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Monday, December 14, 2015

American prediction earthquake hit, is this the apocalypse?

A video entitled "Global Coastal Event on May 28, 2015" and uploaded to YouTube on April 29, 2015 is the beginning of a terrible news for Americans. Pengunggahnya call himself by the name of Frank. And has been viewed more than 700,000 times the audience of the youtube video that he uploaded.

Americans will suffer destruction, precisely because of a massive earthquake. According to the forecasts derived from the ancestral spirits, Frank claimed a whisper very clear about the destruction of the entire city of America, The prediction was claimed referring to the theory of Nostradamus, that the position of the apocalyptic earthquake will hit the west coast of the US on Thursday (28/5/2015 ). It was terrible and needs to be watched.

According to Frank, on May 28, 2015 or before taggal May 29, 2015, the position of the Sun Mercury, Saturn, Earth, and Moon will be in a position one line. This shows there is a bad influence on all of the planet. It was, he said, would cause a 9.8 magnitude earthquake that will destroy major cities of the West Coast, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. Do you believe ? Hope it does not happen.

Frank even mention the event will take place at 16.00 local time. "It is very, very important updates. If the prediction is true, Los Angeles would crash into the sea, and Japan will be affected by the terrible tsunami. On August 12, 2013 I received a direct message from the spirit that the earthquake is very, very big will happen on the west coast of America. Now I believe I know when exactly it. I hope I'm wrong, "he said.

Frank was a nobody, but of some information he obtained from the supernatural, all information metafisikan it is in accordance with the prophecies of Nostradamus who narrated terrible events from America. Residents of Dutch nationality is also very convinced of the truth of the subtle whisper because it is very clear and convincing.

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