great info

Friday, September 25, 2015


Sex change when he became a teenager is impossible. But in the Dominican it happens! A girl turns sex into a man and has since become a permanent change. Gender changed. Without surgery, without any reason and without any obvious reason.

In the city of Salinas, Dominican Republic girls turn into males when puberty. At least more than one percent of teenage girls there changed sex at the age of 12 years. Local people refer to these women as guevedoces. Does this exist only in the Dominican Republic? There has been no real facts, new in this country alone.

"I remember, I used to wear a little red dress. When the school first, I usually given skirts. I was also given toys girls. But I never menggubrisnya, and prefer to play with the boys," said Johnny, a man 24 years which was once a woman. This fact is not a story. Johny is now the man who had originally been born female.

Strange phenomenon that occurs in women Salinas is evidently caused a rare genetic disorder caused by loss of enzyme named 5-a-reductase, which stop the powerful hormones male sex. Apaka would end this earth? Genital changes may occur in humans only because of the loss of enzyme named 5-a-reductase?

As reported by FoxNews, this genetic disorder usually occurs about 8 weeks and change tubercle, which is a small bump in between the legs of the baby in the womb into the penis. These are the conclusions of the doctors who examined this phenomenon. Unique but real.

Despite having a genetic abnormality, the guevedoces in this city never got different treatment or discrimination of society. Nothing special about this town and everything is normal but why could change sex?

Although they tend to have little facial hair and prostate gland smaller, guevedoces in Salinas generally can live as a normal man. But reportedly, there were also some of whom prefer to remain a women's surgery completely. Doctors recommend surgery to ensure sex change as a whole and not the result of a sudden change, as these events are very strange and unreal. Beware lest enzyme 5-a-reductase is lost, it will definitely change the gender! INDONESIAN VERSION :


Berganti kelamin saat menjadi remaja adalah hal yang mustahil. Tapi di Dominika itu terjadi ! Seorang gadis berubah kelamin menjadi lelaki dan sejak itu perubahan menjadi permanen. Jenis kelaminnya berubah total. Tanpa operasi, tanpa sebab apapun dan tanpa alas an yang jelas.

Di kota Salinas, Republik Dominika para gadis berubah menjadi laki-laki ketika masa pubertas. Setidaknya lebih dari satu persen remaja perempuan di sana berganti kelamin pada usia 12 tahun. Masyarakat setempat menyebut perempuan-perempuan ini sebagai guevedoces. Apakah ini hanya ada di Republik Dominika ? Belum ada fakta nyata, baru di Negara ini saja.

"Saya ingat, dulu saya mengenakan gaun merah kecil. Sewaktu sekolah dulu, saya biasa diberikan rok. Saya juga diberikan mainan anak perempuan. Tapi saya tidak pernah menggubrisnya, dan lebih memilih bermain dengan anak-anak laki," ujar Johny, pria 24 tahun yang dulunya seorang perempuan. Ini fakta bukan cerita. Johny kini menjadi lelaki yang sejak awalnya terlahir berjenis kelamin perempuan.

Fenomena aneh yang terjadi pada kaum perempuan Salinas ini ternyata disebabkan gangguan genetik langka yang disebabkan oleh kehilangan enzim bernama 5-a-reductase, yang menghentikan hormon kuat seks laki-laki. Apaka akan kiamat bumi ini ? Perubahan kelamin bisa terjadi pada manusia hanya karena kehilangan enzim bernama 5-a-reductase ?

Seperti dilansir dari Foxnews, gangguan genetik ini biasanya terjadi sekitar 8 minggu dan mengubah tuberkulum, yaitu benjolan kecil di antara kaki bayi dalam kandungan menjadi penis. Ini adalah hasil kesimpulan para dokter yang meneliti fenomena ini. Unik tapi nyata.

Meski memiliki kelainan genetik, para guevedoces di kota ini tak pernah mendapat perlakuan berbeda atau diskriminatif dari masyarakat. Tak ada yang istimewa dari kota ini dan semuanya serba normal saja tapi mengapa bisa terjadi perubahan kelamin ? Meskipun mereka cenderung memiliki sedikit rambut wajah dan kelenjar prostat yang lebih kecil, guevedoces di Salinas umumnya dapat hidup sebagai laki-laki normal. Namun dilaporkan, adapula beberapa di antaranya lebih memilih operasi agar tetap menjadi perempuan seutuhnya. Dokter menganjurkan operasi untuk memastikan perubahan kelamin secara utuh dan bukan hasil perubahan yang tiba-tiba, karena ini kejadian yang sangat aneh dan nyata. Awas jangan sampai enzyme 5-a-reductase Anda hilang, pasti akan berubah jenis kelamin !

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Bali is famous for its natural beauty and culture, but you shall know also typical Balinese food, and should be tried. Many foreign trus love Balinese food. They acknowledged that food enjoyment and suitable for the tongue strangers too. Here are 10 kinds of Balinese food that you should know:

1. Lawar.

Lawar is traditional Balinese food is very popular in Bali and is available in many tourist locations, especially in the Lesbian, hotels and inns in Bali. Lawar are vegetables mixed with minced meat, spices, and coconut taste sharpened with natural flavorings. Your tongue will be hooked.

There are various lawar based on the materials used, such as white lawar containing many coconut meat or red lawar. Lawar usually contains jackfruit or pork. Food is the main dish at religious ceremonies or family ritual. Many tourists love this food because it tastes distinctive and delicious eaten.

2. The order of pork.

Pig sequence is a kind of sausage made from pig intestines stuffed with pork and spices in it. Very delicious and savory taste. This food is then fried until brownish. Order of pork usually served with wine Bali. The better the composition of the wine and pork sequence then it seems increasingly favors extraordinary. Make sense of drift!

3. Babi Guling.

Suckling pig or 'Be bolsters' is a dish made from whole animals. These foods eviscerate gimasak with pork and replace it with spices and vegetables such as cassava leaves. Pigs were then grilled over coconut shell charcoal until completely cooked. In the beginning, suckling pig dish is 'sacrifice' or selametan in a traditional ceremony in Bali. The food at the hotel's many famous and some simple accommodation in Bali. Feel now, delicious.

4. Chicken betutu.

Betutu is a dish made of chicken with special spices. The seasoning used consisted of kencur, ginger, onion, garlic, bay leaves, chili and turmeric. All the ingredients were mixed and put into a chicken. Betutu usually served during the traditional events such as wedding ceremonies in Bali.

5. Lempet.

Lempet or spiced tuna is a dish that is wrapped in banana leaves and grilled over coconut shell charcoal is dry. Lempet usually served with rice and can last up to two days.

6. Sate Languan.

Sate Languan is Balinese food made from fish, green coconut, brown sugar and spices. This meal is a traditional dish Klungkung area but also famous throughout Bali. Sate is most delicious when eaten while still hot immediately after getting off the grill.

7. Sate lembat.

Famous satay kinds of Bali next lembat satay. This meal is made from crushed meat is mixed with shredded coconut and various spices. Meat used is usually in the form of pork, chicken, or duck. Sate is also widely served in various restaurants in Bali.

8. Cerorot.

Cerorot made from rice flour, brown sugar and salt wrapped in coconut leaves and steamed. Snacks are usually a complement to coffee or tea.

9. Nasi Kuning Bali.

The next traditional Balinese food is yellow rice Bali. Yellow rice is a little different from other ordinary yellow rice we eat, especially in terms of spices and how to cook it. Typically, Bali yellow rice served on the Day of Brass. But now, yellow rice is also served at other ceremonies like birthday party or celebration. In order to add enjoyment, bali yellow rice served with basil, beans, cucumber and sambal.

10. Rice Yasa.

Well, that is a kind of yellow rice served with chicken, eggs and vegetables raw. This dish is usually served the religious ceremonies like Saraswati or to make offerings to the ancestors.

Good culinary above are some examples of typical Balinese food that can be found in the island either at home or during regular eating ritual. No need to worry because the food is there in the whole island of Bali. So prepare only enough money so all the food you can feel. Enjoy.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Timbis Hill paragliding in Bali, the Best in the World

Like flying, hovering in the air? Bali is the most appropriate place for you. Paragliding is a sport activity that is the most preferred foreign tourists. Not just a challenge but also adrenaline rush, until you feel immense pleasure when safely landed. Did you know that in Bali there are paragliding arena who said it best in the world. Its location in Bukit Timbis, Kutuh village, Kuta, Bali. Hills within 15 kilometers of Kuta Beach is claimed as a paradise for sports enthusiasts have a flow of air as the wind can bring lovers of paragliding off of a hill and landed back in the hills. This is not engineering, but the innate nature that it has existed since ancient times. Paragliding at Mount Timbis indeed very remarkable, you should try because there would be no professional counselors, so you do not removed yourself. Timbis also been used for the Asian Beach Games 2008 followed 18 sports from 42 countries of Asia, one of the branches of paragliding. Paragliding become favorite sport because it is very challenging and requires great courage.

"Hill Timbis the best paragliding in the world arena," said Sugiharto Prapto, commander of the air base at a press conference Ngurah Rai Bali Kuta Aero Sport Festival on Friday.

"In Timbis water flow is incredible, flying from the hill can be returned to the hill because it was, the flow of wind lifted up," added Sugiharto who also served as Chairman of Indonesian Aero Sport Federation of Bali. He added paragliding became a symbol of courage test of man, that never flew it was not called as a real man.

But the existence of the best paragliding place in the world is threatened by the construction of various projects around the hill.

"Twenty-five years ago the area Timbis empty, but now many of its owner-owner," he said.

The existence of several buildings that make air flow can be unnatural even interfere paragliding activity there. If left unchecked would endanger the players paragliding. There is a chance players will paragliding crash into the building under construction.

"We've been posing a letter to the owner of at least change the shape of the building so as not to disturb the water flow. Due to the building, so no natural wind, water flow down even lower," said Sugiharto who is also Chairman of the Rescue Timbis.

He added that the company has met the Provincial Government of Bali and expect the best paragliding location in the world can be maintained.

"We've met the deputy governor, let us save Timbis. Concerned that development but the absolute nature not destroyed," said Sugiharto. Because Timbis can be optimized as a tourist attraction that can generate income countries.……………………………………………….

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Scuba diving under the sea, Tanjung Benoa and the Menjangan island of Bali, tourists were interested in the whole world

Diving Scuba diving is an activity that is very popular among foreign tourists. No wonder why tourists love diving in Bali Sea, because of the beauty of the scenery there was really nice. The water is clear and the atmosphere in the sea is also captivating. Talk adiving in Bali, certainly Tanjung Benoa. It is a very popular location for scuba diving lovers.

The divers could be as much lamaana linger in the water while enjoying the scenery. Not only local Indonesian tourists, mostly from America, Australia and European countries. They really like to dive in Tanjung Benoa this.

Talk price, not too expensive. Especially for tourists bag, definitely cheap. Similarly, the service, very friendly and delicious. Diving is diving using oxygen as a source and without an oxygen tank to breathe. Usually those who are just starting, will be guided by professional guides, because diving sports yanbg high risk. Besides in Tanjung Benoa, there is also in the area of ​​Menjangan Island. Both locations to perform diving is very popular in Bali.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

PARK THE DEEP MEXICO, 400 STATUE FULL PULL international tourists

Apparently, under the sea Bali many statues scattered everywhere. The statue was leftover relic Buleleng kingdom and the royal past of Bali. The statue was diverse. Ranging from large sculptures to small sculptures.

Bali is well known as a world-class artisans sculpture since ancient times until now. Not surprisingly, many sculptures which was towing, perhaps because of being stranded when a wave of sea water or any other factor that elevates the statue until the boat overturned.

Not only in Bali, in Mexico there is a vehicle seabed frightening attractive, namely Taman Lauat Punta Cancun. The uniqueness of this marine park, made a sculpture image of the seabed is very beautiful.

British sculptor Jason de Caires Taylor created a miracle in Marine Park Punta CancĂșn, Isla de Mujeres and Punta Nizuc, Cancun, Mexico. The goal is for the usual water park rides bring visitors from different countries. In a project called "The Silent Evolution", Taylor created an underwater sculpture park, which also serves as an artificial reef. It's very creative and useful for the preservation of nature.

Taylor like juggling sea into an art gallery by placing 400 figure statue, which was modeled on the locals. As quoted from the Guardian, but to attract tourists, the project also aims to preserve marine habitats. Indeed, since the first marine habitat in these very damaged and poorly maintained.

Taylor explained, during this natural reefs around Cancun damaged by pollution and exploitation of fish. Artificial reefs is also expected to 'rest' natural reefs due to 750,000 thousand tourists visit every year. Not only in Mexico, it turns out in other countries, too. Coral reefs damaged by the tourists from various countries are destructive.

Made of special cement, this sculpture as well as a coral reef 'planted' ten meters from the sea level. Variations of fish and other sea creatures in the Caribbean Sea will be maintained continuity in these artificial habitats. May all these statues remain forever.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Bali is a paradise for those who like swimming. Many American and Australian tourists diving activities in the marine waters of Bali. They were very happy to enjoy the underwater scenery is very beautiful Bali. There are coral reefs, shipwrecks until the giant statue of Lord Vishnu very beautiful.

But unfortunately, at the Bali sea there is a danger that is feared by divers, the shark attack. Many swimmers who bothered shark during a dive in the sea Bali and there were some who died bitten by a shark. But fortunately there are already anti-shark swimsuit. Discovered by Jolly and Craig Anderson. Both are very genius to make the clothes anti shark bite this. How does it work ?

Do not think the shark shirt is made of anti-shark bite. It's more a psychological direction. Jolly and Craig Anderson designed a special suit to deceive the perception of sharks. Both do a long experiment how to make clothes patterns hated sharks. "Clothes that we have developed is a special suit with a special color. When viewed in detail, the color of this dress is closer to the color of shark also that they would have thought it was his own. And when we do experiments with real sharks, it is true "Jolly said at a media in America.

As quoted from the Deutsche Welle on Sunday, two anti-shark swimsuit design was developed Hamish Jolly and Craig Anderson, who formed the company SAMS-- as well as collaboration with the University of Western Australia's (UWA) Oceans Institute.

Two types of this swimsuit concentrated focus on color and motif. As known sharks color blind and different perspectives to light. Sharks also proved sensitive to the hated object. With colors and patterns resembling hated the shark, the shark would avoid anything similar to that object. And this dress finally passed the test to the sharks.

"Elude swimsuit blue and white is designed for users who like to dive and snorkel. So the design was basically hides the wearer between the columns of water," said Anderson.

While swimsuit Diverter addressed to the divers. This shirt berdisain shades of black and white lines are considered a danger signal by a shark. Both of these clothes have been tested in the laboratory and the results are quite satisfactory, although not 100%

According to researchers UWA, Shaun Collins, "A lot of animals who avoid certain animals with signals that seemed to say: do not eat me, and we realized in the pattern of stripes."

Then how the test results this swimsuit in real conditions? Predator shark swim past the doll wearing a swimsuit anti sharks, but the bite doll wearing a black swimsuit. This is very interesting and certainly unique.

Although the results of field tests is quite impressive, but "SAMS can not guarantee swimwear we made completely safe against shark attacks," according to Deutsche Welle. If you are unlucky, although wear this dress, it still will be bitten too. ***

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Diving or sport diving is an activity that is fun. In Bali, the sport is very popular among foreign tourists. They enjoy a variety of underwater scenery is very beautiful. Generally, the activity of underwater diving in Bali conducted jointly. Talk diving or diving, of course we do not forget the human fish. Die named Stig Severinsen. A young man from Denmark has the world record can survive in water without breathing or breathing apparatus, for 22 minutes.

In 2010, Stig Severinsen jumping into a pool full of sharks and holding their breath for 20 minutes 10 seconds. He won the Guinness World Record as the man who could hold his breath the longest in the water. Two years later, he broke his own record by holding his breath 22 minutes in the water. This is a highest achievement of mankind throughout the world. Imagine, if you can hold your breath for it, then diving activities you will be very enjoyable. You will be a long time in the water and enjoy the underwater scenery is very beautiful yanga in Bali.

Severinsen, who has a Ph.D. in the field of medicine and a master's degree in biology, known to participate in the most extreme challenges, including swimming in waters with temperatures below zero degrees in the North Sea. Records that not a single human being solved. Do you dare to emulate Severinsen?

After the swim experience extreme, the fact that he could hold his breath for tens of minutes even seem extreme anymore. However, nobody in the world who could do it, except him, as reported Odditycentral, Friday (25/10/2013).

When trying to solve his own record for holding his breath underwater, Severinsen was accompanied by his brother who is a doctor, who constantly monitor his vital organs. Through the monitoring physician, Severinsen got a lot of help, especially if the conditions are getting weak and need help, the doctor will soon bring relief.

Before starting the stopwatch, he did a routine called pre-oxygenated static apnea, to breathe pure oxygen. By eliminating nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which makes up more than 78 percent of the air we live, he was able to fulfill his lungs with oxygen, which helped conduct this extreme exercise. A breath hold exercises incredible tight, conducted by Severinsen regularly. It is very important for your diving enthusiasts.

To save precious oxygen, Severinsen also regulate the water in the pool to be around 30 degrees Celsius so that it can lower the heart rate to 30 beats per minute. And the preparation is what makes Severinsen could last breath for 22 minutes without oxygen above sea level. Extraordinary !

Having previously could hold his breath for 20 minutes and 10 seconds and won the world record in 2010, the next action in the year 2012 he decided to get an extra time of 1 minute and 50 seconds just for fun. In the end, he managed to hold his breath for exactly 22 minutes.

Apparently, Severinsen is a kind of super-human or human fish with a lung capacity of 14 liters, twice that of the average human. In addition to having lungs that are very strong, 40-year-old man is also used to act in the water, especially in ice cold water. The lethal action is always done on a regular basis and in front of many people. You can imagine how great this Danish guy, because the focus practiced routinely hold your breath.

When he was young, he performs 'Viking Swimming', ie dive in ice holes. He also played underwater rugby and underwater hockey. He is also the author of a book entitled 'Breatheology', in which he described the breathing routine that he does before every challenge death. Are you inspired? Come exercise hold the breath, to facilitate the activities of sea diving in Bali!