osteoporosis. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, all smokers suffer from decreased bone mineral density, and they all do not realize it because the effect is happening slowly but surely. But if you are serious fitnessmania (I doubt you are right to call yourself a fan of fitness if you are a smoker), a decrease in bone strength that would be undermining their ability to overcome all the stress that occurs during weight training. "The risk of fracture increased by smoking," said Swartzwelder.

5. Nutrients you become a mess. No matter no matter how well you design a nutritional food, you're not going to be a Marlboro Man. "Tobacco increases the amount of free radicals that enter the blood," said Keith Ayoob, RD, nutrition director at the Rose F. Kennedy Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. Free radicals are molecules that the electron is not complete. When entering your body, free radicals will steal electrons from other molecules (nutrients you) for a complete molecular composition. Which became the target of free radicals are proteins, amino acids, and carbohydrates - all are elements that you eat during this. All the nutrients and supplements that you eat in the hope of getting muscle and physical craving, become useless just because of free radicals. Tobacco also makes the blood becomes thick and viscous than they should. "Carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke increases blood cholesterol, can cause constriction and arterial wall damage," said Ayoob.

6. Might he declined. Mentang mentang you guys have a shoulder / shoulder width and a sexy ass tight nan, you menggangap lightly smell bad breath from your mouth and your fingers yellow, because it can be nice to feel your girlfriend by going to Burger King, and feel rich because it is able spent Rp 10 million per year to buy cigarettes. But the advantages you would not be memorable for her if your penis does not work as good as your ego. "Research shows, just with a little cigarette smoke alone, could have a direct impact on how much the flow of arterial blood flow to the penis," says Swartzwelder. Smokers man 2 times greater risk than non-smokers to experience impotence. If you think your penis as a major asset your masculinity, tobacco can also reduce the ability of sperm reaching the egg successfully.

7. Lowering the body's calorie burning. Nicotine can indeed help burn fat (ascending metabolism), this is where the idea arose daripara athlete to surreptitiously smoked a chance to get rid of excess calories to the body. But do not forget, smoking also reduces the capacity oxygen capacity of your lungs, because the ability of the lungs inflate when you pull the breath in deep, becomes limited. "That means the amount of oxygen that can be channeled kedarah, a little. Though your body is relying on it for aerobics, "says Morand. Without oxygen, aerobic fitness and you're not going to last long, and ultimately, you are only able to burn fewer calories, although exercise time has been spent longer than usual though. Tobacco reduce your own ability to burn fat. "If you have a high nicotine levels in your body, then naturally cardiac systems are idle, as long as aerobics, blood pressure and heart rate rose by the help of nicotine, not by your cardiac system. And it's not natural. In this case, smoking is no different than drug use, "said Swartzwelder. "You will lose 10-20% of the benefits of aerobic exercise that you should receive and enjoy, and it's all because of smoking."

How do I quit smoking 4 times faster than normal way? There are several methods, the use of other alternative smoking (see TYPES OF HOW CONSUMPTION nicotine on nicotine article: DRUG world's most popular); join fitness, hypnosis therapy, acupuncture, using Zyban, consultation, use supplements. The most effective way is the most suitable for you, so you must find out for yourself. Recent research shows, the more the combination of methods you use, the greater the healing process of nicotine.

Zyban is an anti depression medication to help you free yourself from the clutches of nicotine, is a prescription drug also known under the name Wellbutrin (generic name bupropion), proven to reduce the negative effect caused when a person stops taking drugs. You can wear it for 2-3 months, starting from the week before you dispose of your cigarette. "If you inhale nicotine (not in the form of cigarettes) and simultaneously taking bupropion, may be more effective than taking bupropion alone," said Geiger. If paka both methods, then 58% of smokers had not touched a cigarette for a month.

Find organizations that provide consulting services relating to a person's behavior when attempting to stop smoking. Can be individual therapy, group, telephone hotline, seminars, etc.. They can help you be motivated to stop smoking. "The probability of your success will be increased 2-fold," said Geiger. "There are good you combine drug therapy with therapy consultation, as could the possibility of a successful 4 times greater than trying to stop smoking without the help of anyone."

The use of supplements during try stop smoking are also important. Cigarettes lower levels of vitamins in the blood and increase free radicals in the body. Homocysteine ​​levels in smokers are also above normal (kind of amino acids associated with heart disease). Although the supplement does not make you stop smoking, but by consuming anti-oxidant supplements such as vitamins C, E and beta-carotene - may help the cell damage caused by smoking. Vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid homocysteine ​​may help you fight. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day also helps thin the tar and other pollutants from the lungs.

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