great info

Monday, November 11, 2013


Cremation is a cremation ceremony or cremation of Hindus in Bali , Indonesia. Ngaben event is a ritual performed to send the bodies to the next life . Bodies should be put asleep, and the family will continue to think so ( asleep ) . No tears , because the body of the time does not exist and will undergo reinkarnasa or find last pengistirahatan in Moksha ( free from the wheel of death and reincarnation )

Appropriate day for this event is always discussed with people who understand . On this day , the body is placed in a coffin corpse - dead . Peti - dead is placed in the sarcophagus that resembles a bull or in the temple -shaped container made ​​of wood and paper . The form of a bull or the monastery was taken to the cremation site through a procession . The procession is not running on a straight road . This is to confuse evil spirits and keep him away from the corpse.

The main event is the burning of generous nature Ngaben structure ( Ox or monastery is made of wood and paper ) , along with the bodies . Fire is needed to free the spirit from the body and facilitate reincarnation.

Cremation is not always done with segaera . For members of high caste , it is reasonable to perform this ritual within 3 days . But for members of the lower castes , the bodies were buried first and then , usually in a group event for a village , cremated . Cremation is a cremation ceremony conducted in Balinese Hindus , the ceremony was conducted for the ancestral spirits menyucian deceased to the place of final resting by way of cremation.

In man has several elements , and all of this is driven by the life / spirit given by the Creator . When people died , which left only a rough body only, while the spirit is still there and continues until the end of time eternal . At the time this happened Ngaben ceremony as spiritual purification process while leaving the rough body.

The word itself has a sense Ngaben stock or ash are all goal lead on the final release of human life . In Hinduism Lord Brahma has some intention other than as a creator god Brahma is also believed to have the equivalent as the God of Fire . So Ngaben ceremony itself is a process of spiritual purification by fire using a fire to be able to go back to the creator, the incarnation of Lord Brahma fire could burn all the filth that is attached to the bodies and spirits of people who have dead.

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