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Monday, February 16, 2015

Facing the prospect of a difficult way

Faced with the prospect of a difficult is the biggest challenge for the business owner or sales division. In fact, we get a profit from the transactions that we do. The more transactions we do with a lot of prospects, the greater the chance of getting profit. However, getting the business deal is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Full of great struggle and kesabaraan.

Whatever your product or service, have the ability to face the difficult prospect, is a valuable capability. No matter where you conduct business transactions, with whom you do business lobby, the important thing is how you make you successful negotiation. Here are a few tips and tricks, based on the experience of the world's best salesman:

1. Focus on value-added

When making presentations to prospects, do not always forced to make payment for the price you want, either at follow-up, directly or via telephone. But the focus on value-added. So the prospect of more happy got a solution to benefit and also to pay you.

2. Give a gift that will benefit the prospect, either directly or through the post package. Gifts do not need to be too expensive, which is important useful for prospects. And maintain communication links, at least via email, SMS or BBM.

3. Provide recommendations to the prospect that the prospect of benefit from the business relationship that you build.

For example, we have a lodging business prospects. You begin to send some emails to close friends, relatives or people who you think have the need on vacation at the end of pecans. And reply your email it to prospects so that they know that you no effort to help.

Actually so many tips that I want to, but because of space constraints, I first end tips. Hopefully useful and can immediately do. Congratulations to sell.

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