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Friday, November 26, 2010

President Barack Obama got 12 stitches, injury or political intimidation?

President Barack Obama, the number one in America, suffered wounds that quite disturbing due to injury from a basketball game on Friday yesterday. Who is hurt Obama? Apparently after the probe, the person named Rey Decerega.
Obama had 12 cuts on the upper lip and had to sew as much as 12 stitches. And this becomes a valuable lesson for Obama because of this injury there are several important agenda that was delayed.
Khabar injury to Obama by Rey polymic Decerega be hot in the palace area. Many who considered it a deliberate, even politically charged. But there is also a judge, Obama is a pure accident.
Regardless of the pros and cons, Obama had a very unpleasant incident that caused this injury, because it deals with communication activities (mouth injury).
Meanwhile, security authorities are still investigating the motive of the Rey Decerega, whether it is really a pure accident or any political motive? We'll wait the next khabar.
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