great info

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Like overeating? In America, a lot of people have great posture. Not only large, but also many people in America are obese. Especially women. Anything edible. Ranging from fast food to high-fat meals. Foods that have fat will be easier for the body fat. A study of adults in the United States showed that obese people have a tendency to die four years earlier than those who do not are obese, as reported by Web MD

Not just research in the United States alone, any parts of the world remains the same. Obesity increases the chances of living a shorter 4-fold than the thin or medium-bodied.

"While obesity is a growing health problem experienced by many people, we need to understand clearly the bad effects, not just another disease caused but also its effect on the possibility of life," said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

According to Dr. Suzanne, the effect of obesity is complex. Obesity itself can provide the work load on the heart. Not to mention the other effects of obesity, for example, very high levels of sugar, fat deposits in the colon and more.

Steinbaum believes that obesity not only causes other chronic diseases but can also cause premature death. This research was conducted by Dr. Luisa Borrell and Lalitha Samuel from the City University of New York to see the data in 1988 and 1994 as well as mortality statistics until 2006. All are supported by a complete research.

They found that obesity is associated with a 20 percent increase in mortality, compared with other diseases such as pain jantung.Secara general, adults died 3.7 years sooner due to obesity. While the causes of heart disease adults died 1.7 years sooner. This is not surprising, because obesity has a negative tendency towards health.

In addition, researchers also found that the highest risk of adults aged 45 to 64 years who are obese are likely to die 7.1 years sooner due to various reasons. While if it is associated with heart disease, those who are obese may die 12.8 years earlier. All of it is related to scientific research, so you do not have to hesitate.

America is a big country, what is there. Citizens became affluent to forget for a diet meal. Body easier obesity. Remember always, health is more important than enjoyment. Come exercise harder and more regularly. Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat PenerjemahPenerjemah Situs WebPeluang Pasar Global

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