great info

Friday, January 8, 2016


Baru baru ini kita dikejutkan oleh berita kematian seorang wanita muda bernama Siska, seorang ibu muda yang ingin melanjutkan S2 di Perancis. Ketika mengalami keluhan sakit disekitar daerah tulang belakang dan leher, Siska berobat ke seorang ahli chiropractic yang berpraktek di Pondok Indah Mal Jakarta.

Bukannya mengalami kesembuhan, Siswa mendapatkan kondisi yang makin parah. Setelah diterapi oleh terapis asing, Randall Caferty asal Amerika, Siska mengalami sakit yang makin parah di daerah leher belakang. Singkat cerita, Siska dilarikan ke UGD RSPI saat tengah malam. Tapi sayangnya, nyawa Siswa tidak tertolong. Siska meninggal di rumah sakit.

Nama Chropractic tiba-tiba menjadi pusat perhatian masyarakat. Sebenarnya, apa sih chiropractic itu ? Chiropracti adalah salahg satu pengobatan alternative ilmiah yang mengkhususkan pengkoreksian tulang belakang manusia. Asal ilmu ini dari Amerika. Ilmu ini dibawakan oleh Daniel David Palmer sejak tahun 1895.

Mengapa kejadian itu terjadi ? Sebenarnya ini bukan soal ilmu Chiropractic itu sendiri, tapi lebih kearah oknum dokternya. Nama Randall Caferty itu sendiri sudah dimasukkan dalam daftar hitam oleh Board of Chiropractic Examiner State of California. nama Randall tercatat telah terkena hukuman disiplin sejak 13 Maret 2013 dengan masa percobaan tiga tahun. “Informasi dari internet, dia sedang bermasalah di Amerika karena tindakan tidak profesional dan kejahatan,” ujar Kepala Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta Koesmedi Priharto saat dihubungi, Rabu (6/1/2016).

Randall adalah chiropractor yang menangani almarhumah Allya Siska Nadya pada 6 Agustus 2015. Namun, setelah menjalani terapi di Chiropractic First cabang PIM, Siska meninggal dunia karena masalah pada tulang belakang di lehernya. Randall kemudian dilaporkan oleh keluarga Siska ke Polda Metro Jaya dengan kasus dugaan malapraktik pada 12 Agustus 2015.

Ini artinya, bertambah jelaslah masyarakat bahwa kematian Siska bukan pada disiplin ilnmu Chiropractic itu sendiri, tapi lebih kearah oknum chiropractor yang jelas masih mengalami hukuman dari Negara asalnya karena beberapa perbuatan yang tak sesuai dengan disiplin ilmu Chiropractic itu sendiri.

Chiropractic sudah diterma masyarakat dunia sejak tahun 1895 lalu di Amerika dan sudah berkembang di seluruh dunia dengan hasil yang sangat memuaskan.

Bagi Anda yang mengalami masalah tulang belakang dan leher, jangan sungkan untuk berkonsultasi dengan chiropractor yang sudah memiliki ijin praktek yang jelas serta punya sertifikat resmi dari penciptanya yaitu Daniel David Palmer , penemu chiropractic. Kini berita tentang mal praktek chiropractic sudahs angat jelas. Dan masyarakat bisa bernafas lega bahwa itu bukan kesalahan dari chiropractic tapi oknum dokter itu sendiri. Jadi, mulailah mengkoreksi tulang belakang dan leher Anda, sebelum terlambat. Siska adalah satu dari sekian orang yang terlambat memeriksakan tulang belakang dan lehernya. Jangan sampai terjadi pada diri Anda.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Mermaid, maybe you thought only existed in fairy tales, it was really there. Some findings in various countries showed that the mermaid daughter living creatures that are living in the ocean. It seems impossible, the shape is half human and half fish. However, from some of the data are to be believed, daughter duyungt is real and you can see for yourself some of the evidence below.

Pictured above are the findings of a mermaid princess photo found in Beachfront Balambangan in North Borneo / Sabah (Malaysia) in 2009. This photo is real and genuine without engineering. Mermaid is not always pretty, but its shape is already showing the photo was indeed the princess mermaid. Half human and half fish.

Here's another proof of the existence of mermaids. In this photo shows a mysterious figure who allegedly was a mermaid. This image was taken by the cosmos news when some scientists are conducting research under the sea. When chatting, suddenly appeared traces of blue webbed hands that shake up their boats.

Is this the engineering? I do not think so. It looks in the picture seems clear finned creatures such as fish and looks like a human. He moves freely in the ocean floor and it was very obvious. Many opinions from various circles. All showed the opinion that it is genuine without engineering. Very similar to the mermaid princess in a fairy tale that we've heard and know.

The mermaid is actually a type of human or animal? No one can define with certainty, because of the existence alone is dubious, how can we define whether it is human or animal.

Biologically, upper half is human. No head, honor, nose, ears, hair and hands. Percis humans. While the other half was a fish. The question is, why can bernafasa princess mermaid in the water? Until now no one can answer.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Bad! Russian military officials believed by the Pentagon as the country most likely destroy America with nuclear weapons.

This news comes from Gen. Mark Milley, a senior Pentagon. General Milley revealed it before US lawmakers on Tuesday US time or Wednesday (22/07/2015) pm.

In a hearing in parliament, the US Senate questioned the military policy that cut the number of Army personnel in Alaska at the time of the Russian threat in sight.

Russia is an old enemy of America, since the cold war and the second world war. And now, it looks very aggressive Russia helped ISIS to destroy Western countries suspected of having a conflict of interest with the Russian State.

Nuclear weapons of mass destruction which is very dangerous. We remember the events of the second world war, when the Americans bombed Japan in two major cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nuclear imposed really high explosive. Until now, the effects of radiation are still there.

US officials at the Pentagon are very anxious, because Russia recently increase its military activities. Particularly in improving the military nuclear technology which at times can be used to immobilize the opponent, and the Americans are the most serious opponent for Russia today.

"Russia is the only country in the world that contains a nuclear capability, which can destroy the United States," said General Milley in a hearing to consider his nomination as Chief of Staff of the US Army's next.

Opinions General Miley not excessive, because since the Cold War, Russia turned out to strengthen their military in terms of nuclear weapons. And the country is very closed to the world, because it was deliberately not known to many people. And this is the only reason why Russia has the potential to destroy America, as the country was labeled an old enemy Russia.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Bad! ISIS is now the focus of forming a special forces sniper! Unsparing, its main target is President Barack Obama and US officials. This news is not false but true. ISIS sedag now preparing to defeat his opponent by printing special forces sniper. According to him, a very effective way.

Why ISIS chose sniper troops as the priority of war? There are several main reasons. The most plausible reason is because of the special forces sniper's low cost of side arms. Enough special weapons and long-range specialist operator, the ISIS already has a formidable army that is difficult to break an opponent.

The plan of the sniper's troops will be deployed to several countries and started to put the position of opponents to kill officials of the State. The target was not kidding, all state officials opponent will be shot from a very distant history and a definite hit. Crazy ! Yesterday's news about the spread of the bomb in the State opponent, now spread sniper!

ISIS group announced the formation of a "battalion sniper". Forces sniper or snipers ISIS it claimed Iraq inspired a famous murderer who killed 40 citizens of the United States (US) in Baghdad. This data is highly accurate and can be accounted for, because the American troops already become victims of violence sniper ISIS, although more numerous ISIS dead troops of the United States.

Although only announced through social media, sniper ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deaths of two soldiers and the Iraqi Kurds. But of course, the responsibility here does not mean to make amends but more towards arrogance.

The first photo "battalion sniper" ISIS officially released on Wednesday published the Daily Mail, overnight. Action group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is thought to be propaganda to rival the movie "American Sniper" is being crowded. In photos released ISIS, it appears one unit "battalion sniper" ISIS consists of eight people. The clean each and all hold the long-range rifle Dragunov Russian-made. They pose in northern Iraq.

Not to be outdone by US sniper looks like in the film, members of the "battalion sniper" ISIS is also wearing a distinctive uniform with cap and goggles from the sun.

Sniper ISIS also claimed to have killed members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Hamid Taqavi in ​​December 2014. Taqavi is one of a number of Iranian advisers who trained the militias in Iraq to fight ISIS. And data sniper victims of ISIS is the longer Bakin many fell. Horrified also yes. Hopefully this is just the threat alone.

Aspirator formation sniper ISIS is a figure known as Juba. This figure never claimed to be a soldier in the Army of Islamic insurgents in Iraq (IAI). He also claimed to be a former member of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party, and an intelligence. In a video, Juba had issued threats against President George W. Bush, the enemy of Saddam Hussein at the time. "I have nine bullets in this gun and I had a gift for George Bush," said Juba in a video. "I would kill nine people," said Juba. Let's wait what the next breakthrough ISIS, the important thing you have to be careful of being in crowds, because who knows sniper ISIS is looking for a victim and do not let you shoot one of them!

Friday, January 1, 2016


Terror bombings increasingly common in many major countries. America and France are the two countries that became the target of this mass bomb. Why the two countries is the target of the operation ISIS? Obviously, since the two countries, the United States and France helped destroy ISIS defense base over the years. And the effects of the attack ISIS, France and the United States will continue in the terror bombing.

Since the tragedy of bloody events in France that killed hundreds of civilians French, French President Francois Hollande said the simultaneous attacks in Paris is an "act of war" conducted by ISIS.

"The attacks were carried out by 8 armed and suicide bombers are planned attack with a very mature by outsiders" said French President Francois Hollande. He promised to destroy the perpetrators of the bloody terror in military attacks without mercy. Sepanjuang terror bombing in 2015, meets the headlines in several major countries. Including Indonesia, is also the target of a mysterious bomb. What is going on ? Turns out according to the Indonesian intelligence, ISIS was launched attacks on various countries that proved hostile to him. And intelligence, said in 2016, the bomb attack ISIS will be sustained in order.

ISIS is a new state-financed by the mysterious. Not a particular religious movement, but a dangerous organization that under the guise of Islam. Believe it may not, ISIS is a puppet state, and there is the mastermind behind every movement ISIS during this time. But the brains behind ISIS is that many do not know. We'll see what will happen next.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Happy New Year 2016! New Year full of hope. All citizens of the world celebrate the year change tonight. Bnayak people think, the new year is a year full of hope, but most successful people actually see not only hope but also the opportunities and opportunities have not materialized.

The new year is a moment of change. Changes to get something better. We have 5 of the living world. Starting from the personal life, family life, social life, career or business life and the latter the spiritual life.

The new year in the United States is tantamount to in Indonesia, Japan, Australia and anywhere. This new year is ours, the inhabitants of the planet Earth that is peaceful and prosperous. On this evening, the moments of change in the early years, will be greeted with a variety of sparkling fireworks. Various entertainment music to exciting attractions will be held tonight, all over the world.

Have you already made a resolution during the next 12 months at the end of this year? Begin recorded and attached to the wall of the room to be remembered and realized, what would you have achieved during 2016 tomorrow.

Start the target of personal, family targets, social targets, targets career or business and spiritual targets. Write and promise the end of 2016 all come true. Do a ritual this new year as a venue for self-transformation. Celebrate as happy as possible, if necessary, all-out for fun. Then when the second turn of the year changed, a personal commitment has been decided. You and your partner must implement the promise of 2016. That's what the new year every year.

All the crowd were washed away by the glamor of the new year. They just enjoy the party crowd only, but forgot to make a personal resolution 2016. Make 2016 is the year of the game, that life is a game, but make sure the game was fun and you must win in this game in 2016.

Let us welcome 2016 as the year of change itself to increasing positively. And when at the end of 2016 we will see our report cards for 2017 we celebrate next year. That is the true meaning of the new year. You only deserve a party when it reaches the victory. Did you win this 2015? Whether the 2015 targets and then you have achieved? What percentage do you realize until you are worthy to be called as the winner?

If you have not felt it, begin to set a target. That life is a game that needs to be won and should be fun. Happy New Year 2016! Together we are to success.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Tsunami Aceh, there was already 11 years ago. The whole world gasped in surprise, when the Tsunami in Aceh occurred. Thousands of lives lost suddenly rather Sunday, December 26th, 2004 at 07:55 pm. Who would have thought, Aceh as a city full of peace suddenly become hell. Within minutes, thousands of lives were swept away by tsunami waves as high as 30 meters (Sepohon coconut). What actually happened in Aceh in December 2004 it? Is it true that a tsunami was purely due to the large plates are shifting under the skin of the bum, the Indian plate and the Burma plate each move, coincide with each other, and finally shake the affected areas in the Indian Ocean with a strength of approximately 9.2 on the Richter Scale? Are you sure ?

At first the world believe that it is a purely natural disaster. But there may be billions of human beings who do not see the other side of the tsunami. The other hand it is a scenario number of people who deliberately want to divert attention on the war conflict in Iraq about the withdrawal of American forces in the era of 2004-2005. Believe it may not. ( source

Tsunamni Aceh is very powerful, even more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa which time it erupted just killed about 36,000 in 1883 ago. Though it is very powerful and terrible throughout the history of mankind. But it turns out to exceed kesahsyatan Krakatau tsunami, which claimed more than 230,000 lives recorded killed in the tsunami in 14 countries affected.

Some analysis reveals, behind the tsunami there was a scenario that had been installed by a handful of bad guys look good in the eyes of the world. Highly unlikely, a natural disaster suddenly without da symptoms a few days earlier. For example, for a volcanic eruption has been detected only a few months of the new volcanic eruption. Tsunami or other, no-gelala accompanying symptoms, eg, an earthquake occurred a few times and then climax moment.

Tsunami very different. As there is a super-powerful bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. But the explosion installed under the ocean, close to Aceh. And one button press, BOOOM! Sea level so the spill, 30 meters high swept Aceh and its surroundings. Some data must be other countries that also affected damnpaknya, namely Sri Lanka (30 240) Southern India (9675) Thailand (5288) Burma (90) Malaysia (68) Bangladesh (2).

Tsunami Bomb is a super-sophisticated technology that is still kept secret by the world. It is true may not be known to many people, as it is used for high-level political interest. But we can not accuse the man who committed the crime this high level. To be sure, let us together to learn from history, because history will repeat itself. **