great info

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Pura is a house of worship for the people of Bali. In the temple, the Balinese people to worship God. But be unique if there is a temple located under the sea.

All matters related to the underwater world, would be an attraction of many people. Underwater temple in Pemuteran, Bali, for example, in 2010 got excited because it is referred to as the royal relics underwater. The news shocked many people that year. At Pura Taman tourist call.

Photo underwater temple a few years ago circulated in cyberspace. The temple, which is located in the Gulf of Pemuteran, Buleleng, north Bali namely, was mentioned as a relic of Atlantis. Is that right? The form is assured, but the original temple located on the seabed.

Some opinions say, formerly the kingdom in Bali that is so glorious, but because of the curse, the kingdom was drowned by the sea. Strange indeed, but that's a fact.

Name the location of underwater temple it is Pura Taman. The diving here, you will find the building of the temple complete with figurines such as Buddha and Ganesha. All artwork is purchased directly from local artisans. Many travelers were surprised by the presence of underwater temple. Really a very beautiful scenery and exotic when it was towing it.

But behind that belief, it turns out The BBC website said the project involves some hotel owners, fishermen, dive agency services, scientists, and environmental conservationist. In addition to conservation objectives, the project also has economic value and tourism.

What does that mean? It turns out the underwater temple was originally motivated by myths about the history of the kingdom drowned broken by information from the tourism, that turns the temple building was deliberately created and sunk to the seabed.

You can visited the temples underwater dives through service agents spread in Buleleng. Now, art objects were successfully covered by colorful coral. Moreover, local people brought the concept of Bio Rock which could create new coral with a completely different way. It is very beautiful and natural as real temple buried sea water thousands of years ago.

"We use electricity to accelerate the growth of coral reefs," the project manager Bio Rock, Komang Astika never explained to detikTravel.

Metal frame sunk into the seabed. Not only ignored, but also electrified by 6-10 volts. Electricity is fed continuously to the coral reefs are considered 'adult'. This can turn reef 2-6 times faster than usual. This is how the tourism create artificial reefs.

Bio Rock project is already underway in Pemuteran village for 14 years. Currently, there are 90 skeletons were covered with healthy coral reefs in the waters of Pemuteran Bay. Together Taman Pura, Bio Rock project become a highlight of the divers in Pemuteran bay. A creativity that is very unique and interesting.

Although Taman Pura is not a relatively new project, but his name still lay among tourists. In fact, Taman Pura in the Top 10 Sights Underwater in the book "Lonely Planet: 1000 Ultimate Sights". Apart from the artificial temple, this location to be a very attractive foreign and domestic travelers. Interested to see firsthand? Come here.

Monday, January 2, 2017


For those travelers who like adventure, then there are several locations in Bali horror tour that suits you. We will discuss only three of the most horrific of the tour in Bali. The goal was to add experience and increase the hormone adrenaline that life becomes more challenging and fun. Our advice, do not own, and there were two men try to make it more secure and comfortable to enjoy the feel horror at this place.

1. Wildlife Festival.

The building is abandoned for 14 years as a recreational park in Bali and famous haunted. This park used to be known to be very crowded, but because of management mistakes finally park located in Jalan Padang Galak Beach, Sanur Bali is closed. And the location is left alone for a long time. Though fairly large extent, so many places that are considered haunted by local people as a result of this festival in the closed park in a long time. I was so haunted, many crocodile nesting in this place. It is very intimidating.

2. Bounty Beach Club Resort
Shape of the building is like its name, as bungalows.Dulu place is very crowded with guests from various countries. However, since the owner died mysteriously, this building nobody care. Its location on the Southwestern coast of Gili Meno. Guaranteed for those of you who came here would merinding.Ini because the location where it was very austere and full of ghosts. There is even a belief since the Bali bombing in 2012 and then, the ghosts of curiosity often gather in this place..very creepy.

3. Aircraft in South Kuta
The form is a real ship, and by the restaurant's owners made the tamu.Tapi who would have thought the wreck was actually of interest to curious spirits. Some visitors claim to have a lot of strange things when visiting there. Starting from the appearance of the female soul to physically harassed by an invisible creature.
For those of you who are curious to taste the nuances of horror, please come to South Kuta, along Jalan Nusa Dua Selatan. Just ask some of the natives there, and you will be taken to that location. It is suggested to be both, it was minimal, because we can not know what will happen.

Saturday, December 31, 2016


QUALITY OF LIFE INSPIRATION - INSPIRASI HIDUP BERKUALITAS - DUA BAHASA: KEY TO SUCCESS IS NOT BLISS, BLISS KEY TO SUCCESS: We all want to be successful and happy, but the way to get there is not easy. We need to learn and it is also necessary to obtain a suc...


New year celebrations in Bali is very secure and running smoothly. Police and related parties are working hard to maintain security in all areas of Bali. "In celebration of Christmas, as many as 100 Church we will do security .

This is a security that is extraordinary, so we ask for the cooperation of all parties as we currently do security celebrations of the feast of the others," said Wakapolresta Denpasar AKBP I Nyoman Artana during a coordination meeting with relevant stakeholders safeguards Christmas and New Year 2017 in Mapolresta Denpasar, on Monday (12/19/2016). .

Bali since long ago is still very much a tourist attraction, both the domestic and international travelers. Of course, for the celebration of the New Year is also very much. Issues of crime and terror become a major agenda of the police to protect Bali. Fortunately, new year celebration in 2017 in Bali went smoothly and there was no terrorist act. .

Nyoman Artana revealed, in addition to the police, the security will also be conducted by the relevant parties such as the military, internal security of the church, as well as community organizations. And this takes place in all areas of Bali and Indonesia in general.

"There will also be involvement of relevant government institutions such as the military, internal security of the church, community organizations and others. So there'll all be joining together to maintain security in the region, especially Denpasar Bali," said Wakapolresta.
PERAYAAN TAHUN BARU 2017 DI BALI, AMAN ! Perayaan tahun baru di Bali berjalan sangat aman dan lancar. Polisi dan pihak terkait bekerja keras untuk menjaga keamanan di semua wilayah Bali.

"Dalam perayaan Natal nanti, sebanyak 100 Gereja akan kami lakukan pengamanan. Ini adalah pengamanan yang sangat luar biasa, jadi kami minta kerjasamanya dari semua pihak sebagaimana kita saat melakukan pengamanan perayaan-perayaan hari raya yang lain," kata Wakapolresta Denpasar AKBP I Nyoman Artana saat mengadakan rapat koordinasi dengan berbagai pihak terkait pengamanan Natal dan Tahun Baru 2017 di Mapolresta Denpasar, Senin (19/12/2016). .

Bali sejak dulu hingga sekarang masih banyak menjadi daya tarik wisatawan,baik wisatawan domistik maupun internasional. Tentu saja untuk perayaan pergantian tahun juga sangat banyak. Isyu kejahatan dan terror menjadi agenda besar para polisi untuk menjaga Bali. Untunglah perayaan tahun baru 2017 di Bali berjalan lancar dan tak ada aksi teroris. .

Nyoman Artana mengungkapkan, selain pihak kepolisian, pengamanan juga akan dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak terkait seperti TNI, pengamanan internal pihak gereja, serta organisasi kemasyarakatan. Dan ini berlangsung di semua wilayah Bali dan Indonesia pada umumnya.

"Nanti juga akan ada keterlibatan Instansi terkait seperti TNI, keamanan internal pihak gereja, organisasi masyarakat dan lain-lain. Jadi disana nanti semua akan bergabung menjadi satu untuk menjaga keamanan wilayah di Bali khususnya Kota Denpasar," kata Wakapolresta. .

Ditempat yang sama, Ketua Persekutuan Gereja Pantekosta Indonesia (PGPI) Provinsi Bali Jonathan Soeharto mengatakan, situasi menjelang perayaan Natal di Bali sangat aman dan kondusif. Ini tak lepas dari peran aktif masyarakat yang juga menjaga Bali menjadi lebih baik. Ayo ke Bali. .

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

BALI has an amazing abundance of charm

BALI has an amazing abundance of charm. Almost all travelers mengenaldan countries even been to BALI.Mereka come for stories of friends and also the recommendations of those closest to them. BALI charm like what the? Listen

BALI memiliki sejuta pesona yang menakjubkan. Hampir semua wisatawan negara mengenaldan bahkan pernah ke BALI.Mereka datang karena cerita teman dan juga rekomendasi dari orang terdekat mereka. Seperti apa pesona BALI tersebut? Simak


Bali sea monsters in the sea and surrounding sea did in fact exist. Some evidence, whether they are visible aupun that were purposely hidden, is the fact that the monster existed. They live and breed in the bottom of the deep sea, even untouched by humans. This is what makes us think, whether it is real or a sea monster story a hoax?


Monster laut di laut Bali dan laut sekitarnya ternyata memang ada. Sejumlah bukti,baikyang terlihat aupun yang sengaja disembunyikan, merupakan fakta bahwa monster laut itu ada. Mereka hidup dan berkembang biak didasar laut yang sangat dalam, bahkan tak tersentuh oleh manusia. Inilah yang membuat kita berpikir,apakah monster laut itu nyata atau cerita bohong belaka?


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