great info

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bali Tourism guarded Tight Security After Death Penalty Bali Nine

Bali became the target of death row convicts effects Bali Nine. Since the execution of the death penalty, a number of places in Bali prevent a pressure tight security. The area is guarded by police around the tourist areas, such as Kuta and many more.

After the execution of two death row Bali Nine, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, along with six other death row inmate recently, the tourists a bit tense because many police everywhere. They conduct inspections and maintenance hala-tight to avoid unwanted things.

Hall is in a joint operation project authorities. This is to keep things undesirable, for example retaliation or protest against the death sentence of the Bali Nine. Kuta police chief, Commissioner Ida Bagus Deddy Januarta, said the increase is a matter of security is done to provide security and comfort for travelers from various countries of the world. Because Bali is the island most visited by tourists the world. "It is anticipated post-execution Bali Nine. The aim is to improve safety on tourists visiting Bali. So tourists remain comfortable during a visit to Bali," said Deddy, Thursday, April 30, 2015.

In the operation, which was held today police officer managed to secure as many as three people because it has no identity. Some of them allegedly due to negligent motif and the rest there is no intention to have an identity. This is very worrying.

"Earlier our personnel 50 people Bali Denpasar Police confirmed 60 people security. Likewise for an afternoon or evening combined safety, integrated with traditional village activities, patrol together to prevent the things we do not want in our region," he said. In other words, Bali is now in the process of tight security due to the execution of the Bali Nine beberpaa days ago. The goal is for security and comfort together. Please come to Bali, all heavily guarded by our security forces. ***

Friday, May 8, 2015

Nuclear war will happen in 2015

Nuclear war will happen in 2015. Once concluded military experts from several major countries. Why does this happen? since the end of the bipolar force after the collapse of the superiority of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War and then some time later, it appeared that some countries secretly making nuclear reactor for self-defense.

Especially North Korea and Iraq, both of which have the potential to develop nuclear weapons of mass destruction. So far there are only five large countries labeled as states strength nuclear weapons (Nuclear Weapon States / NWS), namely China, France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United States, and Great Britain or England. Five countries openly acknowledge possession of nuclear weapons and openly also signed and ratified the memorandum of nuclear non-proliferation treaty or better known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

This is a great danger to watch out, because nuclear power could jeopardize any state, with enormous destructive power. China, France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United States, and Great Britain or England is the fifth country great military strength. Have a great nuclear power. Hopefully none of the 5 countries that are fighting to force them to use nuclear weapons. Why 2015? Because this year, so many international issues unresolved. No need to discuss any issues, which are obviously very much. And trigger a nuclear war is the economic crisis.

All orangt know that hungry makes people become grumpy character. What if a country hungry. Certainly will make them an economic crisis. In conditions of hunger, even presidents tend to use cut corners to resolve any problems, without thinking. This is the beginning of a nuclear war could happen in 2015.

Devastating nuclear war world, as if a nuclear burst disebuah State, the effect is not only the impact on one country but several countries around due to the enormity of the nuclear explosion.

We remember, when American bombing in the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan, what happened? Millions of Japanese national psyche instantaneous drift due to the effects of the nuclear explosion. In an instant, the two cities were paralyzed, and corpses scattered everywhere. In fact, until this moment, the two cities that the soil still contains radioactive and can not be planted with trees. Hopefully nuclear peranmg never happened. ***

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Ilmu properti itu kini makanan wajib bagi pemilik bisnis. Mengapa ? Karena sebagai pemilik bisnis, kita perlu kantor untuk operasional bisnis. Dan biaya sewa kantor amat sangat mahal, apalagi membeli kantor. Harganya kini selangit. Dengan ilmu properti, kita bisa berhemat banyak bahkan tetap dapat uang. Inilah seninya berbisnis properti. Kami persembahkan ebook karya Emas, Cipto Junaidy secara GRATIS, khusus pengunjung

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Monday, May 4, 2015

ISIS has a highly sophisticated weapons technology, surpassing the American weapons!

This is crazy! ISIS has a highly sophisticated weapons technology, surpassing the American weapons! Dupercaya difficult, ISIS is considered minorities, now more teeth. After expanding his territory in Iraq and Syria, ISIS continues to demonstrate American military power to be made increasingly helpless.

Daulah Islamiyah, the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) continued guerrilla and widen his powers. In launching its action, ISLAM forces known as the Islamic State (IS) that uses some fairly sophisticated military weapons, including those from the United States.

What happened? Really ISIS received help from US intelligence agencies or ISIS indeed been seized weapons until the American elite has a lot of advanced weapons that are difficult to accept common sense.

The new findings come from Weapons Research Agency, based in the UK, London. When the number of troops repulsed ISIS and surrender their weapons confiscated Iraqi military, and they were very sophisticated weapons. Similar to the American elite forces weapons.

As quoted by Al-Arabiya on Tuesday (09/09/2014), ISIS conclusively proven system using the main tool of defense (defense equipment) made in America with a significant amount, having seized Mosul some time ago. These findings are particularly disturbing number of military experts.

The question that still block, of which the sophisticated weapons that could fall into the hands of forces ISIS, but the weapon was very expensive, sophisticated and dangerous? If ISIS received assistance from the American secret or whoever it is, what motivated giver sophisticated weapons it?

No wonder, ISIS dare to threaten the United States will destroy STATUE LIBERTY pride of America and the world, because they got huge help from a mysterious country that is very rich. If it is proven true, ISIS military assistance and technology war, then there would be no one who could break the military pasukanb ISIS attacks, even though American allied forces.

Surprisingly, one of the US weapons owned ISIS is an M-16 assault rifles. These weapons began to be used the US Army for jungle warfare operations in South Vietnam in 1963 ago. And these weapons falling into the hands of ISIS, without any description of where the ISIS got sophisticated weapons.

ISIS also has American-made Humvees car that is often used to launch suicide bomb attacks. ISIS vehicle was obtained from captured Iraqi soldiers after the military headquarters of the country. This is baffled military experts. Why ISIS is so easy to get highly sophisticated military facilities, but other forces are not.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Head of US President Barack Hussein Obama will be beheaded by ISIS

Head of US President Barack Hussein Obama will be beheaded by ISIS and America will become a Muslim province, so video messages uploaded via youtube. This threat is serious, because ISIS has reserves of billions of dollars of investor mysterious.

Barack Obama became the main target of ISIS as the holder of American control. And according to the message through the media ISIS, ISIS will move quickly toward the White House, and immediately ambushed Obama to be beheaded in the palace of the State. Is this the only threat ISIS course? Turns tidaa. ISIS does not mess around, because they have prepared carefully plan this big since then.

While Barack Obama and US government officials just smiled at the news. Obama confident, ISIS could not penetrate the palace of the State which contains a selection of American soldiers.

As usual, on video tape, ISIS shows a militia member suspected the Kurds, dressed in black. After ISIS threatens Obama with the words very seriously, ISIS immediately grabbed a hostage and then his neck was slashed to death.

"Oh, Obama, we will reach the United States. Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House and turn America into a Muslim province, "said one of the ISIS eksekuter after the slaughter of prisoners of war. Thus these news sources quoted by the Daily Mail, Tuesday, January 27, 2015 last.

ISIS threat not only addressed to the United States, but also France and "sister", Belgium. "We warn you that we will come to you with car bombs and explosives and will chop off your head," he said, closing the tape.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Albert Einstein turned out to be a Muslim, Islam

Albert Einstein turned out to be a Muslim, Islam. Many scientists argue, scientist Albert Einstein was west, but there are facts that prove that he is a Muslim, Islam.

Various opinions crisscrossing the news above truth, but after experts read the facts about the letter written directly by Albert Einstein, they finally admitted that Einstein is ISLAM.

Iranian news agency IRIB (24/9) has recently carried a story stating that the scientist Albert Einstein is a Shia Islam. IRIB quoted a confidential letter Albert Einstein, German scientist inventor of the theory of relativity, which showed that he was an adherent of the Islamic schools tersebut.Ini real evidence, that Einstein is ISLAM.

………………. Based on the report sites, Einstein in 1954 in his letter to Ayatollah Al-Sayid Udzma Hossein Boroujerdi, a large Shiite Marji at the time, stated, "After 40 times to establish contact with your correspondence (Ayatollah Boroujerdi), I now accept religion 12 Shia sect of Islam and Imam ".

Einstein in his letter explained that Islam is more important than the whole other religions and refer to it as the most perfect religion and rational. This opinion gets a lot of criticism and harsh criticism of non-Islamic scientist, and said that the news was only a bouquet of some people only. But other evidence strengthens.

Stressed, "If the whole world trying to make me upset against this holy faith, they would not be able to do so if only to exude a speck of doubt to me". Einstein said in his letter.

………………. Einstein in his last paper titled Die Erklärung (Declaration) which was written in 1954 in the United States in German examine the theory of relativity through the verses of the Koran and sayings of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib in the book Nahj Balaghah. In that paper, Einstein said about the explanation of Imam Ali Miraj physical journey the Prophet to heaven and the angelic realm is only done in a few seconds as the explanation of Imam Ali was the most valuable.

Apparently, the incidence of Ascension of Prophet Muhammad powerful former member for Einstein. Although at first, it was like a fairy tale story is empty, but Einstein with physics formulas proves that the journey of the Prophet Muhammad turned out to be very rational and can be proven with science. And from that incident, Albert Einstein finally entered ISLAM.

International labor day, the Labour Welfare Ask the business owner through the government

Precisely international labor day on May 1, 2015. On this day, all workers in the world gathered and held a rally in the street. They provide aspiration and also the demands on government welfare.

Workers in the world, has one emotional bond. They communicate with one another and establish a close relationship between the labor organizations with other labor organizations.

On this Labor Day, all labor organizations gather and voice messages to the public that workers also determine the future of the nation.

Head of Social Affairs and Labor (Dinsosnaker) Denpasar IGA Rai Anom Suradi already spread letters to 200 companies in the city of Denpasar on 15 April 2015.

The letter is an appeal from the Ministry of Labour so that when the Centre National Labor Day which falls on May 1, the entire company held an internal event.

Bali government did not consider May 1 as a holiday but more towards the means of communication between employees and the employer. So they are more familiar and are familial.

All workers in Bali, suggested by Iga Rai Anom Suradi that on this Labor Day, all should keep kesatun and unity in order to create a harmonious relationship between all parties.

Labor Day has a long journey. It was triggered from the gap between business owners and workers welfare. The workers feel themselves in the dairy energy and mind but given the minimal level of welfare, while increasingly wealthy and prosperous businessman on kerjasa hard labor.

This is the base of the national labor day and also in the world as a day commemorated by workers. Generally, on this day, labor organizations make speeches, and parades around the city. They membewri voice to employers and the government to raise their welfare. **