great info

Monday, December 21, 2015

FOUND sea shipwrecks WORTH 17 Billion Dollars , Must Read !

Underwater treasure most expensive in the world, Ship "San Jose found! After 300 years ago, ancient marine vessels came from Spain is eventually discovered by the government of Colombia. Do you want to know, how much total value of the discovery of the ancient ship? worth £ 1bn or 13.8 trillion!

Ship San Jose is part of a sailing ship in the "treasure fleet" (treasure fleet) or a sailing boat carrying the treasure during the War of the Spanish Succession, under General José Fernández de Madrid.

On June 8, 1708, this sailing ship fought with the British sailing ship near Barú, which this event is known as Wager's Action. Sea shipwrecks belonging to the Spanish empire that sank 300 years ago and suspected of carrying treasure worth £ 1bn or 13.8 trillion, finally found in the waters off the coast near the port in the city of Cartagena, in Colombia, a country in South America. This news is quite surprising also to the whole world stunned.

Ship San Jose is part of a sailing ship in the "treasure fleet" (treasure fleet) or a sailing boat carrying the treasure during the War of the Spanish Succession, under General José Fernández de Madrid. This ship biasay bring various valuables, major vegetable and merchandise to be sold across the continent.

Galleon marine species are large sailing ship that has a terraced deck, and is generally used by the European countries from the 16th century until the 18th century. San Jose has 60 pieces of cannon were deployed on each deck, 26 cannons on the lower deck, 26 cannons are on the middle deck and the remaining 8 are spread on the upper deck, halauan and stern. All weapons had been used for years during the exploration of the sea which is very broad and deep (ocean depths up to 3000 meters above sea level). Imagine, swimming depth of 3 meters we already fear.

Ship Galleon generally equipped with cannon types demiculverin when used for trade or for war. Sailing boat of this type is the development of smaller sailing ship called Caravela, or screen-masted ship 3 or 4 called Carraca in Spanish, or Nau in Portuguese. San Jose, including the most skilled fighting ships at sea, because some maneuvers cruising and also power a fuel that is not owned by another vessel in his time.

One sighting or Galleon Galleon ship types, but it belonged to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Galleon used to sail long distances in the ocean. The bow is made lower and extended hull, providing improved stability in water that is not owned ship earlier models. This is the uniqueness of the vessel San Jose phenomenal.

The existence of these wrecks San Jose previously been a dispute between the Colombian government and a company based in the United States. It is very plausible, since the findings of underwater treasure legally belongs to the State concerned, but if found another State, it could be a conflict between the countries.

The company Sea Search Armada (SSA), claims to have discovered the wreck in 1981 ago, but in 2011 a court in the US states that the wreck belonged to the Colombian government. The conflict between Colombia to the United States still continues to smolder, as the findings of the most expensive ocean shipwrecks is of great value.

San Jose ship carrying gold, silver, gems and jewelery collected from different parts of the Spanish colonies in South America. Precious objects that will be used to finance the Spanish in the war against Britain and other countries. San Jose wreck sunk by British warships in June 1708 in a naval battle Wager's Action. And can you imagine, how the value of all the luggage of this ship? You suddenly become trilyuner sudden!

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Had a room under the sea? Wow, cool. Imagine, you sleep disebuah nyamanb room, and around you there is a window surrounded by the sea, complete with a beautiful underwater scenery. What kind of room under the sea? Follow the coverage of the Huffington Post, Monday (13/01/2014). Make room underwater inspire future of your home.

1. The Manta Resort, Tanzania
Pemba Island in Tanzania has a unique hotel that gives a different sensation. One of the rooms at The Manta Resort is under the sea. This lets you enjoy the underwater scenery complete with fish and underwater animals are diverse. This room as well as a room first underwater in Africa. This room is located at 3.9 meters below the sea and offers a view of colorful fish that will decorate around her room. If you want to taste, please come to the island of Pemba in Tanzania.

2. Jules' Undersea Lodge, USA

In a way, this is the oldest underwater hotel in the world. Jules' Undersea Lodge in Florida, the US was built in 1989 and has a fairly unique way of entry. Everyone who wants to stay there must know how to diving.

Because, diving so the only way into this hotel. The rooms are located at 9 meters under the sea has 2 bedrooms with retro style. Presumably, there was nothing that could not be made by Dubai. Because there will be underwater luxury hotel and super cool. The plan, the hotel will be built in the waters of Jumeirah.

There will be 220 rooms under the sea there with luxurious style and exclusivity. The hotel is located at a depth of 30 meters under the sea. Interested stay there? But you have to really - really proficient diving.

3. The Hydropolis Underwater Hotel & Resort, UAE
A luxury hotel built on Arabsaudi administration. With a very large fund, underwater hotel concept that is built not kidding. The layout of the hotel in Dubai Saudi Arabia. You will be surprised how a hotel built under the sea, complete with luxurious amenities and have views of the sea floor that is very impressive.

4. Utter Inn, Sweden
A cute house floats in the calm waters in the middle of the city of Vasteras, Sweden. In a way, this is the Inn at the bottom of the lake which is the simplest in the world. This design hotel is built like a traditional Swedish home.

At the top there is an area for chat room complete with a small terrace directly overlooking the water. At the bottom, exactly 3 meters below the water surface of the lake, there is a comfortable lounge with soft mattresses. Wide glass windows will be exhibiting under the circumstances soothing water. At this hotel, you must have a strong mentality, because the hotel is built in a sea full of tension. Interested want to try?

5. Poisedon Undersea Resort, Fiji
Fiji in the Pacific famous for its beautiful underwater nature. Well, imagine if there was a submarine that can offer super beautiful scenery of the waters of Fiji. Poisedon Undersea Resort is one of the 150,000 candidates who have had guests even from the time the hotel was completed.

Actually, this hotel should have been opened in 2008, but because of one thing and another end is still in the stage of development to the next 5 years. The plan is not only that there will be room in this hotel but also a library under the sea, golf and tennis court area underwater. It is conceivable, all luxurious facilities that will be built under the sea. You must taste this hotel.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Many entrepreneurs run out of energy for building a business. Moreover, the age of the business has reached tens of years, certainly more tired and weak. Like a marathon, his stamina will be decreasing over time. Continued energy consumed to businesses who do not know when completed.

Talk of energy, we know the term leverage. That is, with a special technique, will release energy as small as possible with greater results. Think about, if using more leverage dibisnis, then you will not be a lot of energy consumed. On the other hand, the results of which you can also MUCH BIGGER.

This is the beauty of leverage. Loss if you do not learn more about leverage, because you will go back to the past, everything was resolved with MUSCLE. With leverage, you move the way of thinking towards BEKERCA INTELLIGENT WORK HARD. And that's good for you.

Let's learn some more, what can we leverage in the business:

1. leverage TIME (TIME MASTERY)
Our time is 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Equally, and none of the man whose time is less or more than that count. But using leverage intelligence, one could do more but with less time. How to ? Simple. FOCUS ON MATTERS MOST PRIORITY. That's the key leverage time. Remember the Pareto law, 20 percent of the time you focus on what matters most, will generate 80% of the income you expect. Or vice versa.

Once we mastered the mastery of time (time mastery), it's time to think hard to master how to relate to people right. Namely professionals skilled in the art. You need them to work for you. Leverage in humans is very very very important. This is the key to the abundance of material and time (financially independent and free time). Master the ability to relate to professionals who are competent in their field, then you have a very strong leverage to save your energy.

3. leverage KNOWLEDGE (knowledges MASTERY)
Science is very important. The universe has a law of nature that can not be our opponent. It is very much a law of nature, and learn all the laws of nature is that we do not harm. Mastery of what I mean here is to multiply the reading of books, reading information from the Internet, seminars, join a community, discussions and all the activities that can add to your scientific information. This is leverage knowledge. Especially knowledge of health sciences and business. That's two key science that can deliver you to the door of success.

4. leverage IDE (IDEA MASTERY)
The idea here is an idea that can produce more for less effort. Is a collection of inspirational ideas that produce solutions. With many ideas, the opportunity to do something with the cost of expensive and exhausting can be replaced cheaply and work less. Create a book idea to make savings. Saving time, saving money, saving emotion and energy savings (Think SYSTEM, Save your Self, Time, Energy and Money).

5. leverage Metaphysics
We are sentient beings think once berketuhanan (Iman). The left brain and the right brain. Leverage metaphysics also plays a very important role. When all the efforts and prayers we have done, time to do the release. This is the leverage of metaphysics, which let the end result worked by an invisible hand (of the Lord). Do a lot of effort at this level, because the leverage of prayer is running. Pasrahkan only all the process, let the cosmic wheel moves towards the results you want.


Banyak pengusaha kehabisan energy selama membangun bisnis. Apalagi usia bisnisnya sudah mencapai puluhan tahun, pasti makin letih dan lemah. Ibarat lari marathon, staminanya makin berkurang dari waktu ke waktu. Energi terus tersita ke bisnis yang belum tahu kapan selesai dibangun.

Bicara energy, kita mengenal istilah DAYA UNGKIT. Yaitu dengan teknik khusus, akan mengeluarkan energy sekecil mungkin dengan hasil lebih besar. Coba Anda pikirkan, jika menggunakan lebih banyak daya ungkit dibisnis, maka energy Anda tak akan banyak tersita. Disisi lain, hasil yang Anda dapat juga JAUH LEBIH BESAR.

Inilah indahnya daya ungkit. Rugi kalau Anda tidak belajar lebih dalam tentang daya ungkit, karena Anda akan kembali ke masa lalu, semuanya diselesaikan dengan OTOT. Dengan daya ungkit, Anda memindahkan cara berpikir BEKERJA KERAS menuju BEKERCA CERDAS. Dan itu bagus untuk Anda.

Mari kita pelajari lebih dalam lagi, apa saja yang bisa kita ungkit di bisnis :

Waktu kita adalah 24 jam per hari, 365 hari per tahun. Sama, dan tidak ada satu pun manusia yang waktunya kurang atau lebih dari hitungan itu. Tapi dengan menggunakan kecerdasan daya ungkit, seorang bisa mengerjakan lebih banyak tapi dengan waktu lebih sedikit. Bagaimana caranya ? Simple. FOKUS PADA HAL-HAL YANG PALING PRIORITAS. Itu kunci daya ungkit waktu. Ingat hukum pareto, 20 persen waktu yang Anda fokuskan untuk hal-hal terpenting, akan menghasilkan 80% income yang Anda harapkan. Atau sebaliknya.

Setelah kita menguasai penguasaan waktu (time mastery), saatnya berpikir keras untuk menguasai cara berhubungan dengan orang-orang yang tepat. Yaitu para professional yang ahli dibidangnya. Anda memerlukan mereka untuk bekerja untuk Anda. Daya ungkit pada manusia adalah sangat sangat sangat penting. Inilah kunci kelimpahan materi dan waktu ( bebas financial dan bebas waktu ). Kuasai kemampuan berhubungan dengan para professional yang kompeten dibidangnya, maka Anda memiliki daya ungkit yang sangat kuat untuk menghemat energy Anda.

Ilmu itu sangat penting. Semesta memiliki hukum alam yang tak bisa kita lawan. Hukum alam itu sangat banyak, dan pelajarilah semua hukum alam itu agar kita tidak celaka. Penguasaan ilmu yang saya maksud disini adalah perbanyak membaca buku, membaca info dari internet, seminar, ikut komunitas, diskusi dan semua kegiatan yang bisa menambah informasi keilmuan Anda. Ini adalah daya ungkit pengetahuan. Terutama pengetahuan tentang ilmu kesehatan dan bisnis. Itu dua ilmu kunci yang bisa mengantarkan Anda ke pintu sukses.

Ide disini adalah gagasan yang bisa menghasilkan lebih banyak untuk usaha lebih sedikit. Ide adalah sekumpulan inspirasi yang menghasilkan solusi. Dengan banyak ide, maka peluang untuk mengerjakan sesuatu dengan biaya mahal dan melelahkan bisa diganti dengan biaya murah dan bekerja sedikit. Buat buku ide untuk melakukan penghematan. Penghematan waktu, penghematan uang, penghematan emosi dan penghematan energy ( Ingat saja SYSTEM, Save your Self, Time, Energy and Money ).

Kita adalah mahluk berpikir sekaligus mahluk berketuhanan (Iman). Otak kiri dan otak kanan. Daya ungkit metafisika juga memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Ketika semua usaha dan doa sudah kita lakukan, saatnya melakukan pelepasan. Inilah daya ungkit metafisika, yaitu membiarkan hasil akhir dikerjakan oleh tangan tak terlihat ( TUHAN ). Jangan banyak berusaha di level ini, karena daya ungkit doa sedang berjalan. Pasrahkan saja semua prosesnya, biar roda kosmis bergerak menuju hasil yang Anda inginkan.


Florida USA is now the target of the religion of devil worshipers. Even the devil worshipers activities carried out openly, in various schools in Florida USA. This is very troubling many people, especially religious people who obey the teachings of God. Temple Cult sect of teaching - which according to them is "trust" which means "religious" as well - namely the cult of satanic sect or The Satanic Temple. This teaching SATAN invites people to worship as their god. Very misguided and dangerous.

Parties to the temple of the sect wing satanic it has been announced that they will provide pamphlets about the teachings of Satanism to students in Orange County, Florida, in response to the decision of the school board that at the present time was to allow ingredients and materials religion can be disseminated in public schools. In fact, the material was very destructive mindset of students in Florida USA.

According to the official press release, among the materials to be distributed is determined that the material is in the form of pamphlets philosophy Satanism, Satanism principles, practice and teaching Satanism Satanic Temple itself, as well as information about the legal right to practice Satanism in schools. If students in Florida are not strong faith, then it will follow the flow of this demon.

Thus, the sect also inform school children about their legal rights to be able to choose and learn to trust the flow of any kind, including on the flow of Satanism. In fact, this vicious stream of damaging mental, intellectual and religious beliefs. Curiously as if the school authorities powerless in the presence of these demonic teachings.

Since the beginning of September 2014, the school system has made the decision to let the learning of any trust, the flow of any religion, and also includes atheistic teachings, can now be freely given in schools. Supposedly as a teacher, this doctrine forbids entrance instead of being let in and to the children of students.

Party of porters devil said that although they did not agree with the school board's decision to allow the material taught religion in school, then it will continue to demand "to ensure pluralism is also respected at all times the division of church / state violated."

Satan shrine spokesman, Lucien Greaves explained:
"We think the responsibility that must be done is to ensure that these students are given access to various disagreements about religion, as opposed rather than standing still, while only a religion dominated the discourse and provide propaganda for the younger generation. "

"I am pretty sure that all children in Florida's schools are already aware of Christianity and the Bible, and this may be the first of these children should practice actual flow mengenail Satanism. We think many students will be very curious to see what we can offer, "added Greaves.

The Satanic Temple will bring his teachings to children in school directly into the media spotlight in America. Many have refused, but still the demon teachings masu to various schools in Florida USA.

Especially after they announced it would erect a statue of Baphomet (the symbol of Satanic goat) seven-foot next to the monument of the Ten Commandments or Ten Commandments Monument at Oklahoma State Capitol. In addition, they also announced plans to build a chapel in Detroit. This is very outrageous and must be taught a lesson. Satanism must vanish from this earth. Must !

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Found pyramid extremely large, resembles the king of Egypt Giza pyramids under the sea, precisely in the Atlantic Ocean. Strange but True. Usianyta pyramid newly discovered thousands of years modern century, and the size of the pyramid was very large with an area of ​​about 8000 square meters and a height of 60 meters from the seabed.

Who invented the first time this Miramid? Is the fishermen fish the waters around the Portuguese. They use GPS technology to detect motion digital marine fish under the ocean. When radar imaging capture a giant pyramid shaped, the fishermen were shocked. What it was? Is Allien plane that crashed into the sea or mountains emerging new large?

Because the Portuguese fishermen do not want to take the risk, so he contacted the Portuguese government and the Navy finally took over the investigation of the mysterious object. The giant pyramid location close to the Azores islands, including in the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean.

Underwater pyramid was discovered by Diocleciano Silva between the islands of Terceira and São Miguel. It is said that the structure was a perfect square shaped and oriented to the cardinal points. Same shape precis with Egyptian pyramid, the burial of the Pharaoh. Really this is a part of the lost city of Atlantis?

Portuguese government cover-up the findings impression fishermen, and reasoned that the radar detection of underwater objects that have a very weak signal and could not be used as a definitive guide. Maybe it is located away towing the Atlantic ocean depths up to 3000 meters above sea level.

Hydrographic Institute of Portugal has issued an official statement, yet strangely ignored by English-language media. It's like there is a hidden conspiracy that indeed the world community must not know about the existence of a giant pyramid on the sea floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Mystery thousands of years ago are still sealed by modern human civilization.

Some argue that the pyramid building never existed and inhabited by humans in the past that live at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, millions of years ago. When glaciers melt, floods enormous and drown the city and its contents, including the giant pyramid. Maybe it could happen, because once the earth is still not stable.

You should continue to update the development of time by reading the history of past civilizations, because it is the basis for success in the future civilization. Read on this website as we will continue to explore a lost civilization that you may not know even think.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Bali is full of charm, a million sites are ready to enjoy. Have you ever tasted named tourist Bali Nusa Lembongan? It is a tourist location which lies somewhat outside of the island of Bali. Its beauty is very impressive heart. With a stretch of white sandy beaches, crystal clear sea water, the beauty of the coral reefs and marine life that is in it is very well suited for recreational diving, snorkeling as well as for surfing / surfing. What are you waiting, transportation for crossing can be obtained easily from Sanur.

In spite of all the beauty of Nusa Lembongan, there is a highly anticipated attraction of tourists, namely -Gala namely underground house (Underground House).

Why many tourists really like this location? Because the underground house is so beautiful and extraordinary. You will be taken to a basement corridor down a narrow lane round-shaped hall under the ground. Quite easy to find this house, at the mouth of the gang printed placard Underground House. just 100 meters from the mouth of the alley, Gala-Gala Goa is located on the left side of the road. Entering the area of ​​Gala-Gala, I greeted a large board that contains a history of making Goa Gala-Gala.

In a historical record, Mangku Vyasa a Hindu ascetic who make underground house is in a period of 15 years (1961-1976). He was inspired by fragments of the Mahabharata when Pandavas escape from the Kauravas to build a house underground. Remarkably Mangku Vyasa build a house of 500 square meters with 7 entrances and 3 ventilation only armed with a crowbar. Believe it should not, it is the uniqueness of Balinese. With a crowbar to dig an underground passage with a fairly long distances. Mangku Vyasa dig this hallway alone. He is very motivated creating underground house after reading the story of Mahabharata of India, and this happens.

Attractions underground house is very suitable for those who are already too saturated bask in the scorching sun, but want to taste the moisture of the earth below ground. Very fun and challenging. Why ? Due to down the hallway, you have to be patient because of the narrow and goes into the hallway outside.

.In The top of Goa Gala-Gala looks like the house in general with trees on the page, but indeed in some corners there are gaping holes as deep as 3 meters as an access entrance to the Gala-Gala. Once down the stairs, first seen are the pillars of the soil and branches in all directions.

More like a road in the Maze in the appeal of a home, even so, in Goa is complete with bedroom, dining room and living room with chairs that are all in the rough carving of the stones in the soil. Many overdraft-overdraft wall that he used to be in use by Mangku Vyasa meditated, even Mangku Vyasa said Sang died in the Gala-Gala's home. In the current circumstances it is very hot, plus ceiling Goa is just as high as 1.5 meters it feels almost run out of breath in this Goa.

That is the challenge in underground house Bali travel. You do not think negatively but it is a challenge, because you can immortalize your adventures with the family to take pictures in the house's basement.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Bali is an island that is very famous in the world, even more than the name of Indonesia as the State owner of the island. Millions charm of Bali, had hypnotized eyes of the tourists until they come again and again. That's the beauty of Bali. One of the charms of Bali most tourists preferred is a view of the sea. Very beautiful. A variety of marine animals are beautiful and fascinating sea is in Bali. Similarly, the mountain scenery of coral and other underwater tours, including underwater palace Bali that very very exotic.

For those of you who can not swim or difficult to dive (diving), do not worry because now there Vessel Odyssey Submarine. In Bali, has been providing tourist facilities that allow visitors can enjoy a tour underwater view through a special submarine. This submarine can surf Bali sea to a depth of 35 meters below sea level and is very safe.

With the submarine, you will be free to enjoy the underwater scenery Bali with the person you love, such as family or your lover when honey moon or sightseeing.

The submarine is capable of carrying loads weighing 3,500 kg, and for measuring the weight of each passenger is always calculated very carefully. It aims for common security. Dimensions submarine Submarine Odyssey this is 17 mx 4 m. Long and wide enough for the size of a submarine tour.

The atmosphere inside the vessel is quite bright, with a relatively complete variety of facilities to comfort you during an underwater expedition. You'll also get services such as coffee or tea, mineral water, welcome drink, lunch, insurance, diving certificate in Kuta, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua, Sanur, Denpasar and Ubud. Anyway do not like the atmosphere submarine warfare rather dark and claustrophobic. It's very comfortable and enjoyable with family.

With the underwater submarine tour, you will more easily recognize the natural beauty of the underwater Bali because you are not swimming but along with other travel sit inside the submarine. A view of the sea under very, very beautiful and it all depends on the weather. If it is raining is not very clear, but when the scorching heat will be much brighter.

To get there you need to Labuhan Amok, Antiga village, Karangasem, Bali. Just ask the information center in Bali then you will be given instructions very clearly. With the underwater tours of this, the tourist island of Bali became very preferred tourists, since foreign tourists generally do like the underwater scenery. But only to the extent that has the ability to dive alone. Except using the ship Odyssey Submarine.