Commonly, bulk email is used for newsletters or marketing email. If you have a list of customers or prospects, you can send them content relevant to their business or interest, from a single application. A bulk email service allows you to send to any list, regardless of its size. The frequency at which you send is entirely up to you, and should be based on what the recipients expect. Your engagement data, including spam reports, unsubscribes, and open and click rates, will tell you whether your message is hitting the mark.
Electronic mail has started to be used in the 1960s. At that time the Internet has not been established, there is only a collection of computers that form the network. The concept of e-mail was first raised by Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer at the end of 1971 when Ray Tomlinson was working at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) belongs to American defense agencies. Ray initially experimented with a program called SNDMSG that can be used to leave messages on a computer, so that other people who use the computer can read the messages left. Then he continued his experiments by using the file protocol named CYPNET so SNDMSG program had been able to send messages to other computers that are on the network ARPAnet. That was the beginning of the creation of an 'e-mail'. E-mail messages are first sent Ray, and is the first e-mail in the world is "QWERTYUIOP". In 1972, Ray introduced icon '@' as the identity of an e-mail to split a domain user id and e-mail addresses, which means "at" or "on".
Electronic mail (abbreviated Ratel or e-mail or e-mail) or electronic mail (e-mail abbreviated) or a common name in English "e-mail or e-mail" (spelling Indonesila: e-mail) is a means to send a letter sent through the Internet. By regular mail senders generally need to pay per delivery (by buying stamps), but electronic mail generally cost incurred is the cost to pay for the Internet connection.
- Comfortable
No need to send a letter to the post office, just sitting in front of Internet-connected computer and type in a message and sent to the destination address. Even now inie-mails can be sent through the medium of mobile communication such as mobile phones and PDA (Personal Data Assistant). Fast Only with a second e-mail can be sent to anywhere in the world. Cheap Shipping costs are relatively very cheap compared to the use of telephone or letter, especially when sending a letter or a long distance to other regions or abroad. Saving resources We do not need to buy paper, pens, printer ink or waste to be duplicated and sent to multiple people at once who did little or no cost.
- Global E-mail can be used by anyone, anywhere, and at any time as a means of communication throughout the world. Reliable We can store e-mail on the server that will not go away unless removed. Messages sent multimedia messages are not just text (writing) only. Fill in the e-mail may include images, photos, videos, programs, and even sound.
2 Counterfeiting identity
We can not ascertain the identity of a person just by knowing the e-mail address has. 3 Flooded e-mail
This can happen because the mailbox is already too long not opened or deleted. Junk e-mail 4. Lots of junk e-mail (junkmail / spam) in the form of commercial advertising that we did not expect. 5. late response
Not everyone reads the e-mails every day so there possibility replies will be delayed.
The terms are often used in the use of e-mail is: 1. Sign Up: Register (become a member) 2. Sign In: Owner e-mail can be entered into the e-mails themselves if already registered (become a member) 3 Compose: Write new mail 4. Inbox: Letters to the owner's incoming e-mail 5. To: Letters will be sent to your e-mail destination 6 CC: Mail is sent in sequence to another address BCC 7: Letter sent to the addressee without notifying the owner of the address listed in the address CC 8 Draft: Letters written but not sent 9. Sent: Letters were sent 10 Spam: Letters that contain words that are not good / disturbing 11. Reply: Reply to the letter received 12. Trash: View e-mail that has been deleted 13. Bulk: View e-mail that is suspected as spam 14. Forward: Forward the received letter to be delivered to others 15. Attachment: Facility on a good e-mail program or webmail computer program that can be used to transmit files, or images, which in ikutsertakan on e-mails that will be sent.
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