A person infected with Ebola virus through direct contact with body fluids. It occurs when the body fluids such as vomit or blood of patients on the eyes, nose, or mouth of another person.
People who work in the health field at high risk of contracting, especially those who are not trained or equipped with proper equipment.
Ebola virus can survive on surfaces. Therefore, any objects that are contaminated with body fluids, such as rubber gloves or syringes, can be a medium of transmission of the virus.
You do not necessarily infected with ebola when adjacent to an infected person. Ebola is not like influenza virus or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
In this case, people who are infected are those who take care of his brother who is infected, or prepare the bodies to be buried.
Why ebola outbreak difficult to handle?
Their skepticism is not without cause. In the past, hospital workers were not careful even become agents of the spread of the virus.
In some areas in South Africa, there is the belief that when someone mentions the word "ebola" aloud, then instantly the virus appears. This belief led to the doctors, such as Doctors Without Borders, hard fight.
In fact, some members of the community as a doctor blamed for spreading the virus. Those who are infected choose to go to a traditional healer for treatment.