great info

Sunday, May 24, 2015


If the airplane has a black box in his body that allows you to record all events when the aircraft above the air, then this is no great discovery of the black box on human beings. Read then you will be amazed!

In general, we think the coccyx, located at the bottom of the vertebral column as a vestigial organ that does not have any function. You will regret it if think so. Let's see what is done by a German anatomist, R Wiedersheim. In 1895, he conducted research a list of 100 anatomical structures of the body that are considered not to have these functions.

One of them is the coccyx. However, as technology advances, the function of the organ more open secret. Coccyx supports the bones around the pelvis and is the meeting point of some small muscles. Boneless, humans would not be able to sit properly.

The secret of the tail bones had been found. Han is Spemann, German scientists who managed to get the prize Nobel Medicine field in 1935. In his research he can prove that the origin of life is the coccyx. Han Spemann research on this tail bone concluded that the origin of living things originated from BONE TAIL.

In his research, he cut off the tail bone of a number of reptiles, then mengimplantasikan into other embryos. As a result, the coccyx is grown as the second fetus in fetus host.

For that Han called it "The Primary Organizer" or the organizers first.

At the moment the sperm fertilizes the ovum (egg), then the formation of the fetus begins. When the ovum has been fertilized (zygotes), it splits into two cells and continue to proliferate. Forming embryonic disk (slab embryo) which has two layers. First, External epiblast consisting of cytotrophoblasts, serves the food supply of the embryo in the uterine wall, and distribute nutrients from the blood and glandular fluid in the uterine wall.

While the second layer, Internal Hypoblast which has existed since the formation of the fetus first time. On the 15th day, a simple layer appears on the back of the embryo with the back of the so-called primitive node (a simple blob). From this some elements and networks, such as the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endodermterbentuk. Ectoderm, forming skin and central nervous system.

Mesoderm, forming smooth muscle digestive system (digestive), skeletal muscle (skeleton), circulatory system, heart, bones in the genital and urinary system (in addition to the bladder), jaringansubcutaneous, lymphatic system, the spleen and the outer skin. Meanwhile, Endoderm, forming a layer on the digestive system, the respiratory system, the organs associated with the digestive system (such as the liver and pancreas), bladder, thyroid gland (goiter), and the auditory canal. Simple blob is what they refer to as the coccyx.

In another study, Han tried to destroy the tail bone. He pounded and boiled them with high summer temperatures and in a very long time. After becoming fine flakes, he tried mengimplantasikan other bones in the fetus is still in the early stages of the embryo. As a result, the tail bone continued to grow and form a secondary fetus in the guest body (organ guests). Although it has been crushed and heated in such a way, bone is not 'destroyed'.

Dr. Othman al Djilani and Dr. Othman al Djilan also conducts similar research. In the month of Ramadan 1423 H, they both grilling coccyx with a high temperature submersible ten minutes.

Bone was changed, become black. Then, they took the bone to al Olaki Laboratory, Sana'a, Yemen, to be analyzed. Having researched by Dr. al Olaki, professor of histology and pathology at Sana'a University, was found that cells in the tail bone tissue is not affected.

Even cells that could survive despite all the burning longer. Muslim scientists in the second half of the 20th century have been basing their understanding of the miracle traditions of the coccyx is the most basic rules of knowledge, namely "The coccyx is the first part of the growing fetus, commonly called the primitive streak, which is the main part that is formed in the third week ". This proves the truth of the words of the Prophet, "From the bone ekorlah you will be resurrected."

Supplement: Moreover, -and this is terpenting-, 'ajbu dz-dzanab, or coccyx -sari rikadatu or Relix in Hindu-Budha- language, based on cutting-edge research, as presented by Jamil Zaini, Southeast Asia Kubik Trainer Jakarta when filling Iftar at Al Azhar-Solo Baru with the headline, "Inspiring Day; Inspiring The Spirit of Life ", the coccyx is to record all the actions of the children of Adam, from birth to death. He recorded all their good and bad deeds. And their actions will affect the condition of the tail bone. Clean or dirty black and white. The more positive energy or merit then the net bone tail, and the more negative energy or bad someone then the tail bone was Black. In the Hindu-Buddhist tradition, the bodies of people who die of them will be burned, and among the sought after deceased to ashes is the tail bone. They want to see what color the tail bone; white or black. Pak Jamil also explained that there are approximately 2004 exhibition Shidarta Gawtama tail bone. Shidarta tail bone Gawtama clean translucent white, this is because the positive energy carried by Shidarta Gawtama much. From this, a reply on the last day in the future will never be confused. From this tail bone, humans will return created, and they will be rewarded according to the level of their deeds. Miraculously, these are all Prophet had mentioned decades of the last century.


Thursday, May 21, 2015


Bali went on to become the best island in Asia. Not only that, the island of Lombok went into the 10 best island in Asia. This news happiest residents of Bali, Because got rid of some other major Asian countries.

Towards the end of the year, various polls are held. One poll released traveling magazine Conde Nast Traveler's (CN Traveler) is the best island in Asia. Cool, Indonesia has two islands are perched in rows 10, quoted from CN Traveler, Wednesday (31/10/2012).

Bali was never fails to spoil all the tourists who travel there. The beauty of this island is always just make tourists want to go back on vacation there. Premises very convincing Bali was crowned as the best island in Asia in 2012. Rating for this beautiful island is 81.8. This news is very remarkable.

In the mentioned criteria, a view of Bali received a rating of 90.4. Meanwhile, the island's hospitality community also gets high enough figure is 90.9. Atmosphere for a holiday in Bali has a figure of 87.8.

Which is a favorite of many international traveler while on vacation here is a very comfortable inn. The resort is located on a cliff edge or middle of the forest with spectacular views of the tourists were able to make love. I wonder if the stay in Bali received a rating of 86.9.

Bali charm outperformed some of the island's flagship neighboring countries. Such as Phuket Island, Thailand is located in position 2, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia who are in positions 4 and Cebu Island, Philippines which is in position 7. Whereas opponent Bali is very hefty, but still as beautiful and good by Bali.

Still neighboring Bali, Lombok there are also included in the list of 10 best island in Asia. Being in position 9, Lombok ratings of as many as 73.5.

Lombok has a view that is also capable of making many tourists fall in love. The cleanliness of the beach and the sea is admirable. The rating for the sights in Lombok was 82.2 and the beauty of the beaches on this island gets a great rating is 82.5. Wow this is really very nice to be a reference to a lot of people.

Here's a list of 10 best island in Asia in 2012 Conde Nast Traveler version:

1. Bali, Indonesia

2. Phuket, Thailand

3. Luzon, Philippines

4. Langkawi, Malaysia

5. Koh Samui, Thailand

6. Hokkaido, Japan

7. Cebu, Philippines

8. The Malaysian Borneo, Malaysia

9. Lombok, Indonesia

10. Mindanao, Philippines

You are now increasingly believe it, that Bali becomes a very decent place to tour, either with a partner or family life. Let's go to Bali, when else if not now.

Monday, May 18, 2015


Bali is a city of a million charm. All tourists eager to Bali. From the Asian continent to continent of Europe. Even some tourists who pernha to Bali will come again and again. This indicates that Bali has strong appeal for tourists because it is magical.

However, did you know that there laranga that must be followed during this paradise island? Yes, the ban was certain and you must obey or will experience adverse events.

Here are some restrictions, please dismiak so you do not break during the tour to Bali:

When the ban on Nyepi

- No exit the hotel or inn.

- No turning on the lights at night.

- No fires.

When prohibition Been to Pura - Women who are menstruating or childbirth are prohibited discharged into the environment Pura.

- No wearing shorts. For those who wear shorts to wear gloves that are usually provided outside the temple.

- Do not walk in front of people who are praying or performing religious rituals.

- Do not take pictures of people who were praying or pastor who leads prayers using the flash (flash light).

A ban on the Road

- Be careful when walking at the mall. Not to step on offerings that may be placed in front of the store.

- Be patient wait time of no procession or ceremonial procession on the road. Do not honk excessive.

Ban on beach

- No swim in zones marked with a red flag.

- Pay attention to the wind and wave conditions. If the wave is too big, do not push yourself to swim despite the warning of danger has not been installed, especially in places like the beach with big waves in Kuta, Pecatu, Jimbaran, and the southern part of Bali.

- Do not ignore the warning of coastal surveillance team.

- Do not litter.

- Do not shoot people randomly. Many tourists, especially foreign tourists, dressed in a rather open on the beach. They might be offended if photographed at will.

- Try not to smoke in coastal environments.

Ethics and Civility in Bali

- Avoid touching the other person while interacting.

- Do not defecate in any place. Some trees in Bali is considered sacred, usually marked with a bonded fabric and offerings, and believed to be the residence of the other world creatures.

- Do not mock statue (sculpture), masks, or custom objects and Balinese art.

- Respect for local residents by behaving polite and courteous.

Similarly, some of the restrictions in Bali, may be useful.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cristiano Ronaldo girlfriend decided, Find Why ?

Cristiano Ronaldo had dropped his achievements while in the field. This is due to factors romance with her boyfriend, namely Irina Shayk, Russian supermodel. Last Khabar, Ronaldo somewhat stress due to her love affair decided by the Shayk. What caused it? Once traced, Ronaldo was caught having an affair with many women. It's unknown when Shayk read short messages (sms) Ronaldo whose contents several treaties dating and endearments that triggers an affair with another woman. Of course, Ronaldo was devastated and sad, because Shayk woman he loves. He claimed there was a relationship other than Shayk but it is more towards the demand of the fans and there is no serious intent. Initially Shayk accept the reasons Ronaldo, Real Madrid's most expensive player was shown a yellow card by the time Shayk. But along with the time, it was tired because of super models like Ronaldo felt lied to view the content of SMS messages that make my heart hurt tone. Ronaldo always smart bersilat tongue, smart as carrying the ball on the soccer field. However, because there are some errors that can not be forgiven, eventually with a heavy heart, the super model finally RED CARD members on Ronaldo to Ronaldo should get out of the hearts of the Russian super model. Priiiiiit, you're out!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

NASA aircraft, collision of Mercury Create crater Amounting to 16 Meters

NASA technology in order to conquer the sky getting tested. After planetary exploration mission by the United States Space Agency (NASA) ended as planned, but the ongoing dramatic. This happens when a spacecraft MESSENGER (Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging) hit the surface of Mercury and creating a crater as wide as 16 meters.

Kandasnya MESSENGER spacecraft is not due to a technical fault astronauts or space mission the crew of developers but because the fuel has run out MESSENGER. After 4 years of being in space, to capture imaging in space, the plane eventually ran aground and hit the surface of Mercury.

As reported of, Saturday (2/5), NASA said the spacecraft MESSENGER 11-year-old ran out of fuel and hit Mercury's surface at a speed of about 8,750 miles per hour (3.91 kilometers per second). Mission controllers at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, confirmed the spacecraft hit the surface of Mercury at 03:26 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

This mission is actually quite successful, because the target has been reached. Which surrounds the planet Mercury 4105 times within 4 years. And it has been successful imaging.

MESSENGER launched on 3 August 2004 and began to orbit around Mercury on March 17, 2011. At the end of the mission, Although already completed its main scientific objectives in March 2012, the aircraft mission was extended twice, allowing it to capture images and information about the planet.

Among many MESSENGER mission accomplishment, which determine the composition of Mercury's surface, reveal the geological history, finding its internal magnetic field, as well as verifying the polar deposits are dominated by water ice turns.

And unmanned research has received many accolades from many quarters because of successful control of air from a distance, Mercury researching for 4 years. This is proof that NASA has a vision of the future to conquer space.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Giant mountain in Sumatra Island Underwater

Sumatra and surrounding residents must be alert, because it found a giant volcano under the sea. The location is very close to the island of Sumatra and surrounding areas. And if the volcano is active and erupts, then drop it all the residents of the island of Sumatra and the surrounding areas. Not only the residents of Sumatra, it could be the entire people of Indonesia and Asia and even, feel musibahnya.

Giant volcano 50 kilometers in diameter with a height of 4,600 meters was found in the waters west of Sumatra. This discovery raises concerns, because if true seamount was active, residents worried about his safety is threatened.

In addition to the size of the submarine volcano was very large, this mountain also has an active potential. Some researchers Indonesia has been sent to the mountain, and from the results of his research, the mountain was still considered safe. Khabar bad, the mountain can be activated with bebeapa factor.

According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Geologists Association (IAGI) branch of West Sumatra, giant mountain ancient relics possibility ddiperkirakan inactive.

"From satellite photos whereabouts unknown but so far has never detected any volcanic activity of this invention position," he said when contacted headline, Friday, May 29, 2009. The question is why now the giant mountain is known, because actually been around since Antiquity, but it seemed so big in size.

Although it is theoretically less likely active, Ade assess the size of the discovery of the giant mountain at a depth of 5.9 km to 330 km Southwestern Bengkulu Sumatra need ditidaklanjuti to ensure its activities. It can be active, because according to past experience, there is a mountain that is considered dead turned out to be active and erupt with a vengeance.

According to Ade, in theory mountain in the waters west of Sumatra plate collision tend to be active, depending if the mountain is located in the east zone of collision. "If he is active, this is odd and questionable," said Ade.

No matter how, to do research on the giant mountain is not easy because in addition to in depth away from the sea surface also require sophisticated equipment for detection gununbg the giant. Now research still continue until now. Hopefully it is not active.


Mosquitoes it can be used as a biological weapon is very dangerous. It says Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, a biologist at the University of Tubingen Germany. German scientists do not talk nonsense, he researched historical records involving the Dachau concentration camp. In World War II in 1939-1945, almost Nazi scientists used mosquitoes as a combat weapon. These findings by Reinhardt later published in December 2013 issue of the magazine Endeavour ago.

Actually very reasonable as well. The presence of mosquitoes do not become suspicion opponent, especially in the military. This thinking is based on the character of mosquitoes that can live 4 days without eating and drinking. And this becomes a crazy idea a number of countries to develop biological weapons secrets.

How does it work? Easy. As told by Reinhardt, the Nazis never used this military strategy. NAZI scientists using mosquitoes that had terinfejsi malaria. The mosquitoes are kept in a special place and the throwing of the aircraft. Of course, hungry mosquitoes that have been made and are already infected with malaria will savage the prowl. The mosquitoes were thrown into a number of points the opponent's headquarters, such as forts, air bases, military bases and a number of strategic locations.

As a result. Proved very effective. Some enemies NAZI suddenly much loss due to severe malaria attack. Many opponent forces that suddenly sick with malaria, and nature simultaneously.

Mosquitoes actually be a very effective biological weapon to weaken the opposing forces. Without nuclear, without physical violence and without wasting much it will cost to weaken opponents. Simply use the RICE way weaken the opposing forces. In World War II in 1939-1945, almost Nazi scientists used mosquitoes as a combat weapon. And it is already happening, even if the news when the Nazis said delaying the ridiculous strategy. Why NAZI had said that this strategy was thwarted? As it turns out NAZI chose to conceal this military strategy to secretly used for opponents - his opponent.

According to Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, a biologist at the University of Tubingen Germany, mosquitoes are very ideal biological weapon. There are some major advantages. First, capital is very small. Second, mosquitoes can in infeksikan with many deadly virus. Not only malaria, HIV could, the deadly Ebola virus or virus that is difficult to cure. Third, circuitry using biological weapons mosquito, not brought suspicion to the opponent because mosquitoes can slip in the strictest fort once. So stay safe from the reach of radar opponents.

Here's a little valuable information, may be considered the reader as well.