great info

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Doing business activities require foresight and tenacity to get customers who play increases from time to time. America is a country that is very rich. There is one kind of new business that is worth a try, that the order of business.

What is the order of business? Order of business is a business that is looking for customers who need a product or service from a particular State. For example, you as a business in order to offer a number of people to look for anything in this world.

Some people will be looking for unique items, antic and interesting, but the most common. You can offer via the website or open a shop in your town. Your prospective customer is anyone who wants to find something that does not exist in the United States. You must have a relation of many countries to run this business.

Generally you should have a close friend or a list of data that you offer. For example there are friends who want to look for wood sculptures from Bali. Then you immediately contact your friend who is in Bali to ask sought the statue, complete with price and spec photograph. Well, disnilah the location of this business. You get a profit from the difference between the price of the statue, with the price you are offering to the customer. Its business model is very simple but can be very profitable, as long as you patiently and carefully targeting the market.


Melakukan aktivitas bisnis memerlukan kejelian dan kegigihan untuk mendapatkan pelanggan yang main bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Amerika adalah Negara yang sangat kaya. Ada satu jenis bisnis baru yang layak dicoba, yaitu bisnis pesanan.

Apa itu bisnis pesanan ? Bisnis pesanan adalah bisnis yang mencari pelanggan yang memerlukan suatu barang atau jasa dari Negara tertentu. Misalnya, Anda sebagai bisnis pesanan menawarkan pada sejumlah orang untuk mencari apapun di dunia ini.

Beberapa orang akan mencari barang yang unik, antic dan menarik, namun kebanyakan bersifat umum. Anda bisa menawarkan melalui website atau buka toko di kota Anda. Calon customer Anda adalah siapapun yang ingin mencari sesuatu yang tak ada di Negara Amerika. Anda harus memiliki relasi dari banyak Negara untuk menjalankan bisnis ini.

Umumnya Anda harus memiliki sejumlah teman dekat atau list data yang akan Anda tawarkan. Misalnya ada teman Anda yang ingin dicarikan patung kayu dari Bali. Maka Anda langsung kontak teman Anda yang ada di Bali untuk minta dicarikan patung tersebut, lengkap dengan spek harga dan fotonya. Nah, disnilah letak dari bisnis ini. Anda mendapatkan profit dari selisih harga patung tersebut, dengan harga yang Anda tawarkan ke customer. Model bisnisnya sangat sederhana tapi bisa sangat menguntungkan, asal Anda sabar dan teliti membidik pasar.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Bali island will sink. Make sure you are a frequent visitor to Bali, read this important information. Why Bali will sink? This is not a hoax or rumors, but the news was based on the fact the researchers that this paradise island will sink. Perhaps you will bertannya, what essentially that Bali will sink?

We know bring Bali since ancient times until now undergoing extensive shrinkage of the island. If we pay attention, the land on the island of Bali steadily narrowing as a result of natural processes such as coastal erosion. Increasingly, the greater coastal erosion to gnaw the island gradually.

Some community leaders Bali recommends that created a kind of reclamation. Reclamation function is to inform the people of Bali to remain vigilant and together find solutions together. The more the information is open to the public, the impact the better. "Reclamation in many places just to save the land from possible drowning due to abrasion," said Made Mudarta young politician origin Jembrana encountered in Denpasar, on Saturday (02/22/2014).

According to Made Mudarta, the earlier socialize threat of coastal erosion, amak society increasingly critical to both cooperate to make a sort of breakwater, until every edge pulauy not quickly consumed by the wash of the sea ombang.

Bali will sink, if the people and government of Bali is not responsive overcome this. Every time Bali island shrank to become smaller and smaller and finally drowned by the sea.

"Developed countries have all been doing reclamation. Other countries do reclamation, well, if we do not do, then we will sink," said Mudarta who is also Chairman of the Council of the Democratic Party of Bali.

In fact, Mudarta illustrates quite extreme if, no preparation early, not thinking about what will happen in the future, then one day just to stay Bali Mount Agung and Mount Batur only. "The others will sink," he said seriously.

It does not mess around. The sinking of Bali can actually be solved in many ways. The most sensible way is to bring the idea to get a good idea and there are people who are trusted to carry out the idea. Whichever way it is, if it is a solution for Bali then do so.

He pointed out, Tanah Lot in Tabanan, actually has been doing reclamation by constructing the breakwater beach. If it does not do that, then the island of Pura Tanah Lot is a mainstay of tourism in Bali, will sink.

Bali so many relics of a very historic for Indonesia, but if it is not protected then it will possibly sinking ocean waves swept increasingly greater. Let beridukunga to the Balinese people to anticipate this problem.


Pulau Bali akan tenggelam. Pastikan Anda yang sering berkunjung ke Bali, baca informasi penting ini. Mengapa Bali akan tenggelam ? Ini bukan hoax atau berita burung, tapi berita yang didasari dari fakta para peneliti bahwa pulau dewata ini akan tenggelam. Mungkin Anda akan bertannya, apa dasarnya bahwa Bali akan tenggelam ?

Kita tahu bawa Bali sejak jaman dulu hingga sekarang mengalami penyusutan luas pulau., Jika kita perhatikan, daratan di Pulau Bali terus mengalami penyempitan akibat proses alam seperti abrasi pantai. Semakin hari, abrasi pantai semakin besar hingga menggerogoti pulau Bali setahap demi setahap.

Beberapa tokoh masyarakat Bali menyarankan agar dibuatkan semacam reklamasi. Fungsi reklamasi ini untuk memberitahu kepada masyarakat Bali agar tetap waspada dan sama-sama mencari solusi bersama. Semakin informasi ini dibuka ke umum maka dampaknya semakin bagus.

"Reklamasi di banyak tempat justru untuk menyelamatkan daratan dari kemungkinan tenggelam akibat abrasi," kata Made Mudarta politisi muda asal Kabupaten Jembrana ditemui di Denpasar, Sabtu (22/2/2014).

Menurut Made Mudarta, semakin dini mensosialisasikan ancaman abrasi pantai, amak masyarakat makin kritis untuk sama-sama bekerjasama membuat semacam pemecah gelombang, hingga setiap pinggir pulauy tidak cepat termakan oleh sapuan ombang laut.

Bali akan tenggelam, jika masyarakatnya dan pemerintah Bali tidak cepat tanggap menanggulangi hal ini. Setiap waktu Bali mengalami penyusutan hingga pulau Bali makin kecil dan kecil dan akhirnya tenggelam oleh laut.

"Negara-negara maju semua telah melakukan reklamasi. Negara lain melakukan reklamasi, nah kalau kita tidak melakukan, maka kita akan tenggelam," tandas Mudarta yang juga Ketua DPD Partai Demokrat Bali itu. Bahkan, Mudarta memberi ilustrasi cukup ekstrem jika, tidak ada penyiapan sejak dini, tidak memikirkan apa yang akan terjadi kelak, maka suatu saat Bali hanya tinggal gunung Agung dan Gunung Batur saja. "Yang lain akan tenggelam," tukasnya serius.

Ini tidak main-main. Tenggelamnya Bali sebenarnya bisa diatasi dengan banyak cara. Cara yang paling masuk akal adalah menyatukan ide untuk mendapat ide yang bagus lalu ada orang yang dipercaya untuk melaksanakan ide tersebut. Apapun cara itu, jika memang menjadi solusi bagi Bali maka lakukanlah.

Dia mencontohkan, Tanah Lot di Kabupaten Tabanan, sejatinya telah melakukan reklamasi dengan membangun pemecah gelombang pantai. Jika tidak melakukan itu, maka Pulau Pura Tanah Lot yang menjadi andalan pariwisata Bali, akan tenggelam.

Begitu banyak peninggalan Bali yang amat bersejarah bagi Indonesia, namun jika tidak dilindungi maka tidak menutup kemungkinan akan tengelam tersapu gelombang laut yang semakin hari semakin besar. Ayo kita beridukunga kepada masyarakat Bali untuk antisipasi masalah ini.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Cars fly, soon we will see cars flying at a very high speed. Say goodbye to bottlenecks because flying car technology will replace existing means of land transportation.

Flying car, created by Jerry Sanders, CEO SkyTran, as quoted in CNNMoney, Saturday, October 24, 2015. This car is very unique and only a limited capacity, less than 5 people. Created to avoid traffic congestion and overcomes the limitations of time. The car is named SkyTran is the car of the future that will be launched later in 2018.

Talk costs, cheaper than the subway or the manufacture of hybrid vehicles. But if measured in terms of speed, the SkyTrain is superior and winning. "The present system is more expensive and a lot of energy. While requiring substantial infrastructure and a lot of carbon," he said.

At a cost of US $ 8 million per kilometer and car prices between US $ 25 thousand to $ 30 thousand, Sanders claim the figure is only one-third of hybird cars. This is an extraordinary and prospects for the future. Materials used are also cheaper. Only made of steel and aluminum. The CEO said that the whole system can be built and installed in a matter of days.

He claimed many cities in the US interest. Not only that, the airport Charles de Gaulle, France, is also interested in developing it. He hopes, SkyTran, it could be a transportation system in the future. We wait for further developments, will hopefully quickly get into our country each masing.Semangat!


Indonesia surrounded smoke. Several large islands such as Sumatra and East Kalimantan, enveloped in dense smoke. Of course, the population around forest was experiencing a lot of suffering, ranging from shortness of breath disease to lung tract infections. States, through the US ambassador to Indonesia, Robert Blake, provide assistance to alleviate the catastrophic forest fires. This is the first aid related to the disaster smoke given by Indonesia.

"This grant is part of US efforts more widely to support Indonesia's efforts to combat forest fires and suppresses the impact on human health," said Blake

It was noble of America against Indonesia, with a total grant of USD 27.5 million, Indonesia is expected to be vigilant in the face catastrophic forest fires. The impact resulting from these fires is not only hamper the economy of a city but also, worse, a slowdown in productivity of society. The number of people sick can be more than 70% and social activities become disturb.

World tours also decreased very drastic, and this affects people's incomes around significantly. As with the Bali, the island of the gods was still a lot of tourists who come. And khabarnya, smoke from Sumatra, Borneo and the area sekitranya already mencapau Jakarta and Bali. This greatly feared everyone.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Who does not believe there sikssa grave? I myself did not initially believe it, because I have found no evidence autrntik about this real experience, but after seeing this video, I am 1001% SURE that the punishment of the grave was there.

A Muslim asked his friend to wrap himself with a white cloth, as if dead. Then he asked to be buried for 20 minutes. Just 20 minutes. Name of the person buried was named Abu Omar (pseudonym), and he admitted this percobaanya as proving the existence of punishment of the grave.

Abu Omar with some friends to do this experiment. Abu Omar was initially hesitant, but to get the truth, he paid dearly to try it yourself. After Abu Omar wrapped in a white cloth as jenajah, he entered into 2 x 1 meter hole and closed with a cover, very tightly until dark.

What happens next for 20 minutes in the grave? I can not explain, you shall see this video with your own eyes or regret a lifetime when you're dialam barzah later. Watch and learn what happened.

PERCOBAAN MASUK KE LUBANG KUBUR, MEMASTIKAN APAKAH ADA ALAM BARZAH SETELAH MATI ? Siapa yang tak percaya ada sikssa kubur ? Saya sendiri awalnya tidak percaya, karena memang belum ada bukti autrntik tentang pengalaman nyata ini, namun setelah melihat video ini, saya YAKIN 1001 % bahwa siksa kubur itu ada. Seorang muslim meminta temannya untuk membungkus dirinya dengan kain putih, seolah-olah sudah meninggal. Lalu ia minta dikubur selama 20 menit. Hanya 20 menit saja. Nama orang yang dikubur itu bernama Abu Omar ( nama samarannya ), dan dia mengaku percobaanya ini sebagai pembuktian adanya siksa kubur.

Abu Omar bersama beberapa temannya melakukan percobaan ini. Awalnya Abu Omar ragu, namun untuk mendapat kebenaran, ia membayar mahal untuk mencobanya sendiri. Setelah Abu Omar dibungkus kain putih seperti jenajah, ia di masukkan ke lubang 2 x 1 meter dan ditutup dengan penutup, sangat rapat hingga gelap gulita.

Apa yang terjadi berikutnya selama 20 menit di lubang kubur ? Saya tak bisa menjelaskan, Anda wajib melihat video ini dengan mata kepala Anda sendiri atau menyesal seumur hidup ketika Anda berada dialam barzah nanti. Tonton dan pelajari apa yang terjadi.

Lihat video dibawah ini :

Friday, October 23, 2015


New latest virus recently discovered virus called Bourbon. This virus infects humans through mosquitoes and a number of media. When a virus infected Bourbon, then it will have an impact on the body's defense system. If the resistance of the body was weak, then that person will experience death.

The virus was first found in Bourbon Bourbon County, Kansas, United States. This is the cause why this virus called Bourbon, as originally from the town of Bourbon in Kansas USA. The first case is a farmer who suddenly experience decreased drastic body endurance. After being brought to the hospital, not the symptoms of the disease were found.

But by some doctors, once researched, farmers were infected with new virus types that do not yet exist in the medical dictionary. From there, the doctors in America named it virus Bourbon, because it originally comes from the origin of the City Kansas American Bourbon. What happened to the victims of the virus-infected Bourbon? In General, the early symptoms of the virus-infected victim Bourdon is a high fever, headache, decreased appetite, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and rash makulopapular in the stomach, chest and back.

At the end of the journey that he a natural disease shortness of breath, which developed into acute respiratory disorders syndrome. If it does not get help then patients will experience a chronic condition that results in death. The virus is still classified as new, and very quickly spread. And the doctors in Kansas United still mecari formula to cure diseases of the Bourbon, because according to him until February 2015 and then there is still no cure.

For those of you who love to travel to the United States, mainly in Kansas, please take heart, because this virus is very contagious and is easily carried away by any person crossing between countries and continents. May be in your country, especially Indonesia, the virus is already settled. And as a precaution, make it a habit to use long sleeves and long pants, for anticipation.



Baru baru ini ditemukan virus terbaru yang bernama virus Bourbon. Virus ini menginfeksi manusia melalui nyamuk dan sejumlah media udara. Ketika seorang terinfeksi virus Bourbon, maka akan berdampak pada sistim pertahanan tubuh. Jika daya tahan tubuh saat itu sedang lemah, maka orang itu akan mengalami kematian.

Virus Bourbon pertama kali ditemukan di Bourbon County, Kansas, Amerika Serikat. Inilah yang menyebabkan mengapa virus ini dinamakan Bourbon, karena asalnya dari kota Bourbon di Kansas Amerika. Kasus pertama adalah petani yang secara tiba-tiba mengalami penurunan daya tahan tubuh secara drastic. Setelah dibawa ke rumah sakit, tidak ditemukan gejala penyakit tersebut. Namun oleh beberapa dokter, setelah diteliti, petani itu terinfeksi jenis virus baru yang belum ada di kamus kedokteran manapun. Dari situ, para dokter di Amerika menamakannya virus Bourbon, karena memang asal mulanya berasal dari kota Bourbon Kansas Amerika.

Apa yang terjadi dengan korban yang terinfeksi virus Bourbon ?

Secara umum, gejala awal yang dialami korban yang terinfeksi virus Bourdon adalah demam tinggi, sakit kepala, nafsu makan menurun, nyeri otot, nyeri sendi, kelelahan, malaise, mual, muntah, diare dan ruam makulopapular pada perut, dada dan punggung. Di akhir perjalanan penyakit yang ia alami sesak napas, yang berkembang menjadi sindrom gangguan pernapasan akut.

Jika tidak mendapat pertolongan maka pasien akan mengalami kondisi kronis yang berujung pada kematian. Virus ini masih tergolong baru, dan sangat cepat menyebar. Dan para dokter di Kansas Amerika masih mecari formula untuk menyembuhkan penyakit dari virus Bourbon ini, karena menurutnya sampai bulan Februari 2015 lalu masih belum ada obatnya.

Bagi Anda yang suka bepergian ke Amerika, terutama di Kansas, harap berhati hati, karena virus ini sangat mudah menular dan terbawa oleh setiap orang melintasi antar Negara dan benua. Boleh jadi di Negara Anda, khususnya Indonesia, virus ini sudah menetap. Dan sebagai pencegahan, biasakan menggunakan lengan panjang dan celana panjang, untuk antisipasi.


Some time ago, an American citizen who recently converted to Islam want to test of religious tolerance in the country of Uncle Sam. What is he doing? He was doing was praying, the activity of worship at the roadside. Of course, this activity is attracting attention.

Some Americans feel weird with the activity of some people. They have a close look of worship prayer and there is also running a while ago. The purpose of this activity is to prove that America, as a large Country, it is also very respectful of religious freedom of everyone. The evidence, what is done by a few youngsters already pointed out that religious tolerance was in America does really exist.