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Saturday, December 12, 2015


Donald Trump returned condemnation from many quarters. After he forbid Americans to welcome Muslims into American soil. Of course, Donald Trump's proposal was rejected by many parties. Only 25% agreed, 75% of Americans do not agree on the rejection of the Islamic enter and reside in the United States.

What underlies Trump is extreme like that? Turns out he saw the dark side movement of hardline Muslim militants have been troubling the world, and Donald Trump menimpulkan with shallowness mind that Islam is a terrorist religion, then all Muslims should be shunned and banned.

Rejection not only of domestic origin America, but also State American allies also rejected the idea of ​​Donald Trump's crazy. They (state allies) saw the side of Donald Trump as a short-term thinking and overly emotional. This not only looks stupid but very endanger the safety of Americans in the eyes of the world.

Hilary Clinton, the former first lady (wife of former president Bill Clinton) is also strongly disagree with the attitude of Donald Trump that seem silly and embarrassing. Donald Hilary stressed that action is wrong and needs to be clarified. "It is precisely with that attitude, Donald Trump gave a propaganda vehicle for ISIS to get more followers. Donald did not see the more dangerous side on this crazy idea "said Hilary.

Donald Trump is still criticized by the State allies and also citizens of the world. They beranggap Donald is the figure of a politician who is arrogant and does not give freedom of religion in one country, and whether it is feasible Americans would choose him to be the president for the upcoming elections?



Donald Trump kembali menuai kecaman dari banyak pihak. Setelah dirinya melarang warga Amerika untuk menyambut muslim ke tanah Amerika. Tentu saja, usulan Donald Trump ditolak banyak pihak. Hanya 25% saja yang setuju, 75% warga Amerika tidak setuju atas penolakan kaum Islam masuk dan bertempat tinggal di Amerika.

Apa yang mendasari Trump bersifat ekstrim seperti itu ? Ternyata ia melihat sisi gelap gerakan garis keras militant Muslim sudah meresahkan dunia, dan Donald Trump menimpulkan dengan kedangkalan pikirannya bahwa Islam itu agama teroris, maka semua yang beragama Islam harus dijauhi dan dilarang masuk.

Penolakan bukan saja berasal dari dalam negeri Amerika, tapi juga Negara sekutu Amerika juga menolak ide gila Donald Trump ini. Mereka ( Negara sekutu ) melihat sisi Donald Trump sebagai seorang yang berpikir jangka pendek dan terlalu emosional. Ini bukan saja terlihat bodoh tapi sangat membahayakan keselamatan Amerika di mata dunia.

Hilary Clinton, mantan Ibu Negara Amerika ( istri mantan presiden Bill Clinton) juga sangat tidak setuju dengan sikap Donald Trump yang terkesan bodoh dan memalukan. Hilary menekankan bahwa tindakan Donald adalah keliru dan perlu diluruskan. “ Justru dengan sikap itu, Donald Trump memberikan kendaraan propaganda bagi ISIS untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak pengikut. Donald tak melihat sisi yang lebih berbahaya lagi atas ide gilanya ini “ ujar Hilary.

Donald Trump sampai saat ini masih dikecam oleh Negara sekutu dan juga warga dunia yang lain. Mereka beranggap Donald adalah sosok politisi yang sombong dan tidak memberikan kebebasan beragama disuatu Negara, dan apakah layak Amerika akan memilih dirinya untuk menjadi presiden untuk pemilihan yang akan datang ?

Friday, December 11, 2015


Statue of Liberty store long history. Americans snapped up when it was discovered that the figure figures historical research Statue of Liberty was beradal of Arab women are Muslim. The shocking news of the latest meeting diengah beradal debate between the US and the handling of refugees from Syria and some Muslim majority population is related to the war conflict. Of the talks, some historians say that the Statue of Liberty was created from the inspiration of a woman guard the Suez Canal backgrounds devout Muslim Arab woman.

Of course, this news raises a huge shock. Warag Statue of Liberty is the pride of America and the State - the other major countries, there is now the latest news clicking claim that the Statue of Liberty was adal; ah Arab women, Muslims.

Liberty Enlightening the World, his full name, is a gift one hundred years of independence the United States from the people of France. The bronze statue was unveiled on 28 October 1886. This reliable source of Wikipedia.

In the past, he is a symbol of welcome to visitors and Americans returning from long trips at a time consolation for the hearts of the immigrants who ran away from his hometown to try his luck in the 'land of hope', United States.

Sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, while Gustave Eiffel - the designer of the Eiffel Tower - designed the support structure inside. According to historical records, the statue was taken from the inspiration of the engraver, namely Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Frederic saw the toughness of women guard the Suez Canal, the Arab nationality, and the statue was made up still stands proudly today.

Now the Americans are very surprised and still question the historical truth of the Statue of Liberty's. Is it true that nationals of Arab women who are Muslims? The absolute truth of this history can not be obtained immediately, but it needs a long process of winding. What is clear, we increasingly understand the background of the Statue of Liberty is it whom?



Patung Liberty menyimpan sejarah panjang. Warga Amerika terhentak ketika ditemukan penelitian sejarah bahwa sosok tokoh patung Liberty itu beradal dari wanita Arab beragama Islam. Berita mengejutkan ini beradal dari pertemuan terbaru diengah perdebatan antara AS dengan penanganan pengungsi dari Suriah dan beberapa penduduk mayoritas Islam tersebut terkait dengan konflik perang. Dari pembicaran tersebut, beberapa ahli sejarah mengatakan bahwa Patung Liberty itu dibuat dari inspirasi seorang wanita penjaga Terusan Suez yang berlatarbelakang wanita Arab beragama Islam taat.

Tentu saja berita ini menimbulkan kekagetan yang sangat besar. Patung Liberty adalah kebanggaan warag Amerika dan Negara – Negara besar lainnya, kini ada berita terbaru yang meng klaim bahwa patung Liberty itu adal;ah wanita Arab, beragama Islam. Liberty Enlightening the World, nama lengkapnya, adalah hadiah seratus tahun kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat dari rakyat Prancis. Patung perunggu itu diresmikan pada 28 Oktober 1886. Ini sumber dari Wikipedia yang terpercaya.

Di masa lalu, ia adalah simbol selamat datang untuk pengunjung dan orang Amerika yang kembali dari perjalanan jauh sekaligus pelipur hati bagi para imigran yang lari dari kampung halamannya untuk mengadu nasib di 'tanah harapan', Amerika Serikat.

Pemahat patung adalah Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, sementara Gustave Eiffel--desainer Menara Eiffel--merancang struktur penyangga dalamnya. Menurut catatan sejarah, patung itu diambil dari inspirasi pemahat, yaitu Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Frederic melihat ketangguhan wanita penjaga Terusan Suez, kebangsaan Arab , dan patung itu di buat hingga masih berdiri gagah hingga sekarang. Kini warga Amerika sangat terkejut dan masih mempertanyakan kebenaran sejarah Patung Liberty ini. Benarkah wanita itu berkebangsaan Arab yang beragama Islam ? Kebenaran mutlak sejarah ini tidak bisa didapat seketika, tapi perlu proses panjang berliku. Yang jelas, kita makin paham latar belakang Patung Liberty ini itu siapa ?

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Old is the word most hated women. The woman is a symbol of beauty for man, when it becomes old, beauty gradually began to disappear. And women will pay the price in order to remain beautiful and youthful.

However there are some habits that you must do in order not to become old fast. Generally, women who work much faster than in older women who work at home. And is more common in women in developed countries, such as America, Japan, England and many more. The following is the research conducted by Dr. Debra Jaliman about 10 factors that cause a woman old fast. Come see for those who want to continue to feel beautiful.

Considers it too early care
Generally, many women feel it is too early to care for beauty, but it is wrong. Beauty care began early on to old age is important. The more you earlier beauty care, the more durable your beautiful in face and body. Prove yourself.

Wear late anti-aging cream
Anti-aging creams do not cure and keep you always young. But at least the anti-aging cream will prevent the signs of premature aging and slow the aging process tersebut.Dengan other words, always use an anti-aging cream that the aging process can be slowed and more beautiful you at any time.

Do not wear sunscreen
Women tend to underestimate the sunscreen so do not wear sunscreen even when traveling or doing activities in the light of matahai. In fact, sunscreen is clearly effective in preventing exposure to UV radiation. How many women are exposed to the sun and his face becoming older and wrinkles earlier. This is due to forget to use sunscreen.

Skip the neck and hand care
Many people who think that old is indicated by the appearance of facial skin. In fact, aging can also be demonstrated by the neck and hands. This is why you have to take care of the neck and hands juga.Leher and the hand is the part that must be treated to make it more beautiful and attractive in the eyes of men.

Disposable drinking straws
It seems very trivial, but when you use a straw to drink, your face will be easier older. This is because the facial muscles when using a straw to be down and older up is not recommended you use a straw to drink. Minimizing eye cream
Compared to other types of care products, eye cream is the most uncommon behavior. Though this eye cream can help repel the lines of wrinkles in the eye area. When the wrinkles around the eyes arise, you will look older and less unsightly. Therefore rid of wrinkles in the eye.

Forgetting menu containing antioxidants
Makeup is not always perfect cover up signs of premature aging. You also have to complete it by eating foods that contain antioxidants such as berry-berryan, nuts and dark chocolate.

Accustomed to cross their legs
In addition to genetics, signs of premature aging in the foot well is because you love to cross kaki.Ini based research some beauty experts around the world. With crossed legs means that the muscles around the face are affected and other body parts are also influential.

You know very well that cigarettes do not provide any nutrients to the body, and keep taking them. You may know but not really aware that smoking also contributes to premature aging of your body and your skin. Obviously, cigarettes accelerate aging. Do not let you smoke because it will make your face look older than their actual age.

Leaving skin breakouts
Beautiful for what it does not mean you are free to let acne grow on the face or other parts of the skin. Acne will leave scars that are difficult lost and removed. Therefore, make sure you make the best treatment for acne overcome this problem. Acne should disappear from your face, the way to use the reliever acne.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Stress in the workplace in the first position in the list of life's problems. Ranking second is economic pressure and the third is the problem boredom of life. In America, many families who suffered severe depression as a result of the above three issues, namely economic pressures, family problems and boredom of life.

Many Americans are stressed until there were suicides, because it does not hold the load of life. Especially women. Why women? Because American women are less resistant to heavy stress and could not find creative solutions to solve problems. They end the life with drinking, drugs and foods that damage to overdose.

Similarly, the young people in America. They tend to end life by joining the gang of narcotics, nightclubs and end of life by suicide. They are among those who have been exposed to severe stress and very difficult to handle. But in fact their problem is simple and can be overcome. For you Americans and whoever it is, here are a few practical tips to memecahkam severe stress problems. Whether it is due to economic pressures, the pressures of work or social pressures, this method has been proved by many people. We recommend you try.

From now on, familiarize yourself to Gratitude. Grateful that you were given life. Many people who still want to live but could not, and you should thank the creator that you are given the opportunity to erase the sins of the past, apologize and make amends.

The second phase, to be patient. Impatient that anything you will do is process. And it takes time. You have to see everything there is time. In America and other developing States State, all almost instantaneous. This is due to the influence of advanced technology. But in life, nothing is instant. All existing processes and time. You must be sure that everything is bound by the law of cause and effect, and there are dimensions of space and time there.

The third stage, CREATIVE THINKING. This is what distinguishes man from other creatures. Create a dream list that has not you realize. Create from a small scale first and start thinking of ways to make it happen through creative ideas. Rest assured that whatever has been done and the people can, then you can certainly do it, if you know how. Hone your creative power every day. The fourth stage, MAKE PLANS. It's very important. You have to make plans at night and in the morning immediately implemented. Create a plan of short, medium and long term. Do this in your workspace. Paste in the bedroom wall. Create a plan that is realistic and realize with great spirit.

Fifth: MONITORING. Perform monitoring over any planning that you have done and the value of the results. Fix if there are errors, increase if the score is low up from time to time you have the means and formulas that what you are targeting it better and better, because you are willing to learn every time.

It is 5 practical tips for Americans and other developed countries are experiencing severe stress levels. Without the desire to improve themselves, then your life will be like this forever. There was no improvement and progress. Let us turn towards the better.


5 CARA EFEKTIF MENGHAPUS KEBOSANAN HIDUP DAN SEKALIGUS MERAIH SUKSES HIDUP, KHUSUS BAGI WARGA AMERIKA DAN NEGARA MAJU Stres ditempat kerja menduduki posisi pertama dalam daftar masalah hidup. Peringkat kedua adalah tekanan ekonomi dan ketiga adalah masalah kebosanan hidup. Di Amerika, banyak keluarga yang mengalami depresi berat akibat tiga masalah diatas, yaitu tekanan ekonomi, masalah keluarga dan kejenuhan hidup.

Banyak warga Amerika yang stress hingga ada yang bunuh diri, karena tidak kuat menahan beban hidup. Terutama wanita. Kenapa wanita ? Karena wanita Amerika kurang tahan terhadap stress berat dan tak bisa mencari solusi kreatif untuk memecahkan masalah. Mereka mengahiri hidup dengan minum minuman keras, obat bius dan makanan yang merusak hingga over dosis.

Begitu pula dengan anak muda di Amerika. Mereka cenderung mengakhiri hidup dengan bergabung ke gang narkotika, klub malam dan mengakhiri hidup dengan bunuh diri. Mereka adalah golongan orang-orang yang sudah terkena stress berat dan sangat sulit ditangani.

Tapi sebenarnya masalah mereka itu sederhana dan bisa diatasi. Bagi Anda warga Amerika dan siapa pun itu, berikut ada tips praktis untuk memecahkam masalah stress berat. Apakah itu disebabkan karena tekanan ekonomi, tekanan kerja atau tekanan social, cara ini sudah dibuktikan banyak orang. Sebaiknya Anda mencoba.

Mulai detik ini, biasakan diri Anda untuk BERSYUKUR. Bersyukur bahwa Anda masih diberi kehidupan. Banyak orang yang masih ingin hidup tapi tak bisa, dan Anda harus berterimakasih pada pencipta bahwa Anda masih diberi kesempatan untuk menghapus dosa masa lalu, meminta maaf dan menebus kesalahan.

Tahap kedua, BERSABAR. Sabar bahwa apapun yang Anda akan lakukan adalah proses. Dan itu perlu waktu. Anda harus melihat segala sesuatu ini ada waktunya. Di Amerika dan Negara bekembang lainnya, semua serba instan. Ini karena pengaruh teknologi canggih. Tapi dalam kehidupan, tak ada yang instan. Semua ada proses dan waktunya. Anda harus yakin bahwa segala sesuatu terikat dengan hukum sebab akibat, dan ada dimensi ruang dan waktu disitu.

Tahap ketiga, BERPIKIR KREATIF. Ini yang membedakan manusia dengan mahluk lain. Buat daftar impian yang selama ini belum Anda wujudkan. Buat dari skala yang kecil dulu dan mulailah memikirkan cara mewujudkannya melalui ide kreatif. Yakinlah bahwa apapun yang sudah pernah orang lakukan dan bisa, maka Anda juga pasti bisa melakukannya, asal tahu caranya. Asah daya kreatif Anda setiap hari. Tahap keempat, BUAT RENCANA. Ini sangat penting. Anda harus membuat rencana pada malam hari dan paginya langsung dilaksanakan. Buat rencana jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang. Lakukan ini di ruang kerja Anda. Tempel di dinding kamar. Buat rencana yang realistic dan wujudkan dengan semangat yang besar.

Tahap kelima, MONITORING. Lakukan monitoring atas setiap planning yang sudah Anda lakukan dan nilai hasilnya. Perbaiki jika ada kesalahan, tingkatkan kalau skor nya rendah hingga dari waktu ke waktu Anda memiliki cara dan formula agar apa yang Anda targetkan itu lebih baik dan baik lagi, karena Anda bersedia belajar setiap waktu.

Itu adalah 5 tips praktis untuk warga Amerika dan Negara maju lainnya yang mengalami tingkat stress yang parah. Tanpa keinginan untuk memperbaiki diri, maka hidup Anda akan selamanya begini saja. Tak ada peningkatan dan kemajuan. Ayo kita berubah kearah yang lebih baik.

Monday, December 7, 2015


America is the greatest country in the world. With an area of ​​9,826,675 km2 State, this State being the only State of the strongest on earth. Almost all sectors of life have improved much, ranging from culture, politics and economy. All growing very rapidly.

Specifically in the sectors of culture, Americans have a lot of mixing the culture of many countries to the richest countries famous American culture than any state in the world. And this is the reason why many American families experiencing divorce cases highest in the world.

What caused it ? The research of the most significant cause is a matter of infidelity, substance abuse, communication is not smooth, family finances and was no longer interested in the pair.

All the factors that lead to divorce in America. According to research, over 50% of American families ever divorced, at least one time. And this shows how much the divorce rate in America is to include in the ranking of the highest in the world. Actually, what is causing American households become easily destroyed? The main problem is communication. This is very serious. Each to be himself regardless of his partner. And from that attitude, both husband and wife (walalupu already have children), will be looking for fun in the outdoors.

No wonder if the various entertainment centers in the United States, the average people who menghabisksn time outside the home for pleasure rather than in their own homes. This second cause adverse effects, namely infidelity. And this is the final trigger factor that causes households to be disbanded.

Other factors such as narcotics penyalahgunbaan also plays a very big divorce. Many young couple who have started familiar narcotics and brought up the household. And in the end of American households no longer age.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Rain diamond! Perhaps you will think, exist only in fairy tales. But recently occurred in Hong Kong! Diamond rain occurred on the road Nathan, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. It was about 20:40 pm local time, dozens of Hongkong poured from the house to look for the diamond grains that fell with rain water.

According to reports from Shanghaiist (11/29/2015), a resident penajaln we shout loud because finding a shiny grain that falls from the sky along with rain in the evening. Of course the people who hear directly spontaneously ran into the street and look for the shiny objects expected is the diamond.

One by one the residents of Hong Kong began to take to the streets and less than five minutes, the road around the site was filled with hundreds of people who are busy collecting diamonds falling from the sky. Many people think, whether it is a real diamond or not at all. However, some stores are already selling to diamond and accepted, although not as expensive as real diamonds.

Some argue that the diamond originated from a place that was brought by typhoons, and went up along the clouds, and langusung down along with the rainwater. Namunada also argued, the diamond comes from one building sau being dropped from the top of tall buildings. However, if they occur, have not found what their motivation imitasin diamond drop it.

Because many residents who meet jalanm and disrupt traffic around the road, Hongkong police immediately disperse the crowd for fear of making the situation uncontrollable. This truly unique and interesting news in Hong Kong.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Zodiak you what? Some time ago, there is research on trends in the zodiac against accidents. Unique indeed but quite intriguing. It turns out there are four zodiac to watch and prone bring road accidents. Avoid hiring a personal driver when has this zodiac.

If you happen to have a car and want to leave your car, be sure not to zodiac that is because it is very prone to accidents. It is based on research and not the original guess only.

What are the four zodiac which tends to bring the accident? Listen, I hope you're not including the zodiac.

1. Libra

For those who have zodiac Libra should be careful, because this is the first order of the zodiac worst driver in the world. This makes it so that zodiac should be stricken from the list of drivers. Libra people have a vacillating character. Therefore tend to lack self-confidence to bring a car. Libra is usually difficult to think to make quick decisions in a vehicle even this Zodiac can not understand if he was confronted in impromptu situations. Be careful bringing a car if you're a Libra. Or avoid looking for the driver is a Libra.

2. Aquarius

The driver of the second worst in the world: those who have zodiac Aquarius. Here they will move suddenly that follow his own will. for example ya, they want to turn right, but not the revival cent lamps. Worse yet, they often bumping into other riders, instead of the Aquarius were even angry. This is because the character of Aquarius is so, like blame, though he was wrong. Avoid looking driver Aquarius person, unless he has been willing to change.

3. Aries

The worst rider in the third world is Aries. They tend to be as childish while in the middle of the road so crowded. They tend to do things that benefit him. Rather selfish and bossy. Also quickly despair if traffic jam. For example, on a motorcycle in the middle of the highway, and then they bring it with a very slow pace. People like this upset the other driver. Avoid Aries recruit people to become your personal driver.

4. Pisces

And the worst of the last rider is Pisces. They have a bad habit that is dreamy acute level, so that the mind becomes unfocused. For example ya, they currently are in the red light district instead of waiting but instead break through. Pisces have a tendency fanciful and dreamy up can cause severe accidents.

They only think about how to get home. Because considering the stove in his house has not been turned off. So, do not be surprised if they often really an accident. It's just a forecast on the research a number of people, believed to be 100% unnecessary.



Zodiak Anda apa ? Beberapa waktu lalu, ada riset tentang kecenderungan zodiac terhadap kecelakaan. Unik memang tapi cukup membuat penasaran. Ternyata ada 4 zodiak yang perlu diwaspadai dan rawan membawa kecelakaan di jalan raya. Hindari rekrut supir pribadi ketika memiliki zodiac ini.

Jika Anda kebetulan memiliki mobil dan ingin menitipkan mobil Anda, pastikan jangan ke zodiac yang ini karena sangat rawan kecelakaan. Ini berdasarkan riset dan bukan asal tebak saja.

Apa saja ke empat zodiac yang cenderung membawa kecelakaan tersebut ? Simak, semoga zodiac Anda tidak termasuk didalamnya.

1. Libra

Bagi mereka yang memiliki zodiak Libra harus berhati-hati, sebab zodiak ini adalah urutan pertama pengendara terburuk di dunia. Sehingga zodiak ini membuatnya harus dicoret dari daftar pengemudi. Orang berzodiak Libra memiliki karakter BIMBANG. Karena itu cenderung kurang percaya diri membawa mobil. Libra biasanya sulit berpikir untuk memberi keputusan cepat di dalam kendaraan bahkan zodiak ini tidak mengerti jika dirinya sedang dihadapkan di situasi dadakan. Hati hati membawa mobil jika Anda berzodiak Libra. Atau hindari cari supir berzodiak Libra.

2. Aquarius

Pengemudi terburuk di dunia yang kedua yakni mereka yang memiliki zodiak Aquarius. Disini mereka akan bergerak dengan tiba-tiba yang mengikuti kehendaknya sendiri. misalnya nih, mereka ingin belok ke kanan, tapi lampu sen tidak dihidupkannya. Parahnya lagi, mereka sering menabrak pengendara lain, justru para Aquarius yang malah marah-marah. Ini karena karakter Aquarius memang begitu, suka menyalahkan orang, walaupun dia salah. Hindari cari supir orang Aquarius, kecuali dia sudah mau berubah.

3. Aries

Pengendara terburuk di dunia yang ketiganya adalah Aries. Mereka cenderung bersifat seperti kekanak-kanakan saat berada di tengah jalan raya yang begitu ramai. Mereka cenderung melakukan hal yang menguntungkan bagi dirinya. Agak egois dan mau menang sendiri. Juga cepat putus asa jika macet parah. Misalnya, naik motor di tengah jalan raya, kemudian mereka membawanya dengan kecepatan yang sangat pelan. Orang seperti ini membuat kesal para pengemudi lainnya. Hindari rekrut orang Aries untuk menjadi supir pribadi Anda.

4. Pisces

Dan pengendara terburuk yang terakhir adalah Pisces. Mereka mempunyai kebiasaan buruk yaitu melamun tingkat akut, sehingga pikirannya menjadi tidak fokus. Misalnya nih, mereka saat berada di kawasan lampu merah bukannya menunggu tapi malah menerobosnya. Pisces memiliki kecenderungan suka berkhayal dan melamun hingga bisa menimbulkan kecelakaan parah.

Mereka hanya memikirkan bagaimana caranya untuk segera sampai di rumah. Karena mengingat kompor di rumahnya belum dimatikan. Jadi, jangan heran kalau mereka sering banget mengalami kecelakaan. Ini hanya ramalan atas riset sejumlah orang, tak perlu diyakini 100%.