Daulah Islamiyah, the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) continued guerrilla and widen his powers. In launching its action, ISLAM forces known as the Islamic State (IS) that uses some fairly sophisticated military weapons, including those from the United States.
What happened? Really ISIS received help from US intelligence agencies or ISIS indeed been seized weapons until the American elite has a lot of advanced weapons that are difficult to accept common sense.
The new findings come from Weapons Research Agency, based in the UK, London. When the number of troops repulsed ISIS and surrender their weapons confiscated Iraqi military, and they were very sophisticated weapons. Similar to the American elite forces weapons.
As quoted by Al-Arabiya on Tuesday (09/09/2014), ISIS conclusively proven system using the main tool of defense (defense equipment) made in America with a significant amount, having seized Mosul some time ago. These findings are particularly disturbing number of military experts.
The question that still block, of which the sophisticated weapons that could fall into the hands of forces ISIS, but the weapon was very expensive, sophisticated and dangerous? If ISIS received assistance from the American secret or whoever it is, what motivated giver sophisticated weapons it?
No wonder, ISIS dare to threaten the United States will destroy STATUE LIBERTY pride of America and the world, because they got huge help from a mysterious country that is very rich. If it is proven true, ISIS military assistance and technology war, then there would be no one who could break the military pasukanb ISIS attacks, even though American allied forces.
Surprisingly, one of the US weapons owned ISIS is an M-16 assault rifles. These weapons began to be used the US Army for jungle warfare operations in South Vietnam in 1963 ago. And these weapons falling into the hands of ISIS, without any description of where the ISIS got sophisticated weapons.
ISIS also has American-made Humvees car that is often used to launch suicide bomb attacks. ISIS vehicle was obtained from captured Iraqi soldiers after the military headquarters of the country. This is baffled military experts. Why ISIS is so easy to get highly sophisticated military facilities, but other forces are not.