great info

Friday, November 27, 2015


Even alcohol can damage the nervous system by blocking the signals between the spinal cord to the brain. This causes the alcohol drinkers become empowered remember weak, easily forgotten and the easier it is to lose balance.

How to drinkers who are already used to drink alcohol? The effect is the same. Even in the long term, they are a matter of time. When the resistance has begun to diminish and decline, generally organ-known effects of alcohol will be easily hurt and impaired performance. This is where the pain starts round for alcohol drinkers.

Alcohol is a product of fermented fruits, grains and honey. In the process of fermentation, the yeast used to convert sugar into alkohol.Bahannya healthy enough, but when it becomes alcohol then there is a change of chemical element to be detrimental to health.

And shall bear in mind, to drink alcohol, you will be exposed to many illnesses, there are seven deadly diseases will be experienced drinkers of alcohol. That is 1. weak memory 2. heart attack 3. stoke 4. impotence 5.. Organic Mental Disorders (GMO) 6. Toxicity / Drunk 7. Gastrinitis Thus the severity of the dangers of alcohol for health, let us stop drinking alcohol before it's too late.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Shaped Human beings, having wings, baby eaters at Mount Kairatu, Maluku, Indonesia

Apparently, in Indonesia there are mysterious creatures that are very deadly. Precisely on the island of Seram, Ambon, Maluku. These creatures resemble humans and have wings. According to some testimonies of citizens, this creature lived in Mount Kairatu and only come out at night, especially the full moon.

This mysterious creature sometimes appeared on the mountain, and fly if one is approaching. For the Bati, these creatures often come to people's houses at night, especially the lonely midnight. And he was like a human baby.

Bati people, native Ambonese living around the slopes Gunug Kairatu, very concerned about the safety of the children, because the winged humanlike creature is very difficult to kill. Good flying ability and always elude the people of Maluku.

New for the tourists who visit the site, you should be careful, because not yet know the terrain of the area. Especially for tourists who like climbing a mountain in the area, then you need to do is to bring the indigenous people who already understand about Mount Kairatu, so as not to fall prey to the mysterious creature.

Why foreign tourists climb digunug is prohibited by the citizens? Because some cases never existed, the tourists go into the mysterious creature's lair and fall prey to them. Moreover, if the night, the sentient force is very strong and manifold. And that is why tourists should not climb without the indigenous people as a counselor at the mountain.

Until now, the existence of the mysterious winged creatures that are being sought. Generally, they live in cave mountain slopes are very difficult to reach land, and yet there are people who can figure out where the mysterious dwelling creatures. Is it true that being in the form of physical or astral creatures that resemble humans with wings? No one can answer with certainty until Versi Indonesia : Ternyata, di Indonesia ada mahluk misterius yang sangat mematikan. Tepatnya di Pulau Seram, Ambon Maluku. Mahluk ini menyerupai manusia dan memiliki sayap. Menurut beberapa kesaksian warga, mahluk ini tinggal di Gunung Kairatu dan hanya keluar pada waktu malam, terutama bulan purnama.

Mahluk misterius ini kadang menampakkan diri di atas gunung, dan terbang jika ada yang mendekat. Bagi orang Bati, mahluk ini sering datang ke rumah penduduk pada malam hari, terutama tengah malam yang sepi. Dan ia sangat suka bayi manusia. Orang Bati, penduduk asli Ambon yang hidup di sekitar lereng gunug Kairatu, sangat khawatir dengan keselamatan para anak-anaknya, karena mahluk mirip manusia bersayap ini sangat sulit dibunuh. Kemampuan terbangnya bagus dan selalu lolos dari kejaran para warga Maluku.

Untuk para turis yang baru berkunjung ke lokasi itu, sebaiknya hati-hati, karena belum tahu medan daerah tersebut. Apalagi bagi turis yang suka mendaki gunung di daerah itu, maka yang perlu dilakukan adalah membawa orang asli yang sudah sangat paham tentang Gunung Kairatu, agar tidak menjadi mangsa mahluk misterius tersebut.

Mengapa para turis asing dilarang mendaki digunug tersebut oleh warga ? Karena beberapa kejadian pernah ada, turis tersebut masuk ke sarang mahluk misterius itu dan menjadi mangsa mereka. Apalagi jika dimalam hari, kekuatan mahluk itu sangat kuat dan berlipat ganda. Dan itulah sebabnya turis tak boleh mendaki tanpa orang asli sebagai pembimbing di gunung tersebut.

Sampai kini, keberadaan mahluk misterius bersayap itu masih terus dicari. Umumnya mereka tinggal di goa lereng gunung yang sangat sulit ditempuh jalur darat, dan belum ada warga yang bisa mengetahui dimana tempat tinggal mahluk misterius itu. Apakah benar itu mahluk berupa fisik atau mahluk astral yang menyerupai manusia bersayap ? Belum ada yang bisa menjawab secara pasti sampai.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


American lifestyle and other developed countries could actually trigger the events died young. Starting from smoke, drink alcohol to drugs containing narcotics. As citizens of developed countries, America number one in economic and technological development. And this leads to the modern culture that tends to work overload.

Data from leading healthcare institutions, concluded America, America has a record kematiantinggi unnatural world. This is very surprising. Indeed, from these data, the mortality rate is derived from violence and not the health factor. But this is also impacting indirectly.

In that note was also reported that the rate of death of Americans the highest in the world because of drug abuse, infant mortality and infected with AIDS. This is because of the promiscuity and lack of control the parents of the association of young people who tend to be damaged.

Here are some of the factors that led to the death of young Americans have:

Heart failure

This can happen because Americans generally do not like to exercise, especially adolescents and adults. Heart failure occurs the heart blood vessel problems both arteries and aorta. Another factor due to thickened heart muscle to pump blood very difficult process. These factors are high cholesterol foods.

Ruptured Blood Vessels

Banyaka Americans die young because of blood vessel dilation and thinning of the blood vessels. This is caused by the consumption of liquor and cigarettes, to the quality of the blood vessels become ugly and less elastic. Also because of lack of medical control to not know the condition of blood vessels is still normal or already began to fail.


Other factors dalah epilepsy or epilepsy. Many Americans are dying because of this factor. It seems trivial, but it's really serious. Ayan can be very dangerous for everyone, including you. He will be difficult breathing and cause death if not immediately assisted with proper handling.

Head Injury

And the cause of death of young Americans healthcare is further associated with head injury. This is because drug abuse until the balance becomes damaged, the body falls and head hit a hard object such as a wall or floor. Of course, can lead to death. Head injuries also occur due to car and motorcycle accidents. Young Americans really like speeding on the road, either take the car or motorcycle. When the accident occurred, the head hit a hard object and eventually cause the death of the young.


The culprit and cause of mortality Americans die young. Apparently, in America many families who had a gun in his house. Perhaps for security reasons or because of other reasons. Firearms frequent cause of death. Usually used by teenagers and lead to death when used carelessly. Firearms plays an important role for the safety of Americans. Carefully store the firearms at home!


Gaya hidup orang Amerika dan Negara maju lainnya ternyata bisa memicu kejadian mati muda. Mulai dari merokok, minuman alcohol hingga obat-obatan mengandung narkotik. Sebagai warga Negara maju, Amerika menduduki nomor satu dalam perkembangan ekonomi dan teknologi. Dan ini membawa pada budaya modern yang cenderung bekerja berlebihan.

Data dari lembaga kesehatan terkemuka, Amerika menyimpulkan, Amerika memiliki catatan kematiantinggi tidak wajar didunia. Ini sangat mengejutkan. Memang, dari data tersebut, tingkat kematian berasal dari kekerasan dan bukan faktor kesehatan. Namun ini juga berdampak secara tak langsung.

Dalam catatan itu juga dilaporkan bahwa tingkat kematian orang Amerika tertinggi di dunia karena faktor penyalahgunaan narkoba, kematian bayi dan terinfeksi AIDS. Ini karena faktor seks bebas dan kurang control pihak orangtua terhadap pergaulan anak muda yang cenderung rusak.

Berikut ini beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan warga Amerika mengalami kematian muda :

Gagal Jantung

Ini bisa terjadi karena warga Amerika umumnya kurang suka berolahraga, terutama para remaja dan dewasa. Gagal jantung terjadi adanya masalah pembuluh darah jantung baik arteri maupun aorta. Faktor lainnya karena otot jantung yang menebal hingga proses pompa darah sangat sulit. Ini faktor makanan yang mengandung kolesterol tinggi.

Pecah Pembuluh Darah

Banyaka warga Amerika meninggal usia muda karena faktor pelebaran pembuluh darah dan penipisan pembuluh darah. Ini diakibatkan karena konsumsi minuman keras dan rokok, hingga kualitas pembuluh darah menjadi jelek dan kurang elastis. Juga karena kurang control kesehatan hingga tak tahu kondisi pembuluh darahnya apakah masih normal atau sudah mulai terganggu.


Faktor lainnya dalah epilepsy atau ayan. Banyak warga Amerika yang mengalami kematian karena faktor ini. Sepertinya sepele, tapi sebenarnya serius. Ayan bisa sangat membahayakan bagi semua orang, termasuk Anda. Dia akan sulit bernafas dan menyebabkan kematian jika tidak segera ditolong dengan penanganan yang benar.

Cidera Kepala

Dan penyebab warga Amerika mati muda selanjutnya terkait dengan kesehatan adalah cidera kepala. Ini disebabkan karena penyalahgunaan narkoba hingga saat keseimbangan menjadi rusak, tubuh jatuh dan kepala terbentur benda keras, misalnya tembok atau lantai. Tentu saja bisa menimbulkan kematian. Cidera kepala juga terjadi karena faktor kecelakaan motor dan mobil. Anak muda Amerika sangat suka ngebut di jalan, baik bawa mobil maupun motor. Saat terjadi kecelakaan, kepala terbentur benda keras dan akhirnya menimbulkan kematian muda.

4. Cedera Kepala

Cedera kepala yang menyebabkan kematian seringkali disebabkan karena kecelakaan, baik kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor maupun kecelakaan kerja. Untuk mengantisipasi berbagai kondisi kesehatan yang mungkin dapat merugikan Anda, pastikanlah Anda membiasakan hidup sehat dengan menjalani pola hidup sehat, melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala lewat program medical check up, tidak menganggap remeh keluhan-keluhan kesehatan yang Anda alami dan memperhatikan keselamatan diri dalam beraktivitas.

5. Senjata Api

Dan ini biang keladi penyebab angka kematian warga Amerika mati muda. Ternyata, di Amerika banyak keluarga yang menyimpan senjata api di rumahnya. Mungkin untuk alasan keamanan atau karena alasan yang lain. Senjata api sering menimbulkan kematian. Biasanya dipakai oleh anak remaja dan mengakibatkan kematian saat digunakan secara ceroboh. Senjata api sangat memegang peranan penting bagi keselamatan warga Amerika. Hati-hati menyimpan senjata api di rumah !

Arab prince, Los Angeles police arrested Americans, because of sexual crimes

Police Los Angeles, United States (US) arrested an Arab citizen status of nobility because it proved sexually abused a female worker in the house. These crimes included in the criminal crime, because the Arab citizens perform sexual coercion resulting Americans suffer psychologically.

According to witnesses, precisely the neighbors around the scene, they heard shouting for help. And that voice is a woman forced into sexual relations with Saudi Arabia citizen named Majed Abdulaziz.

The woman was in a state of bloody and visible presence of physical violence, seen in quite sadistic torture by the prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The discovery of the crime for a citizen to report to the security complex in Wallingford Drive, Beverly Glen for immediate arrest.

Neighbors, Tennyson Collins said, he saw the woman bleeding and tried to escape by climbing a high wall of Prince Majeb, but always failed because the wall is very high.

Majeb attended by some Long Angeles police on suspicion of committing acts of sexual assault on Americans who work at home it. And without any resistance, the young prince's new 28-year-old was taken to the police station for questioning. Majeb do not have immunity to very

By the police, Majeb imposed prison sentences but the family Majeb redeem for $ 300,000 for bail. And that was the end of a lunge Majeb, sexual violence in the land of Uncle Sam.

Monday, November 23, 2015


Who would have thought, ISIS has a sophisticated army sniper. Recently released a short video to YouTube about ISIS action sniper who shot about 12 elite soldiers are there on the border province of Deir Ezzor, Syria East.

With the sophistication of visual graphics, this video wanted to show how the forces sniper ISIS is very good at killing his opponent from a great distance. Sniper ISIS uses the name "Khalid", but there is no Khabar apaka name is genuine or fake.

Sniper famous ISIS highly accurate in shooting. In the video it is shown how it is with arrogant sniper shoot some military forces opposed to the considerable distance away. In the video reported by the Daily Mail, Thursday (26/02/2015), the name of the sniper described, namely Khalid, and it is also the result of some of the victims of the sniper shootings. This is real and true, but too exaggerated.

Sniper is an elite force set up to shoot the important figures opponent. With the ability to almost impossible, sniper can get a position to kill a target. Although the distance is far enough, can kill a victim with a sniper firing point which is very deadly, ie the head!

ISIS emboldened clicking claim that they do not kalaha sniper with a sniper States and developed countries lainny. He promised to continue to use a sniper to eliminate their opponents at will indiscriminately. Including the United States and neighboring countries. Beware beware!


Siapa yang sangka, ISIS memiliki pasukan sniper yang canggih. Baru-baru ini dirilis video singkat ke Youtube tentang aksi sniper ISIS yang menembak sekitar 12 tentara elit yang ada diperbatasan Provinsi Deir Ezzor, Suriah Timur.

Dengan kecanggihan grafis visualnya, video ini ingin menunjukkan betapa para pasukan sniper ISIS sangat hebat dalam membunuh lawannya dari jarak yang sangat jauh. Sniper ISIS mengunakan nama “Khalid”, namun belum ada khabar apaka nama itu asli atau palsu.

Sniper ISIS terkenal sangat jitu dalam menembak. Di video itu ditunjukkan betapa sniper itu dengan arogannya menembak beberapa pasukan militer lawan dengan jarak yang lumayan jauh. Dalam video yang dilansir Daily Mail, Kamis (26/2/2015), nama sniper itu dijelaskan, yaitu Khalid, dan ditunjukkan pula beberapa korban dari hasil penembakan sniper itu. Ini memang nyata dan benar adanya namun terlalu berlebih-lebihan.

Sniper adalah pasukan elit yang dipasang untuk menembak tokoh penting lawan. Dengan kemampuannya yang nyaris mustahil, sniper bisa mendapatkan posisi untuk membunuh target. Walau jaraknya cukup jauh, sniper bisa membunuh korban dengan titik tembak yang sangat mematikan, yaitu kepala !

ISIS makin berani meng klaim bahwa sniper mereka tak kalaha dengan sniper Amerika dan Negara maju lainny. Dia berjanji akan terus menggunakan sniper untuk membasmi semau lawan mereka tanpa pandang bulu. Termasuk Amerika dan Negara tetangganya. Waspadalah waspadalah !


Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are two American celebrities who were at the peak of success. Both are very pleased to Bali Indonesia and has repeatedly gone to Bali. Both are still very young and has talent in the field of entertainment world. Justin is in the spotlight now a lot of people, including young women, the producer up to the American public. What makes Justin so popular in America?

According to the analysis Numerology, Justin Bieber born in March 1, 1994. Justin has a birth path number 9, which means that social spirit. Justin has a strong drive to provide entertainment menyenagkan to many people. His words are a philosophy, because it is the birth pathways Justin is a philosophy.

Justin has a karmic number 4, which means less to be working with the team. He was very stiff and difficult to understand to make the surroundings a bit annoyed with Justin attitude that tends to be dominant. This is reinforced by Justin birth rate that is 1, which has a strong leadership, bold decisions and very independent.

Justin expression figure is 5, which means that it is like traveling around the world. Very easily bored and intending to always try something new every day. Justin number 5 also reflect these type of people who are creative, lots of ideas and are happy all things new. Including for romance world, often changing girlfriends and tend to have more than one lover.

Justin impulse is 4, meaning he could miss the collaboration with the team, but very difficult. And this is an uphill struggle for Justin during this time.

Figures Justin's personality is one, that is very independent, likes new things, tend to want nmomor one and spirited leadership. Justin can be very successful if it is believed to hold leadership positions. But he has a karmic numbers 1,3,4,6,7 and 8. All these numbers will hamper the success which the front.

Figures 1, he tends to be kept away from the people closest. Figures 3, difficult to express himself about what he wants, the number 4 is the number kehamonisan, hard romantic, number 6 is going to fail to settle down, the number 7 has covered even introverted character and figure 8, tend soulless materialistic.


Justin Bieber dan Selena Gomez adalah dua selebriti Amerika yang sedang berada dipuncak kesuksesan. Keduanya sangat senang ke Bali Indonesia dan sudah berkali-kali pergi ke Bali. Keduanya masih sangat muda dan memiliki bakat dibidang entertainment dunia. Kini Justin sedang dalam sorotan banyak orang, termasuk wanita muda, produser hingga masyarakat Amerika. Apa yang membuat Justin begitu popular di Amerika ?

Menurut analisa Numerology, Justin Bieber kelahiran tanggal 1 Maret 1994. Justin memiliki jalur kelahiran angka 9, yang artinya berjiwa social. Justin memiliki dorongan kuat untuk memberikan hiburan yang menyenagkan ke banyak orang. Kata-katanya bersifat filosofi, karena memang jalur kelahiran Justin adalah seorang filosofi.

Justin memiliki nomor karma 4, yang artinya kurang bisa bekerjasama dengan tim. Ia sangat kaku dan sulit mengerti hingga membuat orang sekitarnya agak kesal dengan sikap Justin yang cenderung dominan. Ini diperkuat dengan angka kelahiran Justin yaitu tanggal 1, yaitu memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, berani mengambil keputusan dan sangat mandiri.

Angka ekspresi Justin adalah 5 yang artinya sangat suka traveling keliling dunia. Sangat mudah bosan dan ingi selalu mencoba sesuatu yang baru setiap hari. Angka 5 juga mencerminkan Justin ini tipe orang yang kreatif, banyak ide dan senang segala hal yang baru. Termasuk untuk dunia percintaannya, sering ganti pacar dan cenderung memiliki kekasih lebih dari satu. Dorongan hati Justin adalah 4, artinya dia rindu bisa bekerjasama dengan tim, namun sangat sulit. Dan ini adalah perjuangan berat bagi Justin selama ini.

Angka kepribadian Justin adalah satu, artinya sangat mandiri, suka hal yang baru, cenderung ingin nmomor satu serta berjiwa kepemimpinan. Justin bisa sangat sukses jika dipercaya memegang jabatan pimpinan. Namun dia memiliki angka karma 1,3,4,6,7 dan 8. Semua angka ini akan menghambat keberhasilannya dimana depan.

Angka 1 , dia cenderung akan dijauhkan dari orang terdekatnya. Angka 3, sulit mengekspresikan diri tentang apa yang dia mau, angka 4 adalah angka kehamonisan, sulit romantic, angka 6 adalah akan gagal berumahtangga, angka 7 memiliki karakter tertutup bahkan introvert dan angka 8, cenderung berjiwa materialistis.

Friday, November 13, 2015


ISIS back angry. ISIS anger is now directed to Russia, as the country that helped Syria. We know that ISIS and Syria are in posisis protracted conflict, and anyone assisting Syria is definitely a big enemy of ISIS.

At the most updated records belonging ISIS force on 12 November 2015, is very clear that ISIS threaten Russia with a terrible threat, '' Soon, Soon, Blood Will Bergenang such as the Sea '.

Of course Russia is very challenged by the threat. ISIS indeed militant Middle East who never play. With the lethal action of decapitating, ISIS is now highly regarded in the world of military mapping. ISIS actually was not too strong force, but gertakkannya can make a huge state, the size of the US, so shriveled and began to think again. There are only two possibilities, ISIS does have weapons of mass destruction sophisticated or silly indeed they do not know the dangers.

Russia is now in the shadow of the threat of ISIS. Bloodbath promised ISIS came into effect, whenever that ISIS will realize the threat.

Impression was circulated two weeks after an Airbus A321 crashed in the Sinai Peninsula, 23 minutes after taking off from the resort town of Sharm al-Sheikh heading to St. Petersburg, Russia.

All passengers who totaled 224 people including the crew were killed in the ill-fated flight. The group that is still associated with ISIS claimed they were behind the attack, as reported by CNN. But this news is not necessarily true, because its source is still on the intelligence that can go wrong and inaccurate.

Russia alone is the most powerful supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against ISIS since October 1 last. And this is what makes ISIS furious and upset is not playing. ISIS by all means to destroy their enemies even though any logical consequence. We wait for the next ISIS action.


ISIS kembali marah. Kemarahan ISIS sekarang ditujukan ke Rusia, sebagai Negara yang membantu Suriah. Kita tahu bahwa ISIS dan Suriah sedang dalam posisis konflik berkepanjangan, dan siapapun yang membantu Suriah sudah pasti musuh besar ISIS. Pada rekaman paling update milik pasukan ISIS tanggal 12 November 2015, sangat jelas terlihat bahwa ISIS mengancam Rusia dengan ancaman yang sangat mengerikan, “ 'Segera, Secepatnya, Darah Akan Bergenang seperti Laut'.

Tentu saja Rusia sangat tertantang dengan ancaman tersebut. ISIS memang militant Timur Tengah yang tak pernah main-main. Dengan aksi mautnya memenggal kepala, ISIS kini sangat diperhitungkan dalam pemetaan militer dunia. Sebenarnya ISIS itu bukan pasukan yang terlalu kuat, namun gertakkannya bisa membuat Negara besar, seukuran Amerika, jadi ciut dan mulai berpikir ulang. Hanya ada dua kemungkinan, ISIS ini memang memiliki senjata pemusnah massa yang canggih atau memang mereka bodoh tak tahu bahaya.

Rusia kini sedang dalam bayang-bayang ancaman ISIS. Banjir darah yang dijanjikan ISIS mulai diberlakukan, entah kapan ISIS akan mewujudkan ancamannya itu.

Tayangan itu beredar 2 minggu setelah sebuah pesawat Airbus A321 jatuh di Semenanjung Sinai, 23 menit setelah lepas landas dari kota resor Sharm al-Sheikh menuju St Petersburg, Rusia. Seluruh penumpang yang berjumlah 224 orang termasuk kru tewas dalam penerbangan nahas itu. Kelompok yang masih berhubungan dengan ISIS mengaku mereka berada di balik serangan itu, seperti dilansir CNN. Tapi kabar ini belum tentu benar, karena sumbernya masih dari intelegen yang bisa salah dan kurang akurat.

Rusia sendiri adalah pendukung paling kuat Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad melawan ISIS semenjak 1 Oktober lalu. Dan inilah yang membuat ISIS geram dan kesal bukan main. ISIS dengan segala cara akan menghancurkan musuh-musuh mereka walapun apapun konsekuensi logisnya. Kita tunggu saja aksi ISIS berikutnya.