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Monday, February 24, 2020

Misteri Kemunculan Virus Corona, Apakah Dunia Siap Menghadapinya?

Misteri Kemunculan Virus Corona, Apakah Dunia Siap Menghadapinya?

Siap tidak siap kita harus menghadapinya, mungkin Anda pikir Virus Corona seperti virus2 sebelumnya, Sars, Ebola dll, maaf Anda salah besar. Berikut analisa mengapa Corona sangat berbahaya, baca atau menyesal !

Virus corona kemunculannya membawa misteri bagi dunia.  Kita tidak pernah paham mengapa virus ini lahir, desember 1919,  merupakan awal lahirnya virus korona di Wuhan China

 Detail tentang berita ini sebenarnya tidak perlu kita kupas karena begitu banyak sumber-sumber terpercaya di belantara maya menjelaskan


 Yang ingin kita bahas disini adalah mengapa virus korona muncul dan dunia merasa belum siap untuk menerima perubahan ini 

Banyak pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa virus ini adalah hasil rekayasa biologis dari pemerintahan cina yang memang sengaja membuat senjata mematikan berbentuk biologis


 Tentu saja pendapat ini masih harus kita pelajari dan diteliti kembali jangan sampai ini menjadi sebuah fitnah global
 Terlepas dari mana virus karena ini lahir, menjadi sebuah kewajiban bagi kita untuk memikirkan sebab musabab mengapa virus korona ini muncul

 Ada yang berpendapat bahwa virus ini muncul dari pasar di wuhan dimana pasar tersebut menyediakan berbagai binatang-binatang liar yang mematikan dan buas


Tentu saja analogi ini menjadi sesuatu yang bisa diterima akal sehat karena virus korona hanya terlahir dari sesuatu yang bersifat absurb atau aneh dan juga ganjil keberadaannya dan kelahirannya berasal dari sesuatu yang aneh

 Ini menjadi pendapat atau hipotesis yang masuk akal untuk semua nalar manusia di muka bumi ini namun ada juga kelemahan dari tesis ini, kalau seandainya virus karena lahir di wuhan china yang menyediakan berbagai binatang-binatang buas dan langka atau binatang yang memang tidak seharusnya dimakan lalu dimakan oleh manusia maka pertanyaannya adalah berapa banyak pasar seperti wuhan china yang ada di muka bumi ini ?


 Tentu saja sangat amat banyak dan itu tidak terekspos oleh media seperti di cina, ini artinya tesis kemunculan virus korona lahir dari pasar akan menjadi rapuh dikarenakan pendapat tersebut masih lama kalaupun memang itu berasal dari binatang-binatang yang notabennya tidak boleh dimakan oleh manusia tetapi dimakan juga dan menghasilkan virus aneh maka ada berapa banyak di muka bumi ini orang yang mengkonsumsi binatang binatang aneh seperti kelelawar dan sejenisnya

 Tentu saja ini menjadi sebuah tanda tanya besar, virus merupakan virus yang sampai sekarang masih belum ditemukan antitoxin nya kalaupun sudah ada orang yang sembuh dari virus tersebut bukan berarti virus itu bisa dikalahkan oleh zat antibodi kita


 Boleh jadi dia akan ber inkubasi pada waktu-waktu yang tidak bisa kita tentukan kapan nya pada mereka yang sudah dinyatakan sembuh.

 Ini artinya potensi virus korona menjadi bahaya laten yang masih sampai detik ini ancaman bagi dunia, di indonesia sendiri katanya belum kemasukan virus seperti ini steril dan diantara 250 juta jiwa manusia di indonesia semuanya sehat terbebas dari virus corona


Berbeda dengan orang-orang indonesia yang merantau ke luar negeri yang sudah beberapa orang terinfeksi virus corona
 Apapun itu datanya itu tidak penting yang terpenting mari kita sama-sama pikirkan potensi virus di masa akan datang karena itu akan berhubungan dengan masa depan kita juga
Mengenai virus corona yang dibuat oleh sejumlah ahli kimia biologi china itu masih lebih mendekati kebenaran daripada virus yang dibentuk secara alami 


 Untuk mempersingkat pembahasan kita kali ini adalah lebih baik kita simpulkan untuk sementara waktu bahwa virus ini adalah virus yang mungkin di sengaja untuk diciptakan pemerintahan cina yang memang sengaja membuat senjata mematikan berbentuk senjata biologis 

Sebagai langkah antisipasinya, ada baiknya kita rutin berenang, karena berenang terbukti melipatgandakan kesehatan. Ayo tangkal virus corona dengan berenang secara teratur.

Monday, January 16, 2017


The waterfall is one of the highest attractiveness for tourists. The reason is obvious, because the waterfall splashing sound of water issuing distinct and mental therapy. In Bali there are many waterfalls of waterfalls that are natural to the artificial waterfall. Waterfalls are generally travel in Buleleng, namely attraction southern part of Bali.

 Waterfall in Bali is unique, because every attraction Waterfall usually has its own myth. the tourists are very interested in the myths that exist in each of the waterfalls in Bali. They want to know the history of the origin of the waterfall. 

That's what makes the tourists feel like a waterfall in Bali, since each has a high historical value. 

 Here are some of the waterfalls in Bali travel most favored by tourists. 
 1. Waterfall Gitgit. This waterfall is located in the south of Bali, most of this tour already has a complete infrastructure, close to the Ngurah Rai Airport and several major hotels. At this location is also provided Bali rafting tracking and biking tourist travel. Gitgit waterfall site is in the village of Mount Luwih Gitgit North Bali. if we depart from Kuta Bali will take 2 hours 30 minutes.

 2. Niagara Melanting The waterfall is no less beautiful than other waterfalls.
The location is in the District of Banjar Bali Buleleng regency. The distance of about 77 km from Kuta Bali. on this tour we will see the falls from a height of 20 m. We can also soak the water around the waterfall and the atmosphere is so beautiful and comfortable. 

 3. Niagara Tegunungan It is also highly preferred tourist sites tourists from many Negara.
Although not too high, even impressed but falls short in this Tegunungan beauty, no less with another waterfall. Its location in Ubud Bali and the travel around so much beauty and natural charm that deserves to be explored. 

It's good we had to come there to see beautiful waterfalls this Tegunungan as suitable for selfie and also an excursion with his family. Semangat.

Saturday, January 14, 2017


.Bali Reportase: BALI CLOTHES HAVE MEANING OF WORLD CLASS EXCELLENC...: Baju Bali is the main attraction for tourists. Concessions, clothes Bali has an interesting motif, ranging from the mythical image o...


Baju Bali is the main attraction for tourists. Concessions, clothes Bali has an interesting motif, ranging from the mythical image of Bali as heads up various symbols Bali Leak interesting. Many tourists are interested about Bali symbol. They were very proud when buying clothes Bali uniquely patterned and then taken to their country and demonstrate to all his friends.

Baju Bali is not only interesting picture motifs but also the material of the clothes soft and durable. There are many craftsmen bali clothes scattered around Bali.Dan you can choose clothes bali so interesting.
Traditional Balinese dress the most luxurious is the Supreme Clothing. This clothing is usually worn during the series of events cutting teeth or marriage. So many kinds of garments Bali here, ranging from casual to dress bali bali dress customs.

Traditional clothing Bali

There are several variations of Clothing Great views of the place, time and circumstances. The fabric used in traditional Balinese clothes this one is wastra special guardian for ceremonies or wastra white as a symbol of purity. But, not infrequently fabrics in traditional Balinese dress is replaced with songket very fit to represent the luxury or prestige to the wearer.

As for men Bali in addition to wearing the cloth as a traditional Balinese dress they wore seam gelagan or so-called dodot used to cover the chest. All you can choose based on their needs. In essence, Bali clothes very interesting and unique.

Meanwhile, women Bali before wearing Clothing Court normally use a cloth lining called Sinjang or tapih to pace the woman to make it look graceful. No wonder many Balinese women look elegant and charming, they are very elegant wearing this bali.

Friday, January 13, 2017


One of Bali craft that many tourists is the craft of making masks. Many Balinese craftsmen skilled in terms of making the mask. And unique, Balinese masks are well known quality. Starting from the mask pattern to the selection of the mask itself. All good quality and have a strong appeal for tourists. Actually, what is the usefulness of the mask itself? 

Many who use the mask as jewelry living room to a private room. The mask is always exudes a unique charisma, so has its own vibration to see it. Singapadu village terberlokasi Bali is a village about 19 km from Denpasar Bali, or precisely located in the district of Sukawati Gianyar Bali. The village is known as a craft village inherited Balinese masks from time to time. 

This village can be found in many types of craft mask culture in Bali are usually sourced from local mythological creatures. It is a main attraction for tourists. Singapadu village store More than 20 craftsmen in this village that produces Balinese masks. 

This mask craft is one factor that makes Bali is known in the international arena, in addition to the natural beauty and culture. One mask artisans in the village Singapadu is Kadek Juliana. The business is run Kadek from the legacy of his father. 

According to I Kadek, craft mask has been occupied since 1970. The father in the gallery named his camp Bali there are many different types of homemade masks are lined up neatly on the old wooden shelves display nan antique. Kadek paper mask making masks became popular long ago. 

Many of the tours are booked and buy handcrafted wooden masks Kadek when the tourists come to Bali. Kadek and artificial mask is very beautiful and has charisma. Actually, many craftsmen in Bali mask, but only a few that have the best reputation and high quality, including Kadek.Topeng work is generally a lot of motives, and are mostly made of wood and other selected ingredients. If used for accessories is perfect, or as a souvenir and birthday gifts. Come buy masks made in Bali.