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Saturday, January 2, 2016


Bad! ISIS is now the focus of forming a special forces sniper! Unsparing, its main target is President Barack Obama and US officials. This news is not false but true. ISIS sedag now preparing to defeat his opponent by printing special forces sniper. According to him, a very effective way.

Why ISIS chose sniper troops as the priority of war? There are several main reasons. The most plausible reason is because of the special forces sniper's low cost of side arms. Enough special weapons and long-range specialist operator, the ISIS already has a formidable army that is difficult to break an opponent.

The plan of the sniper's troops will be deployed to several countries and started to put the position of opponents to kill officials of the State. The target was not kidding, all state officials opponent will be shot from a very distant history and a definite hit. Crazy ! Yesterday's news about the spread of the bomb in the State opponent, now spread sniper!

ISIS group announced the formation of a "battalion sniper". Forces sniper or snipers ISIS it claimed Iraq inspired a famous murderer who killed 40 citizens of the United States (US) in Baghdad. This data is highly accurate and can be accounted for, because the American troops already become victims of violence sniper ISIS, although more numerous ISIS dead troops of the United States.

Although only announced through social media, sniper ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deaths of two soldiers and the Iraqi Kurds. But of course, the responsibility here does not mean to make amends but more towards arrogance.

The first photo "battalion sniper" ISIS officially released on Wednesday published the Daily Mail, overnight. Action group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is thought to be propaganda to rival the movie "American Sniper" is being crowded. In photos released ISIS, it appears one unit "battalion sniper" ISIS consists of eight people. The clean each and all hold the long-range rifle Dragunov Russian-made. They pose in northern Iraq.

Not to be outdone by US sniper looks like in the film, members of the "battalion sniper" ISIS is also wearing a distinctive uniform with cap and goggles from the sun.

Sniper ISIS also claimed to have killed members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Hamid Taqavi in ​​December 2014. Taqavi is one of a number of Iranian advisers who trained the militias in Iraq to fight ISIS. And data sniper victims of ISIS is the longer Bakin many fell. Horrified also yes. Hopefully this is just the threat alone.

Aspirator formation sniper ISIS is a figure known as Juba. This figure never claimed to be a soldier in the Army of Islamic insurgents in Iraq (IAI). He also claimed to be a former member of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party, and an intelligence. In a video, Juba had issued threats against President George W. Bush, the enemy of Saddam Hussein at the time. "I have nine bullets in this gun and I had a gift for George Bush," said Juba in a video. "I would kill nine people," said Juba. Let's wait what the next breakthrough ISIS, the important thing you have to be careful of being in crowds, because who knows sniper ISIS is looking for a victim and do not let you shoot one of them!

Friday, January 1, 2016


Terror bombings increasingly common in many major countries. America and France are the two countries that became the target of this mass bomb. Why the two countries is the target of the operation ISIS? Obviously, since the two countries, the United States and France helped destroy ISIS defense base over the years. And the effects of the attack ISIS, France and the United States will continue in the terror bombing.

Since the tragedy of bloody events in France that killed hundreds of civilians French, French President Francois Hollande said the simultaneous attacks in Paris is an "act of war" conducted by ISIS.

"The attacks were carried out by 8 armed and suicide bombers are planned attack with a very mature by outsiders" said French President Francois Hollande. He promised to destroy the perpetrators of the bloody terror in military attacks without mercy. Sepanjuang terror bombing in 2015, meets the headlines in several major countries. Including Indonesia, is also the target of a mysterious bomb. What is going on ? Turns out according to the Indonesian intelligence, ISIS was launched attacks on various countries that proved hostile to him. And intelligence, said in 2016, the bomb attack ISIS will be sustained in order.

ISIS is a new state-financed by the mysterious. Not a particular religious movement, but a dangerous organization that under the guise of Islam. Believe it may not, ISIS is a puppet state, and there is the mastermind behind every movement ISIS during this time. But the brains behind ISIS is that many do not know. We'll see what will happen next.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Happy New Year 2016! New Year full of hope. All citizens of the world celebrate the year change tonight. Bnayak people think, the new year is a year full of hope, but most successful people actually see not only hope but also the opportunities and opportunities have not materialized.

The new year is a moment of change. Changes to get something better. We have 5 of the living world. Starting from the personal life, family life, social life, career or business life and the latter the spiritual life.

The new year in the United States is tantamount to in Indonesia, Japan, Australia and anywhere. This new year is ours, the inhabitants of the planet Earth that is peaceful and prosperous. On this evening, the moments of change in the early years, will be greeted with a variety of sparkling fireworks. Various entertainment music to exciting attractions will be held tonight, all over the world.

Have you already made a resolution during the next 12 months at the end of this year? Begin recorded and attached to the wall of the room to be remembered and realized, what would you have achieved during 2016 tomorrow.

Start the target of personal, family targets, social targets, targets career or business and spiritual targets. Write and promise the end of 2016 all come true. Do a ritual this new year as a venue for self-transformation. Celebrate as happy as possible, if necessary, all-out for fun. Then when the second turn of the year changed, a personal commitment has been decided. You and your partner must implement the promise of 2016. That's what the new year every year.

All the crowd were washed away by the glamor of the new year. They just enjoy the party crowd only, but forgot to make a personal resolution 2016. Make 2016 is the year of the game, that life is a game, but make sure the game was fun and you must win in this game in 2016.

Let us welcome 2016 as the year of change itself to increasing positively. And when at the end of 2016 we will see our report cards for 2017 we celebrate next year. That is the true meaning of the new year. You only deserve a party when it reaches the victory. Did you win this 2015? Whether the 2015 targets and then you have achieved? What percentage do you realize until you are worthy to be called as the winner?

If you have not felt it, begin to set a target. That life is a game that needs to be won and should be fun. Happy New Year 2016! Together we are to success.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Tsunami Aceh, there was already 11 years ago. The whole world gasped in surprise, when the Tsunami in Aceh occurred. Thousands of lives lost suddenly rather Sunday, December 26th, 2004 at 07:55 pm. Who would have thought, Aceh as a city full of peace suddenly become hell. Within minutes, thousands of lives were swept away by tsunami waves as high as 30 meters (Sepohon coconut). What actually happened in Aceh in December 2004 it? Is it true that a tsunami was purely due to the large plates are shifting under the skin of the bum, the Indian plate and the Burma plate each move, coincide with each other, and finally shake the affected areas in the Indian Ocean with a strength of approximately 9.2 on the Richter Scale? Are you sure ?

At first the world believe that it is a purely natural disaster. But there may be billions of human beings who do not see the other side of the tsunami. The other hand it is a scenario number of people who deliberately want to divert attention on the war conflict in Iraq about the withdrawal of American forces in the era of 2004-2005. Believe it may not. ( source

Tsunamni Aceh is very powerful, even more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa which time it erupted just killed about 36,000 in 1883 ago. Though it is very powerful and terrible throughout the history of mankind. But it turns out to exceed kesahsyatan Krakatau tsunami, which claimed more than 230,000 lives recorded killed in the tsunami in 14 countries affected.

Some analysis reveals, behind the tsunami there was a scenario that had been installed by a handful of bad guys look good in the eyes of the world. Highly unlikely, a natural disaster suddenly without da symptoms a few days earlier. For example, for a volcanic eruption has been detected only a few months of the new volcanic eruption. Tsunami or other, no-gelala accompanying symptoms, eg, an earthquake occurred a few times and then climax moment.

Tsunami very different. As there is a super-powerful bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. But the explosion installed under the ocean, close to Aceh. And one button press, BOOOM! Sea level so the spill, 30 meters high swept Aceh and its surroundings. Some data must be other countries that also affected damnpaknya, namely Sri Lanka (30 240) Southern India (9675) Thailand (5288) Burma (90) Malaysia (68) Bangladesh (2).

Tsunami Bomb is a super-sophisticated technology that is still kept secret by the world. It is true may not be known to many people, as it is used for high-level political interest. But we can not accuse the man who committed the crime this high level. To be sure, let us together to learn from history, because history will repeat itself. **


What happens in Hawaii recently? An outbreak of the deadly disease to attack Hawaii. No fewer than 157 people are infected with dengue virus carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Tap of view of age, children to parents, exposed to this dangerous virus. What are the symptoms of dengue virus affected by this? symptoms of fever, rash, intense headache, severe muscle aches and joint pain seriously. It is a common sign. If you merasakana such symptoms, immediately went to the doctor, do not be late.

"An outbreak of dengue fever in Hawaii today is the largest in the last 60 years," stated Dr. Harold Margolis, Chief of Dengue in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Health Hawaii. Outbreaks of dengue fever (DBD) previously severely hit Hawaii in 2001 and 2011.

Americans are very concerned about this large outbreak. They immediately did anticipate that the dengue fever outbreak did not extend into the heart of the US Capital. Besides in Hawaii, outbreaks caused by the dengue virus carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito is also never hit the Florida Keys in the years 2009-2011 and Brownsville, Texas, in 2005.

That fact makes, Amesh Adalja a senior at the Center for Health Insurance at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, America said that, America should be concerned with dengue fever. With the rapid response, outbreaks of dengue fever soon be resolved.

Fever is based is widespread in the US until the mid 20th century. Although the effort to control mosquitoes done again in parts of the US, dengue fever is never eliminated from Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands or the Texas-Mexico border. Unique indeed, whereas in other countries are not this bad. But in reality only in Hawaii that most victims of bloody fever.

Symptoms of the disease. The main symptoms of dengue are high fever, severe headache, severe pain behind the eyes, joint pain, muscle and bone pain, rash, and mild bleeding (eg, nose or bleeding gums, easy bruising). Generally, children and young people with their first dengue infection have a milder illness than children who are older and adults.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is characterized by fever that lasts from 2 to 7 days, with general signs and symptoms consistent with dengue fever. When a decline in fever, symptoms include persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing, may develop. This marked the beginning of 24 to 48 hours when the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) become more permeable ("leaky"), allowing the fluid component to leak from the blood vessels into the peritoneum (causing ascites) and pleural cavity (causing pleural effusion).

This can lead to failure of the circulatory system and shock, followed by death, if circulatory failure is not corrected. In addition, patients with DHF has a low platelet count and bleeding manifestations, tendency to easy bruising or bleeding skin types, bleeding nose or gums, and possibly internal bleeding. You should be aware of the symptoms of this disease, because otherwise it could be dangerous.

Treatment for dengue fever. There is no specific treatment for dengue infection treatment. People who think they have dengue should use analgesics (pain relievers) with acetaminophen and avoid medications that contain aspirin or ibuprofen. This is an argument which is less precise.

They should also rest, drink plenty of fluids, and consult a physician. If they feel worse (eg, symptoms of vomiting and severe abdominal pain) in the first 24 hours after the decline of fever, they should immediately go to the hospital for evaluation. Do not be late because it can cause death.

Effective treatment for dengue fever. Such as dengue fever, there is no specific treatment for dengue. But can be effectively treated with fluid replacement therapy if the initial clinical diagnosis known. DBD management often requires hospitalization. Outbreaks of dengue fever. Outbreaks of dengue fever, occurs mainly in areas where Ae. aegypti (sometimes also Ae. albopictus) life. This includes most tropical urban areas of the world. Dengue virus can be introduced to the area by tourists who are infected while visiting other areas in the tropics where dengue fever is usually present. And Hawaii are the best example for all of us who are still healthy.


Not always smoking was bad. Apparently some health experts found that smoking also has a positive side. Odd indeed. During this time we are in the doctrine that it is 100% smoke is detrimental to health. But some experts on the research side, it pointed to the fact that the opposite.

Does this mean we have to smoke? Sorry I'm not inviting you to smoke. This is only a study of some health experts. They researched several volunteers who onjektif in search of truth. And these results are quite surprising many people. Smoking lowers the risk of knee joint surgery.

Not magic, it turns out smoking can reduce the risk of knee joint surgery. You may oppose this research, but the research conducted by the University of Adelaide in Australia was distributed in the Journal of the July issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism, that smoking can reduce the risk of knee joint surgery. Answer key of this research is the nicotine in tobacco help prevent deterioration of cartilage and joint connections. It shows, there is a benefit behind cigarette that had been avoided.

Smoking lowers Parkinson's disease risk
Like you who have Parkinson's disease, you should read carefully study this kesehantan expert. Research conducted in March 2010 and published in the Journal of Neurology does not skinned about it, but the researchers found that the longer smoke more protected. Earlier, in March 2007, researchers from Harvard found that the protective effect against Parkinson was reduced if smokers quit. But there is no scientific explanation about why it happened. This means that smoking can have a positive effect on Parkinson feared many people.

Smoking lowers the risk of obesity
Nicotine contained in cigarettes is an appetite-suppressing substance. It has been known for centuries, at least refer to the indigenous culture in America before the time of Columbus. Cigarette companies then use it to target women who want a slim body.

The study, published in the journal Physiology & Behavior in July 2011 stated that one of the barriers people quit smoking is so stops the weight will go up. The relationship between smoking and body weight are complex: Nicotine itself is a stimulant and appetite suppressant; and the act of smoking triggers behavioral changes that encourage smokers to reduce the munchies. Smoking also makes food less flavor for some smokers, which in turn curb the appetite.

Smoking is a unique and powerful way to suppress appetite for those who like to eat. It has been demonstrated in the laboratory, the good news could be the solution for those who are chronically obese. Cigarettes can suppress your appetite.

Smoking lowers the risk of death after a heart attack
Wow what else is. The study involved several volunteers to this conclusion, that smoking can reduce the risk of death after a heart attack. Very different from the message that is affixed on cigarette packets yes, that smoking can cause cancer, heart disease and others.

A study conducted by researchers Korea and disseminated via the Journal Thrombosis Research in October 2010 showed a profit smoked at least 10 cigarettes per day. It looks like something that is in cigarettes are known to activate certain proteins cytochrome that converts clopidogrel into active.

Now it's up to who you want to believe? Is it still believes that cigarettes can cause many dangerous diseases, or cigarettes also believes that there are benefits that far we do not know the facts.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Like overeating? In America, a lot of people have great posture. Not only large, but also many people in America are obese. Especially women. Anything edible. Ranging from fast food to high-fat meals. Foods that have fat will be easier for the body fat. A study of adults in the United States showed that obese people have a tendency to die four years earlier than those who do not are obese, as reported by Web MD

Not just research in the United States alone, any parts of the world remains the same. Obesity increases the chances of living a shorter 4-fold than the thin or medium-bodied.

"While obesity is a growing health problem experienced by many people, we need to understand clearly the bad effects, not just another disease caused but also its effect on the possibility of life," said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

According to Dr. Suzanne, the effect of obesity is complex. Obesity itself can provide the work load on the heart. Not to mention the other effects of obesity, for example, very high levels of sugar, fat deposits in the colon and more.

Steinbaum believes that obesity not only causes other chronic diseases but can also cause premature death. This research was conducted by Dr. Luisa Borrell and Lalitha Samuel from the City University of New York to see the data in 1988 and 1994 as well as mortality statistics until 2006. All are supported by a complete research.

They found that obesity is associated with a 20 percent increase in mortality, compared with other diseases such as pain jantung.Secara general, adults died 3.7 years sooner due to obesity. While the causes of heart disease adults died 1.7 years sooner. This is not surprising, because obesity has a negative tendency towards health.

In addition, researchers also found that the highest risk of adults aged 45 to 64 years who are obese are likely to die 7.1 years sooner due to various reasons. While if it is associated with heart disease, those who are obese may die 12.8 years earlier. All of it is related to scientific research, so you do not have to hesitate.

America is a big country, what is there. Citizens became affluent to forget for a diet meal. Body easier obesity. Remember always, health is more important than enjoyment. Come exercise harder and more regularly. Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat PenerjemahPenerjemah Situs WebPeluang Pasar Global