great info

Saturday, January 31, 2015


There is a saying, if you want a small change, then correct any of your behavior, but if you want a big change then change your mind set. This is very true and we need to consider in this life.

Often, success depends not only on talent, intelligence and a lot of money. Success is a matter of mind set. For those of you who have a business, this book is very good and you need to read over and over - again.

The yard is 448 pages thick enough. Satisfied you read every day. Contains an understanding of how to change the mind set in the right direction.

Read and save it on your mobile phone. When you're waiting for a, relaxing at lunch, break or to kill boredom. Read via mobile phone, must have been very pleasant.

This book contains Indonesian, so it is suitable for you who like the local language. But for those who speak English, this book is not for you. I'm sorry.

Please download here

HOW TO INSTANT Feeding the brain, try RUBRIK'S CUBE

Puzzle, everyone would like a puzzle. But, if the benefit to us? It turns out that in America, puzzles become an interesting game. Many people who play puzzle. Especially Rubric's cube.

This one game became very famous. In addition to its attractive, also have a high degree of difficulty. Both increased the curiosity of the conquerors rubric's cube.

Why are so many Americans, and some other European countries fell in love with this puzzle game? Actually, the answer is very simple. Rubric's cube was created to train your memory of the human brain. Actually, the key is the algorithm penghalan alone. So this has nothing to do with IQ level but more towards memory alone.

If an algorithm is not memorized, then the most genius was impossible to conquer this rubric. This game proved to improve memory and eventually blow up confidence, if managed to do it.

Rubric's Cube game is not too difficult. Which is difficult when we memorize the various rows of long and many algorithms. This is the biggest challenge. Once you can memorize, then in the eyes closed condition even you can do it.

It's hard to imagine it, but in reality, if an already memorized algortma Rubric's Cube, not only dark place or eyes closed but could finish the game in a matter of seconds! crazy!


Unconscious, the area most sensitive to suggestion. In humans, there are two very important areas, namely the area of the conscious and unconscious. As we are aware, conscious active area, and the subconscious less active.

The subconscious has execute nature, which has always characterized prove. While the area is more conscious towards the input, or data that will be processed into a reality.

Unconscious metaphysical, runs in an invisible area. But strength is great. The human body is controlled by the power of the subconscious, which is about 80%. Meanwhile, only 20% are aware area.

This means, the power of the subconscious is very great. By doing positive affirmations, such as saying "MY HEALTHY MORE EVERY DAY, MY BODY MY MORE POWERFUL AND MORE CONFIDENCE AT ANY TIME" then magically, your body will believe in the word - the word is repeated - again.

The key dalah pemgulangan, the more often repeated, the subconscious will reinforce (confirmation). This is similar to how kerjasanya Archimedes law. When we push the fluid in a tube, then the strength of the tube it will push up much stronger than the power that we provide. Principle jack.

The subconscious can do anything. Start of maintaining health, maintaining physical fitness, youth, vitality to improve metaphysics.

The most important thing is, we have to understand the workings of the subconscious. And when understood, then everything will be easier. Because in man there is a system that we can trust, and the subconscious is the most perfect system to regulate everything about the man, both physically and spiritually.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Witchcraft, is now being used for all kinds of needs. Start charisma to evoke immune sciences. Witchcraft has been around since the days of animism and dynamism. And to this day, witchcraft was developed by modern society.

Actually what can be done by magic? If we watch Harry Potter movies, is very clear, that magic can be used for anything. However, most people judge, magic came from the devil.

Some religious and spiritual flow forbid their followers to learn magic. Besides dangerous, science is believed to be misleading. Some even believe, magic can make people crazy.

Regardless of the pros and cons, witchcraft has now evolved into a more elegant form. Magic can now be used for treatment, self-protection, to attract good luck charm.

History witchcraft comes from the Prophet Sulayman. After Solomon's death and all scholars pinpoint the subject he had gone, and then they changed the next generation, then the devil comes in the form of a human being. The devil came to a group of the Children of Israel and say to them, "Would I show an inexhaustible treasury of you eat forever?" They replied, "Of course we will," Satan said, "Dig-lah land in under the seat pedestal (Solomon). "

Satan went with them and show them the place, while he (satan who appeared in human form) standing in one place some distance from the venue. They said, "Come here you." Satan replied, "No! I'm just here alone near you, but if you do not find you must kill me. " They dig the place and finally they found the books when they took it, Satan said to them, "Truly Solomon can master and manage people, devil-devil and birds is through the magic of this." Then the devil fly and go, then start tersebarlah among humans that Solomon was a sorcerer, and the Children of Israel took the books. When the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sent by Allah Ta'ala,

That seklumit magic history and progress to date. And adherents of magic from time to time more and more, at least move underground. Heart - heart with magic flow

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Albert Einstein The Other Side

Theory of Relativity. Actually, what is the theory of relativity? The theory of relativity, Albert Einstein issued by an American. The rationale, two observers are moving with different speeds on an object it will get observations on the dimensions of space and different time in the same incident.

It is very interesting. Albert Einstein had a brilliant idea about the correlation between the material at the speed of light. If a material faster than light, what happens?

The object will not be affected by the effects of time. That is, if you have a supersonic speed over 300,000 km / sec, then one year on the air, you are much younger age than the people who live on the earth dozens of times.

There's nothing to match the speed of light, except the spirit. The human spirit kind of light. But there is no scientific research that explains that the speed is faster than the speed of light.

Theory of Relativity describes the relationship between space and time. Earth is a dimension that has a 3-dimensional measurement that is LONG, WIDE and WIDE. However, when linked with time, the theory of relativity into something interesting.

In the metaphysical realm, there is no space and no time. So they are immortal. On earth, we are limited to the material world (physical), applies the laws of physics. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity dismantle E = MC2 where E is energy, multiplied by the mass (matter) multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared.

The results of the formula resulted in legal theory of relativity is very powerful. Including the discovery of a number of nuclear and other spectacular discoveries.

BEER FOR HEALTH BENEFITS, Jakarta Just like a coin that has two sides, the beer was so. Consuming beer can be bad if done continuously and copious amounts. But if consumed in moderation, beer can have surprising benefits.

Here are 5 great benefits of beer that can make you shocked as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (07/07/2014).

1. Rich in calcium
According to Dr. Stephen Domening, Medical Director of The Original FX Mayr Health Center in the Austrian beer is rich in essential elements. Among other things, rich in protein and minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, potassium favorable bone. Research in Tuffts University USA also mentioned that the beer could increase bone mineral density.

2. Prevent Diabetes
In contrast to high-sugar cola drinks, beer is much less. If cola contains seven teaspoons of sugar, beer is only one sugar tea. Research on 38,000 people in the United States in 2010 found the results if a person consumes one or two glasses of beer a day after a four-year risk of type 2 diabetes could be down 25 percent.

3. Rich in fiber
Beer is the drink rich source of fiber. One pint provide 10 percent of the fiber that your body needs. "Beer increase bile production which helps to digest fatty foods," said Dr. Domenig. 4. Maintain a healthy heart
A study in 2013 at the University of Athens Harokopio found that beer helps improve flexibility of the arteries. Beer also can increase the good cholesterol (HDL). Good cholesterol helps protect the heart.

5. Skin glow
If red wine is known to ward off premature aging. Beer made from barley rich in ferulic acid, a powerful antioxidant which protects the skin from sun damage. The result is skin so bright ternutrisi. (dik)


Dream, was not as simple as we thought. At bedtime, we must have experienced a dream. Actually, whether the dream? There are so many opinions about the dream. But clearly, the dream is a compilation of the human subconscious to balance the psychological health.

For example, if we're having a very long dry season, then we dream inclined towards the undreamed rain. Or if we're not got the money, we can dream a lot of money. Another example, when we're sad, in a dream would otherwise, we laughed a lot, Dream serves to balance the real world and the world of the unconscious. But not all dreams like that. There is a premonition dream, no dream is therapy, telepathic dreams, dreams are frustrated and many more types of dreams.

Interestingly, dreams containing therapy. That is, when we finished dreaming, had a positive impact on our psychological development. Not surprisingly, people who get enough sleep, body and psychological health. Conversely, if lack of sleep and lack of dreams, his life was a mess.

If we want bereksperiment, the dream is actually a gateway to the subconscious. We can do the program wet conscious mind and nature will record our programs and cendeng will become a reality.

Dreams can also open the metaphysical intelligence. It looks weird but it can be proven. A dream that has great control will cause supernatural powers. That is, when dreaming, we have the power control in the dream state, and easily we can do whatever we want, including open astral abilities.


Passage of time. Is it true that time is the most hidden dimension that until this moment has not been revealed? Time as we know only a watch or count calendar. That is not the definition of real time. It was only a matter of days and shifts, not the time that actually.
br> Basically, scientific studies have found that human examples conton-pass passage of time. Expected mysteries of the universe gradually space can be opened. Of course, this is still a big question mark.
br> General relativity theory says that if the speed of an object approaches the speed of light, time travel is possible. But, is there any aircraft which can exceed the speed of light?

Albert Einstein, through reori relativity almost managed to open the veil of time. But Einstein's intelligence is not perfect divulge the actual passage of time. This may be due to the time the largest dimension of the creator. Loronmg time. If you can imagine what if you could cross the passage of time from era to era? It's like the movie Quamtum Leap. In the film, the main character can cross the passage of time from era to era. Actually, the concept of time that is closest to the truth is a band-like films. That is, the creator has created a three-dimensional as well, namely the past, present and future that will come. The third dimension was already there, and we can only enjoy at this time dimension. The Current.
br> Why the future is already created? Do you ever feel as if never met a new one known? Ever seen a sight never seen in a dream? never felt as though the condition that the conditions ever experienced?
br> We call it déjà vu conditions. As if we feel an experience in the past (either in dreams or when bermeditas) and the experience was repeated when this. Well, this is a convincing theory that the future is already created by the creator, and we just live alone from time to time in accordance orbit our own destiny.
br> Death, marriage and fortune has been outlined by the creator. And the passage of time is like a very long tape played by the creator of the beginning to the end. So it works like a movie. We can jump into the past from the present or the future jump to the back backwards now.
br> The easiest way into the passage of time is through dreams. Well, dream. With a dream, in fact we've realm of awareness of the future and the past. Keadaran spirit in a dream can develop towards the passage of time, if we are serious there. Are you ready to visit your future with the passage of time?


Sex Taoist art, is the oldest Chinese science that focuses discuss romance style of the opposite sex. Interestingly, TAO still preferred in modern circles. Although this is very old. Why do many people like TAO? Apparently, the Chinese are very smart in terms of culture. They understands the science underlying the chi flow of life is built. Not surprisingly, the average age of the Chinese people over 100 years.

TAO has a solid foundation, namely how to maintain a balance between YIN and YANG. This is a live picture of male energy (ARE) and perumpuan (YIN). TAO has confidence, that should not be scattered on the sperm-scattering in vain. The more able to keep the sperm body will be more youthful. The TAO lovers believe, is precisely the quality of the best sex is sex without mengluarkan sperm (ejaculation). This view is contrary to the western world. Experts believe TAO, by saving sperm, then TAO practitioners can have sex for hours without fatigue. Not surprisingly, the king of china has many concubines and wives, rotated overnight. It turns out that the king was a man of science TAOISTME.

The king of china has amazing endurance. His wife very much, bekum more female slaves. Uniquely as much as it can in Gauli alternately and the king still excellent stamina. Try to compare with us. Denganm woman only lasted 5 minutes to ejaculate. TAO has a high value, honorable and glorious. Sperm is a living substance that must be maintained in the body. Even if it is issued for the purpose of making the child not wasted. TAO has the ability to recycle the power of sperm into stamina, and vitality of youth hormone super. Interested in studying Taoism? Please find information on google.


Prana, is the power of life. Hindus believe, that in the universe a lot of prana. Prana is in the content of the air (O2), therefore many yoga practitioners revive the air with a long breath.

Not without reason, the longer breath the prana stored in the lungs more. With more and more of his prana, then the yoga can flow to the organs he wanted.

Prana collected in the stomach, can be streamed to any organ. Even able to cure various diseases. Prana is the magical power in yoga practitioners believe in the whole world. The benefits were very much.

If a practitioner wants to show the wonders of yoga, usually they mengumulkan prana power as much as possible. Then the power of prana it materialized into a desired shape. Even many yoga experts who could fly while meditating. Apparently, prana which they could gather lifted her into the air. And it's real, for scientific knowledge. Not only the ability to fly. Prana can be used as material for a miracle. The prana yoga ordered to keep the vital organs, such as heart, lungs, kidneys. Pancreas, the organ conditions and all other vital organs.

Not surprisingly, the diligent practice of yoga meditation age very long, averaging over 100 years, and still look young. Not only younger but also healthy and strong. This is thanks to their prana gathered from time to time and collected in a place for something purposes.

People who focus on prana if called pranayama, the art of collecting prana that exist in the universe. Prana is abstract but real. Air similar but contain electromagnetic vibrations. Semi physical but subtle and intelligent. Not surprisingly, prana can be instructed to run a spell.

Experts very happy doing yoga if prana. In addition to health benefits, prana also proved to martial metaphysics. Senajata immune sharp and even bullets. Prana can also protect tubus psyche of black magic attacks. 1001 prana benefits available in the universe. Let us breathe pranic we can afford.

Secrets of Building Your Business On Auto Pilot Oriented Environment

Having a business on auto pilot desire of all business owners. Starting from the business owner beginner to senior businessmen. Unfortunately, the business is built on auto pilot system, generally less attention to the environment. Primarily engaged in the manufacturing business (the business of production of goods).

Renta manufacturing business with waste. For example, the business of making shoes. Businesses engaged in the industry of finished goods, can not be separated from the waste production. Generally, the businessman discard waste into the river. Either in the form of liquid and solid waste. And this is very dangerous for the environment.

Businessman oriented environment is a businessman who bermind set of go-green. In addition to staying focused scored advantages, they also think of the pollution of waste generated from the production of their goods. Even businessmen berwawsan go-green rather pay for waste disposal services from the river to throw that in fact it is free.

Mental go-green is what shall be imitated by all other businesses, mainly engaged in textile and leather industry, paper mill industry (printing), chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, basic metal industry, industrial assembly of motor vehicles and the hospital industry. All above industry is a potentially huge industry produces waste that is very harmful to the environment. If not managed it will contaminate the human food chain ecosystem that lead to food poisoning.

ActionCOACH Business Coaching teach all employers to think long, especially as related to environmental preservation. Indeed, the true business must always be profitable, but on one side sometimes at stake, between cut expenses by disposing of waste disposal into the river or pay the official waste disposal.

In the end, the interests of the people shall be won. The business owner can perform cross-subsidies for the allocation of funds to dispose of waste in a safe manner, the remaining funds post. While other budgeting post focused on areas other more strategic. Oriented business owners are always thinking about the balance of the environment, the preservation of the environment and the productivity of the business. Should not turn off the other one, but how they go together and support each other.

Businesses that can occur when the auto pilot system installed dibisnis very well. Start of human resources built up, the system that enabled the company culture to a general manager's leadership style in the company who always upgraded from time to time. The term in ActionCOACH, businesses have three important areas, namely TTM - Time, Team and Money.

With mastery in three important areas, business owners go-green-oriented will get the freedom of time (time), the freedom to organize the employees, because they are already working at desk jobs each (team) and have the freedom of money, without getting involved in it profit is always flowing (money). That mind set that should be owned by every business owner wherever they are. That has auto pilot business-oriented environmental conservation.

Key Auto Pilot System Oriented Go Green
ActionCOACH always taught all businesses to think the balance of life. That is, all sides of life must be won. Not just focus on profit alone but how could have a positive impact on the environment. For example, a company that has produced many benefits, profit is allocated in part to CSR programs. For example, the program of river health, clean water projects, the investment tool for public health around the river and many more examples.

By having a mind set above (balance of life), more and more business owners are accustomed to think of all sides. Side personal interests, the enterprise (business), the social and environmental side. Given the priority scale, then the company could be a good example for other companies to be able to reduce the number of pollution of the river pollution.

The advantage of having the mindset of the balance of life for these entrepreneurs, at least they have never dealt with the authorities for the orderly keeping of environmental conservation. In contrast to the entrepreneur who likes cut corners. Many of their production waste dumped into rivers or the sea, with the goal of reducing the cost of waste disposal.

Interestingly, environmentally minded entrepreneurs have a healthy character. In a sense, they always put together. Not selfish nor would it alone to have a positive impact on the development of corporate culture itself. In the end, will boost the morale of its employees as the company is rated as good by the surrounding environment.

With the go-green thinking over all the business operations, business owners began to have a tendency to always share with the environment, understand the importance of the balance of nature and most importantly always undergo the principles of balance in business. This is the main one.

In conclusion, a successful businessman is a businessman who always put the balance in their lives. Start of self-owner of the business itself, the work environment (business), social environment (society) to the office environment where t they stand. If everything is healthy it will automatically be auto pilot business naturally

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

White Water Cure of Various Diseases

White water is now used as a medical therapy. Initially a lot of disbelief, water can cure illnesses berbagaia. However, in 1990 and above, the experts began to do research on water and the results are very surprising.

The white water which we know as the eraser thirst, there are many hidden benefits. Did you know that water can make the young? White water can also make the body energy and stamina.

The medical world began shocked by the latest discoveries about water. White water very effectively create longevity, because with water, cells become fresh and fertile. Nutrition is becoming more perfect and excellent for pertumbuahn cells.

By drinking 8 glasses every day, getting healthier and stronger body. Cells become stronger survivable against disease. Water is also shown to be effective to dissolve toxins in the body and neutralize harmful substances.

Khabar good, it is easy to come by and the white water is everywhere. White water was cheap price but a lot of people underestimate the usefulness of water to lose the benefits every day.

For the sick, it is advisable to drink water more than 8 glasses a day. It accelerates healing of various diseases. Start mild to severe illness. The role of water was no doubt, both for the medical world and the laity.

Now is the time you have to increasingly believe that water has benefits are many and can be trusted to cure various diseases. While keeping the body healthy and fit of all time. Let's drink 8 glasses of water a day this minute. Wrong?

Monday, January 26, 2015


Water, maybe we think, white water just a water that was not too important we are aware of its existence. Water is always around us. The water that we can easily buy cheap and even free if we take out of the water pump. Did you know that there is a white water behind the tremendous potential. If we know how to use the water so we could potentially long and healthy life over 100 years.

Water is very beneficial for our body. 70% of the human body is water. Just like the earth, 80% is water too. This means, how important the presence of water for the survival of living things.

Everyone can last a long time if not to eat, but can not live in a few days if you do not drink. Water is so important that it is time we learn how to use water more serious for our survival in a long time. Apparently, a number of research experts, we actually do not need expensive medicine to cure various diseases. We just lack of water.

Water can cure various malignancies. Such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, kidney failure and more. Mandatory water we drink at least 8 glasses a day. Should not be less.

Should drink water on an empty stomach. Before going to sleep and waking sesuah, that is where the most water consumption. Why? because when going to sleep, the body requires water to the growth of body cells. Similarly, when you wake up, your body needs water because it is wasted through sweat and urine.

Water is very good for the skin moisture, so as not to dilute the viscous blood, nourish the cells to keep growing positive (negative if the name of cancer), helping the electromagnetic processes in the cells of the body, improve digestion and many other functions.

By meeting the needs of water every day, we will grow healthy, fertile and fit. In fact, water can also be filled with prayer, positive affirmations and special spell. Because water is a recording device that can store up to memory affirmations we can be great to cure all diseases, both physical and spiritual disease. Believe it may not, prove now also


Do you believe there is a ghost in your house? Ghost is something scary by most people. In principle, everyone is afraid of ghosts. It's instinctive, subconscious normal human instinct. That ghosts could make ourselves be scared.

Now found a simple way to detect ghosts in our own homes. I am sure, you will like. But if fear, you should let someone else do it. Because there are some people who hysteria with what was found. Even trauma.

The first way:
Prepare sensitive recording device. Can mobile phones or special recorder. Clear the memory and letaakkan in the room that you think there is penunggunya. Turn on the tape recorder at 12 am. Preferably light in the dark, or at least dim. Morning, move it to the computer audio, and listen through headphones. For those who suffer a heart attack should not try. Because there may be sound creepy entrance to your footage.

The second way:

Use handycamp. This is much better than the first, because it represents the audio-visual. Put handcamp in the room that you think is haunted or no penunggunya, my suggestion bathroom or corner of the house that is rare in touch penguninya. Posting handycamp and navigate to the location that you consider uninhabited. Plug into the mains so as not to die from loss of batter. Keep the above 2 gigabytes of memory so that the long duration.

Somewhat dim light, as if the dark you can not see the results. In the first trial may be no results. However, further experiments in case there was a sighting spirits caught by handycamp you.

Whatever your way to capture the existence of spirits, consciously or not, they do exist around us. So, do not be scared by his presence. Other good tips is to use the radio that you are not frightened by strange noises around you. Happy hunting spirits in your home. Wrong?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to Attract Ideal Lover With Silva Method
Do you not have a lover? Or want to find the ideal business partner? Difficult to find a suitable partner? Perhaps the Silva method can help you overcome this problem.

In this world, there are millions of people whose sex male and female. And everything is unique. Nobody same Precis. For those of you who have not had a boyfriend, it would hurt. Because without pasangfan, load your own life.

Nice couple is having a frequency of thoughts, knowledge, understanding and attitudes that are similar psychological same with you. This means, in thought, you have the same frequency, at least approaching. The challenge is very difficult to find a lover like that. If met, usually many who do not fit. Of thinking and psychological maturity.

Silva Method is a proven effective technique to overcome the problem of looking for love. Broadly speaking, the technique that I want to share is how you draw electromagnetic waves in this universe towards what you expect.

Think of a lover that you expect. Draw in your mental mind apparently, nature, physical, in detail. The more detail the better. Do it regularly every new wake up and go to bed.

You can imagine from a lying, sitting in meditation or other casual positions. The most important of these techniques is, your ability to imagine LOVER AS IF YOU ALREADY YOU HAVE TODAY

This is the principle of resonance. If you have a tuning fork which has the same frequency, then when you are vibrating tuning fork, another tuning fork will also vibrate. Of course only the tuning fork which has the same frequency are vibrating. Similarly, the nature of your mind. Only the ideal mind that you vibrate the vibration that will thrill you plant an idea in mind and directly distributed to the universe. Nearest reflection will be attracted to you.

That is your soul mate. He will come when you continue to do this ritual. Either while you're traveling, when traveling, during a visit to a friend's house or coming home from work. Suddenly, you find a mate that you have been craving - desire. Weird right? But the real!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


It turns out that there are long-lived human potential in every person. Normally, human age is 70 years (average for most Indonesian people), but Mbah Ghoto, grandfather from Sragen, Central Java, now 145 years old. Interestingly, although it is very old, her organs were normal. Can see, can walk, hear and activities like normal people. This is not a real engineering. Mbah Ghoto still healthy living. If you want to live a healthy life and longevity, please read this article, and I give free ebook Mbah Ghoto, how he can be long and healthy life. Please click on this link.


Silva proved effective method to solve various problems of life. Starting from financial problems, psychological to social problems. The method developed by Jose Silva Silva in 1972, an American. And named Silva Mind Method,

Working principle is very simple but requires diligent practice and patience. Silva method uses the principle of the subconscious mind technology combined with visualization capabilities and settings of human brain waves.

In explanation Jose Silva on the brain waves, which he (Jose Silva) classifies only four (4) categories of brain waves that can be emitted by the human brain. That the human brain wave frequency can be measured by using a tool such thing as EEG (Electro Encelofalograph).

4 (four) categories of brain waves by Jose Silva is: • Beta (100-14 Hz): active, anxiety, stress, anxiety.
• Alpha (13-8 Hz): a state of calm, relaxed, comfortable, fresh, happy
• Theta (7.9-4 Hz): the condition of silence, imaginative, full of intuition
• Delta (3.9-0.1 Hz): dreamless deep sleep state

Technically need to be explained more into details yet, but the general picture, Silva Method is very useful for us to deal with all the problems of life, from mild to severe problems.

I recommend looking information Silva Method various sources, and learn. The more we master the method Silva then life skills is increasing sharply. We're more patient, calm, confident and full of energy.

Silva method for all ages. Starting at age 14 years or older. Young and old, men women, all can do the Silva Method. In fact, this technique can be used to attract good fortune, young, healthy physically and spiritually, fortune and add happiness from time to time.

Wait no more, look for information on the Internet. Learn and practice now.

How Wine Can Make Younger?

Wine turned out to have enormous benefits for health. Do you like wine? If not, immediately tried, and eat grapes on a regular basis. Research shows, wine has tannins substance which works in the digestive system and blood circulation which serves to    virus attack.

Wine also has a flavonoid substances believed to as antioxidants and prevent atherosclerosis. By consuming wine regularly, you can stay young and prevent cancer as well in the end.

And wine also has a potent iron helps the formation of red seldarah (hemoglobin). It is very beneficial to the iron deficiency (anemia).

Here are some benefits of wine:
1. Prevent constipation.
2. Clean the liver.
3. Helping kidney function.
4. Supports blood formation.
5. Disable the virus.
6. Lower cholesterol.
So great benefits of wine for health, so why do not we just take advantage of the wine to maintain health. In America, the wine has become a staple beverage, as well as in Bali. Even wine is preserved to produce a quality drink.

Evil Astral Projection

Beware there is a new crime! whether you feel safe place closed for this? You are wrong! it turns out, there is a new crime that will make you surprised.

In Bali, I met with the leaders of Yoga. Sorry hide my identity. He told me that lately there is a very difficult dangerous ability resisted.

Astral Projection. Yoga figure was told, a number of yoga practitioners, have misused science of consciousness beyond the body's ability to release.

These people can visit your home in the form of etheris. Like a ghost, but can not be seen with physical eyes. Only dogs and cats can see. These people are already capable of astral, can spy on you, wherever you are. No matter where you are.

This crime is very difficult to overcome because until this moment there is no tool that can counteract human etheris already made it out of the body, and roaming day and night, to secure, through the wall of your home room wall.

They can see our personal activities, but we can not see them. No use thick walls, tall buildings, underground bunkers, because they can penetrate all these obstacles. Yoga figure I encountered suggest, if we want to avoid the evil astral beings, should have a pet, such as dogs or cats.

These animals could see astral beings when they enter your room. The dog would bark, and the cat will meow loudly. These animals could see astral beings. Astral crime actually happened a long time, but no one has dared to disclose it. The risk is very large.

Even the secret agent has a special division to take advantage of the special ability. They were assigned to investigate the targets are targets wherever, without radar detection and difficult to trace technology. Heart - heart with this crime ....

Friday, January 23, 2015

Can Weight Loss Causes of Death, the following explanation ...

Weight, has now become a serious problem for most people. In terms of appearance, people who have excessive body weight will feel disturbed. Not confident is less immediate effect, and other effects, it is difficult to get a couple.

Weight, is also not good for health. Body weight of potentially many diseases. Starting from a heart attack, cholesterol, stroke by fatigue.

Body weight makes it difficult to move. Great weight makes worse the performance of the heart. This is why obese people susceptible to coronary heart disease.

Cheapest solution and festive is regular exercise every day. If you can not go jogging, brisk walking fairly represented. Swimming is another alternative if you do not want to go jogging. Do it every day, or at least 3 times a week. With regular exercise, obesity is not a problem anymore.

The second solution is the diet. Adjust your diet. Avoid snacking and stay away from foods that contain fat.

Learn all the information related to weight loss, because it can help you get the perfect solution. Not until late, because it involves the safety of your life.

Weight loss becomes a serious problem if it is very extreme. Heart is very difficult to move due to too much fat.

Start living healthy by eating lots of vegetables, whole foods, fiber, fruits, and stay away from fatty meats.

Let us live a healthy life, for the sake of a better future. Example Mbah Ghoto. Indonesian Man from Sragen, Central Java Indonesia, berusai 145 years. Still healthy and strong.

New Way of Creating Luck

Is it true that luck can be created? Many people who complain because they always run into bad luck. Starting from hit by a car, sick, stress, always overshadowed by problems of mental depression.

Apparently, Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychologist from the University of Hertfordshire, UK, examines the differences between them are often lucky and they are always unlucky.
The Result? The first problem is about the unlucky omens such as numbers, the location of the stairs and so on.

Research organization Gallup survey to 1,000 Americans if they believe in things mystical showed that 53% somewhat believe, 25% strongly believe. Other surveys produce data that 72% of people in America believe in a minimum have a fetish.

Apart from the above survey and research, can be created his own luck. What is the reason?

Luck is a form of positive energy generated from a series of actions - positive actions. If we do a lot of good in the natural sesame and greater energy luck. The shape of the manifold luck. Start of finding precious objects, got rich and good relations, help from many people, always healthy, feel good to get a lottery lottree. Luck can not be forced to come, but could be invited. Simple Tips to invite lucky is through creative visualization.

By imagining the condition that we had hoped for and carried out continuously, in a state of focus, then the creative energy will create a mental picture of it.
Try practicing now. And record the result from time to time. You definitely surprise, this simple way to bring good luck to live in the amount we can multiply. The more focus, the stronger the energy, the more regular, the pleated magnetic appeal. Please try ...

Law of Attraction New Concept 2015

The law of attraction is an ancient concept that suddenly booming. Many people feel the benefits of science is the law of attraction. Life was changed 180 degrees. But, like what's the secret law of attraction? Simple. Man is a perfect creature. In humans there are souls that are electromagnetic. It is the mind that makes the soul is a magnet to be interesting what people think. If you think of dominant, it means you're making the dominant thought it would become a reality. No matter, thought it negative or positive. The mind is very powerful, because it is immaterial. The mind can make the disease but can also heal. That is why the science of law of attraction is very real. What we think is likely to become a reality, all the physical and metaphysical conditions are met. It's like we plant rice seedlings. You have to chose the seeds of superior, fertile soil, adequate water and fertilizer so that the seed can grow. Similarly, the human mind. During our minds (seeds) superior, environmental support (paddy), a powerful prayer in the form of affirmation (water) and treatment (positive attitude), the seeds will grow into fruit (mind into reality).
You have to learn from the experts if not already know the principles of the mind. Do research on all matters relating to the law of attraction. Learn how and practice diligently and seriously. Then the result is inevitable.

How to Avoid the crime at night

Crime outside the home has become a real problem. Especially for women, crime outside the home becomes a threat that must soon we anticipated. If not addressed as early as possible then you will be late.

The woman becomes the object of a crime outside the home, especially at night. The crime of many kinds, such as fraud, robbery, murder to rape.

In America, the night is the most dangerous time for a woman, if out of the house alone. Moreover, past the crime-prone areas and at night. If you are a woman, and had to go home tonight because of the demands of the task, then you have to practice to stay safe on the road. Like what is the solution? Let's take an example for women. If you are a woman, and often come home at night, no matter whether you use the car or on foot, the threat is always the same, namely the crime at night.

Here are some solutions:

1. Bring a syringe filled with fluid chili or something very spicy. If you are pressed, use it to spray liquid eye offenders.

2. Prepare a small stun tool. Buy in stores so that you are safer during an attack

3. Ask a friend to pick up, no matter how both better than his own. So, if there bantua why not ask for help

4. Use a military uniform. It is funny, but it proved to be effective to prevent street crime. In fact, they are rather reluctant to attack you

5. If you have to move work to the work site, do it, because your life is more valuable than money

Similarly, some safety tips during the trip at night. Good luck

Arnold Schwarzenegger Open Secrets of Success

Arnold Schwarzenegger became the most phenomenal figure in the American film industry. Why he is so prominent? arnold Schwarzenegger has a successful character. Started his career from the bottom, starred in a movie of the supporting cast to the main character. Movie box office most bears his name is the Terminator. The film is dominating the attention of the world and become one of the most preferred films of the world community. arnold Schwarzenegger reinforces big name in the Hollywood film industry, because every year spawned several feature films are always successful. arnold Schwarzenegger has moments of success that we can learn. He was willing to take a chance. Not afraid to risk and always updated with the needs of the world community. Arnold Schwarzenegger is now enjoying his retirement as America's richest celebrities. Although no longer working, the money keeps flowing into his personal account of passive income that he woke up. Let us learn from arnold Schwarzenegger, in terms of mindset, attitude and action.

Why Pizza preferred world?

Pizza has become a new trend for fast food alternative. In Bali too, Pizza has become mandatory food, especially young people. In Denpasar, the pizzas are sold. Maybe a bit different than in America, in Bali, pizza preferred to lifestyle, while in America, the pizza to substitute staple food. Pizza is actually less than the recommended health. This includes junk food, because of the health side, the pizza is not good. If the edible not too often, there is no problem. However, if frequent, would be detrimental to health. Pizza in the United States and developed countries, still the food is still the preferred choice of many people. In Indonesia, especially in Bali, the pizza is still preferred, although the trend is up and down. Do you like pizza?


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Holiday in Bali, promising setuja memories. Bali has a very exotic scenery. Bali also has a culture and abundant natural resources. That is why many tourists come to Bali. They want to enjoy all the beauty of nature and at the same time in Bali

Transportation in Bali is getting better. Wherever you want readily available means of transport, both vehicles sea, land or air. Bali has a variety of hotels and also a nice spa. If you are tired of the spa in Bali is very nice and tasty. Also low price.

Vacation in Bali does not hurt, because in addition to affordable also very beautiful natural scenery and quiet. You can relax on the beach while enjoying light refreshments and warm sunshine. At sea also many tourist entertainment, in the city sells many unique accessories and lined up along the way a great variety of folk handicrafts.


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Eternal life, is it possible? Throughout human history the oldest age is 145 years old, the oldest human beat in china, aged 111 years. The oldest human record is still held by Mbah Goto, from Sragen in Central Java Indonesia.

Interestingly, until this moment, Mbah Goto was 145 years old, still very healthy and normal. The road is still smooth, speak, see and hear. When he was already very old.
What is the secret Mbah Ghoto berusai along the bias? Apparently after carefully traced, Mbah Ghoto have a habit of eating fish. He also does not like to eat greasy. Making his blood to be very good quality.

Mbah Ghoto born on December 31, 1870, and has reached 145 years old. Residents around the house so amazed because he was still healthy and diligent weeding. Not only nearby residents but from various regions also want to see Mbah Ghoto to ask for the recipe of longevity

Every day, Mbah Ghoto still go out and work like other people who are still young. There is no organ Mbah Ghoto sick, all healthy course. Whereas normal human age is generally 60 to 70 years, and then died.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to Buy Tickets Online correct?

If you are traveling abroad or just net-road out of town, you definitely stay overnight at the hotel. How do I choose a hotel that is good? Apparently not everyone knows choose the hotel, although they have often traveled.

Good hotel will certainly provide a great impact on the quality of your trip. And this means, what do you expect during the tour with the person you love becomes a reality.
Imagine, if you choose the hotel, from the price is very expensive but the facilities and service is very bad. You regret it and you become a negative mood. The quality of your holiday to be very low.

This is due to you and your partner choose the wrong hotel. It's good, start now learn the various hotels that you find. Learn the advantages and benefits of sera price. If at any time you find it, try and differentiate with other hotels.

Good hotels are usually well known, he is everywhere. From his side also stable (the rooms are always full) and a strategic location. You can learn how to choose a decent hotel, with a low price but complete facilities. From now on, browse all you find, and start researching personally. May you find the right hotel.

How to Choose a Good Hotel?

If you are traveling abroad or just net-road out of town, you definitely stay overnight at the hotel. How do I choose a hotel that is good? Apparently not everyone knows choose the hotel, although they have often traveled.

Good hotel will certainly provide a great impact on the quality of your trip. And this means, what do you expect during the tour with the person you love becomes a reality.
Imagine, if you choose the hotel, from the price is very expensive but the facilities and service is very bad. You regret it and you become a negative mood. The quality of your holiday to be very low.

This is due to you and your partner choose the wrong hotel. It's good, start now learn the various hotels that you find. Learn the advantages and benefits of sera price. If at any time you find it, try and differentiate with other hotels.

Good hotels are usually well known, he is everywhere. From his side also stable (the rooms are always full) and a strategic location. You can learn how to choose a decent hotel, with a low price but complete facilities. From now on, browse all you find, and start researching personally. May you find the right hotel.

Benefits of Learning Astrology

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Is it true that horoscopes can be trusted? Why horoscopes generally closer to the truth? How does it work horoscopes? And how right horoscope reveal our future?
Horoscope we know is astrology. For example Astrology. Science works based on the constellations. We know that one year has 12 months. And every month representing each birth star. There are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, and so forth.

Why Astrology horoscope readings generally approached keberanan? This is the secret. Actually, by studying the constellations, such as Aries, then 11 other stars will open perfectly. How does that mean?

Here. For example ourselves is the constellation Aries. Create a full year of research yourself of 5 different sectors of life. Misalanya side of romance / love, the personal, the social, the financial and health side. This is an example.

If you choose a complete record from January to December with a record into five areas that, then you can open the veil of secrecy from another star.
How to read fairly easily. Aries is the constellation Pisces and Taurus diantaraa. If Aries positioned 360 degrees, then another star positions decreased by 360/12 = 30 degrees
Therein lies the secret of true astrology. If the financial position we're very good, meaning that the position on the right (Taurus) is also good, and the position of the next constellation is rather good, and so on up to rotate 360 degrees retraced Aries.

I've been researching self and was indeed accurate for another constellation. And this is where the importance of studying astrology (Horoscope) because we can measure our energy level and others to get a harmony that is optimal for sesame other constellations.