great info

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Kuta beach is a tourist place located subdistrict of Kuta, south of Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. This area is a tourist destination abroad and has become a mainstay tourist island of Bali since the early 1970s. Kuta Beach is often referred to as a sunset beach (sunset beach) as opposed to the Sanur beach. In addition, the air field I Gusti Ngurah Rai is located not far from Kuta

As a tourist beach, Kuta beach equipped with a parking lot along the coast, public bathrooms, beach umbrellas, food and beverage outlets, as well as surfboards rental place.

Since decades ago, this beach has become one of the major tourist destinations where tourists mancanegar vacation in Indonesia. Not only famous for its white sand clean, Kuta Beach Bali is also famous for the charm of the sunset (sunse) and waves suitable for surfing.

Before the 1970s, the Kuta Beach is just a typical fishing village with a beautiful beach choppy. At that time, there was only one hotel in the coastal region, namely Kuta Beach Hotel. But what happens after 10 years? Kuta Beach became known in international circles as one of the beach with the waves and the most beautiful sunset in the world.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


To have a good education then we must train ourselves to see everything from the end result. If we think that what we plant will produce something, then think of something that is what we wanted. "Thus, the principle is that we have to look at everything from the process and the results, in other words, if we want something something, something that we have to make sure the dream that we really want to be what we have achieved is comparable to what we do" said Hogulzt Here we see the importance of the process of education as something that is for sure, because education itself is a process to find out everything, including knowing how to keep what we want to materialize.
According Hogulzt, good news if we want something, we are also given the potential to achieve what we want. God may not give dreams without including the potential that exists within us. "In other words, what we dream has the potential to be realized. Learning is a process where we can see ignorance as part of the learning process itself "explained Hogulzt
when we do not know or feel the need to know that we need to study and learn not to be in theory but for the things that are skill, like driving a car, on a plane or whatever it was also part of the study. "Well this is the beauty of the learning process, we are not restricted work area that learning is synonymous with class or school in which we are supervised by a teacher but the essence of learning itself is the transfer of knowledge dimension that initially we are not knowing to knowing, dimensional skill that was may not be able to and so on and so forth "said Hogulzt
By learning then whatever we want is a potential can be realized, with the proviso should be earnestly learning, the teacher must be the best person, who knew and who has been successful as we would like. Add Hogulzt, Books can also be part of the source of knowledge and skills. So, learn it really is not limited by space and time, we can learn anywhere, anytime with anyone under any circumstances and for any reason.
"Learning is a process of education from infancy to the grave. Learning is an obligation and also the need for every person who wants to go forward, because if we feel very lazy to learn then be assured that learning to make ourselves much better in multidimensional "added Hogulzt Learning that makes us become more intellectual, more influential, more sexy, more empowered and more high tensile needed by many people, that means the money will come after us.
Therefore, let us increase the motivation to learn because humans without a good education it would be like the animals, he does not understand the life of the philosophy of quality. "Animals have principles and philosophy of" Living to eat "while those who philosophize high have the philosophy of" eat to live "Therefore, by learning we have a large capital to achieve what we want, as long as we are sure that we did it take us on our dreams for this "said Hogulzt
Continuous learning process that we do to achieve the results we want. Learning does not mean we only accept but the best learning is an interactive process between teacher and pupil, meaning At the moment we learn we also need to respond to what the teacher to say that the learning process into one that is two-way.
The best education is education which in addition consistently well in concept, meaning that what we want to achieve to be specific, to be clear, should lead to a big dream that we were not wrong focus. This means, the time we're through the learning process, we have to know exactly what we want, so what once learned and what the end result of the process of learning that we did. If that happens, then the learning process will be more fun. Salam educational learning.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Bunker contain billions of rupiah found under tanah.Polisi surprised because the bunker it also contains a lot of valuable things. All this belongs to Dimas Kanjeng Personal Obey, a famous shaman who could multiply the money up to billions of rupiah. The bunker was to have a room large enough and sturdy enough location. Dimas Kanjeng Personal Obey duplicated save money in this bunker for many - years. The amount to billions of rupiah and of course the surprise of the police and the wider community.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Big waves threaten the tourist beaches of Kuta Bali

Big waves threaten the tourist beaches of Kuta Bali.The travel was asked to be careful, especially playing on the beach of Kuta. due to big waves hit, number of foreign tourists who were relaxing on Kuta Beach had to run to save themselves. high waves make the Task Force office manager Kuta Beach and the tourist office and the post Kuta beach water submerged in water up to 30 cm. a number of motorcycles that were parked in this area also falls hit by a wave. the manager of Kuta Beach and Badung travel reinforcements continue to urge visitors to be careful while in Kuta Beach. despite the huge waves continued to threaten but the tourist area of this infestation remains open to the public

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


ISIS is now no wits end. When the war were already short of funds, they take advantage of the hostages and even members of the dead, their organs sold. No kidding, the result of the sale of these organs, ISIS obtain hundreds of millions of rupiah. Some time ago, through the foreign doctors rental, ISIS selling off two organs to rich countries, namely Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Both of these countries are very happy with the business of organs because the benefits are enormous.

ISIS has so many ways to fund their war always trersedia. It's the cost of buying new weapons and a new army recruit me so much more.

The Daily Mail newspaper reported on Sunday (21/12), ISIS is still gets revenues of about USD 25 billion from oil sales, human trafficking, and narcotics. But recently reported they bring doctors to take organs in not only belong to members of those who died but also hostages were still alive, including children.

This report is posted on the website Al-Monitor. One of the doctors who recruited the specialist nose, ears, and throat (ENT) named Siruwan al-Mosuli. He told Al-Monitor if the boss ISIS hired several foreign medical workers in order to smooth the sale of these organs and of course can bring big profits.

ISIS even set up a special division to sell all these organs including the liver, heart, and kidneys in the illegal market. "They covered it with a rental ISIS confound physicians and local doctors," said al-Mosuli. How cunning these extreme forces for the money. Human organs could be used as money for power and glory. Now ISIS continues to hunt for the prisoners of war, in addition to political interests (barter hostages) also to get the quality of organs from prisoners.

In the future, ISIS will continue to spread its wings through the doctrine of underground activity. And his followers grew a lot over time. We wait for its development, may this force quickly destroyed.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


ISIS now has biological weapons, human corpses. Moreover this weapon? Secretly, ISIS began to develop a new strategy to cripple his opponents. Uniquely, ISIS has always had a way to hit the opponent while he was surrounded by many military force. An expert on war, Kurdish Red Crescent said "ISIS now has a new biological weapons, the flesh-eating bacteria. Biological weapons have already tried and succeeded "he said.

This gives the Kurdish human rights activists claim that there were 500 cases of the disease are exposed Syrians Leishmaniasis disease, within a period of twelve months. Like what the ISIS biological weapons? According to Isa Dilqas of Kurdish Red Crescent, ISIS has the character of cold-blooded killers. His habit was to kill the opponent and threw her body away disembarang place. The bodies that is used as a biological weapon to kill his opponent ISIS.

"As a result of cruel actions ISIS including killing innocent people and throwing the bodies of the victims just in the way, so this factor becomes the main factor causing the disease Leishmaniasis," said Dilqas Isa of Kurdish Red Crescent, as reported by the Daily Mail, Friday (4 / 12/2015).

Decaying corpse is the best way to cause disease and can be transmitted to those who are still alive. The bodies is used as a medium to disseminate new disease called Leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by parasitic protozoa and insects can spread through sand flies. This disease can cause infection lightest mag but primarily affects the skin on the outside of the body that cause wounds are difficult to heal, until the permanent and severe abrasions can cause paralysis.

Many have speculated that this is a form of ISIS strategy, by making the decay of bodies abandoned causing bacteria that have appeared from the corpse. So easily people living in the region are exposed to diseases caused by certain bacteria. ISIS does have a million sense to weaken his opponents. And this has been proven by this new way, which makes the bodies, both bodies of opponents and of his own people, to be the medium for spreading a dangerous disease called Leishmaniasis.

One Kurdish fighters said that they were never aware of this disease. However, during the last few months they say seeing the disease began to spread in the former battle like in the city of Tal Hamis, Hon and Qosa in Syria. ISIS biological weapons is the first in the world and very effective way to immobilize an opponent in a way that is unthinkable. Even a corpse can kill people who are still alive, if left to rot and cause a lot of germs, and when the wind, germs will infect healthy people. And this is the latest biological weapons ISIS.

ISIS GUNAKAN MAYAT SEBAGAI SENJATA BIOLOGI MEMATIKAN ISIS kini memiliki senjata biologi mayat manusia. Senjata apalagi ini ? Secara diam-diam, ISIS mulai mengembangkan suatu strategi baru untuk melumpuhkan lawan-lawannya. Uniknya, ISIS selalu punya cara untuk memukul lawan walau dirinya dikepung oleh banyak kekuatan militer.

Seorang ahli perang, Kurdish Red Crescent mengatakan “ ISIS kini punya senjata biologi baru, yaitu bakteri pemakan daging. Senjata biologi ini sudah dicoba dan berhasil” ujarnya.

Aktivis kemanusiaan Kurdi ini memberikan klaim bahwa terdapat 500 kasus penyakit warga Suriah yang terpapar penyakit Leishmaniasis, dalam kurun waktu dua belas bulan ini. Seperti apa senjata biologi ISIS itu ? Menurut Dilqas Isa dari Kurdish Red Crescent, ISIS memiliki karakter pembunuh berdarah dingin. Kebiasaannya adalah membunuh lawan dan membuang mayatnya begitu saja disembarang tempat. Mayat-mayat itulah yang dijadikan senjata biologis ISIS untuk membunuh lawannya.

“Sebagai hasil dari tindakan kejam ISIS yang termasuk membunuh orang tidak bersalah dan membuang jenazah para korban begitu saja di jalan, sehingga faktor ini menjadi faktor utama penyebab penyakit Leishmaniasis,” kata Dilqas Isa dari Kurdish Red Crescent, sebagaimana dilansir dari DailyMail, Jumat (4/12/2015).

Mayat yang sudah membusuk adalah cara terbaik untuk menimbulkan penyakit dan bisa menular kepada mereka yang masih hidup. Mayat-mayat inilah yang dijadikan media untuk menyebarluaskan penyakit baru yang bernama Leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis adalah suatu penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh parasit protozoa dan dapat menyebar melalui serangga lalat pasir. Penyakit ini paling ringan dapat menyebabkan infeksi mag namun umumnya menyerang di bagian kulit di luar tubuh yang menimbulkan luka-luka yang sulit sembuh, hingga luka lecet permanen dan terparah dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan.

Banyak yang berspekulasi bahwa ini adalah bentuk dari strategi ISIS, dengan membuat pembusukan dari jenazah yang ditinggalkan begitu saja menimbulkan bakteri yang banyak muncul dari jenazah tersebut. Maka dengan mudah warga yang tinggal di wilayah tersebut terpapar penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteria tertentu. ISIS memang memiliki sejuta akal untuk melemahkan para lawannya. Dan ini sudah dibuktikan dengan cara baru ini, yaitu menjadikan mayat, baik mayat lawan maupun dari bangsanya sendiri, untuk menjadi media penyebaran penyakit berbahaya bernama Leishmaniasis. Salah satu pejuang Kurdi mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak pernah mengetahui penyakit ini. Namun, selama kurun beberapa bulan terakhir mereka mengatakan melihat penyakit ini mulai menyebar di wilayah bekas pertempuran seperti di Kota Tal Hamis, Hon dan Qosa di Suriah. Senjata biologi ISIS ini pertama di dunia dan sangat efektif untuk melumpuhkan lawan dengan cara yang tak terpikirkan. Bahkan mayat bisa membunuh orang yang masih hidup, jika dibiarkan membusuk dan menimbulkan banyak sekali bibit penyakit, dan ketika tertiup angin, bibit penyakit ini akan menginfeksi orang yang sehat. Dan inilah senjata biologis terbaru ISIS.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Hobbies streets is a fun activity. Moreover, the roads out of the country, see different views of the world of nature there are beautiful and fascinating. However, lately there is a very dangerous virus outbreak, the virus zika. What is virus zika?

Zika virus is a virus that is transmitted through the media process Aedes aegypti. Still one family with other viruses such as the viruses that cause dengue fever, yellow fever and chikungunya disease. For those of you who like across various countries in the world, be careful with some countries being attacked by viruses zika this, because there is a possibility you are close to those who suffer from this virus.

This virus was first identified in 1947 in Uganda country. First findings of a case Zika virus is actually obtained from fever cases are appearing in the original ape endemic to Uganda. Then the virus is infecting humans and never attacked a human population in Africa is widespread in 1954. Interestingly, the virus is still relatively new variants of old viruses, Aedes aegypti is the virus that causes dengue fever.

How Zika Virus Infection Symptoms? Some experts see a lot of similarities between the symptoms of dengue fever Zika. Both are preceded by fever up and down and taste great pains in the joints and bones. Sometimes accompanied by nausea, dizziness, discomfort in the abdomen and accompanied by a sense of great weakness and lethargy.

If you feel all gelaja it while on the tour, be careful, because the virus is spread to some large countries through mosquitoes and people who are already infected with the virus this zika. Some similarities as the early symptoms of this disease make wrongly identified with dengue fever. But actually there are some typical symptoms that can distinguish complaints Zika virus infection with dengue fever, some special signs are: Fever tend to be too high, sometimes only at a maximum temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. Tends to go up and down as the symptoms of dengue fever, but not too high.

Appeared several shaped rash on the skin or rash makulapapular widened with thin lumps that arise. Sometimes the rash spread and form a sort of dark red and brown rash that is flat and protruding.

Appeared pain in joints and muscles, sometimes with bruising and swelling in the joints and muscles like a hit and a mild sprain. We strongly advise you to be careful while on the road, because this virus is everywhere, through mosquitoes that spread in various places. Use mosquito repellent to avoid bites of mosquitoes carrying the virus this zika. ***