great info

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


ISIS is now no wits end. When the war were already short of funds, they take advantage of the hostages and even members of the dead, their organs sold. No kidding, the result of the sale of these organs, ISIS obtain hundreds of millions of rupiah. Some time ago, through the foreign doctors rental, ISIS selling off two organs to rich countries, namely Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Both of these countries are very happy with the business of organs because the benefits are enormous.

ISIS has so many ways to fund their war always trersedia. It's the cost of buying new weapons and a new army recruit me so much more.

The Daily Mail newspaper reported on Sunday (21/12), ISIS is still gets revenues of about USD 25 billion from oil sales, human trafficking, and narcotics. But recently reported they bring doctors to take organs in not only belong to members of those who died but also hostages were still alive, including children.

This report is posted on the website Al-Monitor. One of the doctors who recruited the specialist nose, ears, and throat (ENT) named Siruwan al-Mosuli. He told Al-Monitor if the boss ISIS hired several foreign medical workers in order to smooth the sale of these organs and of course can bring big profits.

ISIS even set up a special division to sell all these organs including the liver, heart, and kidneys in the illegal market. "They covered it with a rental ISIS confound physicians and local doctors," said al-Mosuli. How cunning these extreme forces for the money. Human organs could be used as money for power and glory. Now ISIS continues to hunt for the prisoners of war, in addition to political interests (barter hostages) also to get the quality of organs from prisoners.

In the future, ISIS will continue to spread its wings through the doctrine of underground activity. And his followers grew a lot over time. We wait for its development, may this force quickly destroyed.

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