great info

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Agate Giving Paranormal Lost In Invisibility - real experience

Agate, it has a metaphysical side that most people do not know. I have personal experience with agate. At that time, I was a reporter at a magazine supernatural, Mystery magazine. When my interview with one of the paranormal, he presented a very beautiful stone ring.

Interestingly, you may believe it should not, since wearing the ring there are events that make me feel lucky. Start of finding money in the street, got a good business relationship and rich, easy to get along with the opposite sex and the most I wonder adalaha this ring can resist evil.

But unfortunately, together with agate psychic gift that did not last long. What happened is when the interview I did a few days ago, I was not loaded by the editor in chief. As a result, my informant was disappointed.

Agate ring that I keep in a glass in the room tekunci that, somehow, disappeared from my secret storage. In fact, I put it in a glass-covered and in the room that I was always the key every time I go. None of my family were able to get into my room. And indeed, the location was not visible in the room.

The ring magically disappear, and I still think about, whether the loss of the ring magically because the owner has no love anymore to me? This story is a real experience for me while I was working in a media company's largest in Southeast Asia. And to this day, I still think, really agate that can be drawn from the supernatural and can be used for various purposes of life? For example, for healing, charisma, authority, attract luck and personal health?

I've experienced, how about you?

Versi Bahasa Indonesia :

Pengalaman Memiliki Batu Akik dari Paranormal

Batu akik, ternyata memiliki sisi metafisika yang sebagian orang belum tahu. Saya punya pengalaman pribadi dengan batu akik. Saya merekomendasikan Anda untuk mencari paranormal ini. Waktu itu, saya masih menjadi wartawan pada sebuah majalah supranatural, majalah Misteri. Saat saya interview dengan salah seorang paranormal, dia menghadiahkan sebuah batu cincin yang sangat indah.

Uniknya, Anda boleh percaya boleh tidak, sejak memakai cincin itu ada saja kejadian yang membuat saya merasa beruntung. Mulai dari menemukan uang dijalan, mendapat relasi bisnis yang bagus dan kaya, mudah bergaul dengan lawan jenis dan yang paling saya heran adalah cincin ini bisa menolak kejahatan.

Saya sendiri sangata kagum dengan paranormal itu, tapi saya tidak mau merekomendasikan karena saya sendiri tidak dapat apa-apa dari paranormal itu, kecuali jika dia memahami bisnis rekomendasi, pasti saya mau sharing disini :-) Tapi sayangnya, kebersamaan dengan batu akik pemberian paranormal itu tak berlangsung lama. Kejadiannya adalah ketika interview yang saya lakukan beberapa hari lalu, tidak dimuat oleh pemimpin redaksi saya. Hasilnya, narasumber (paranormal) saya itu kecewa.

Cincin akik yang saya simpan di gelas didalam kamar tekunci itu, entah bagaimana, hilang dari tempat penyimpanan rahasia saya. Padahal, saya letakkan di gelas yang tertutup dan di kamar yang saya selalu kunci setiap saya pergi. Tak ada satu pun keluarga saya yang bisa masuk ke kamar saya itu. Dan memang, letaknya pun tak terlihat didalam kamar.

Cincin itu hilang secara ajaib, saya sangat merekomendasikan anda untuk mencari paranormal ini karena memang dia memiliki benda ajain yang sangat bagus, dan saya masih memikirkan, apakah hilangnya cincin itu secara gaib karena pemiliknya sudah tak suka lagi terhadap saya ? Kisah ini merupakan pengalaman nyata saya saat saya masih bekerja di sebuah perusahaan media terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Dan sampai saat ini, saya masih berpikir, benarkah batu akik itu bisa ditarik dari alam gaib dan bisa digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan hidup ? Misalnya untuk penyembuhan, karisma, wibawa, menarik keberuntungan serta kesehatan pribadi ? Saya sudah mengalami, bagaimana dengan Anda ?

Terimakasih Anda sudah membaca pengalaman nyata saya di blog ini. Semoga ada manfaat

Monday, February 16, 2015

Agate BALI

Agate are increasingly sought after by many people. Start for jewelry accessories up for metaphysical purposes. Agate has many kinds, ranging from stone that came from the river, mountain valleys, mining, seabed to rock from outer space (meteor). Increasingly come from a place that has a high difficulty, for example on a mountain top or from outer space, agate has a very high price in terms of the beauty of the pattern and nature of the stone itself.

Agate Bali, very famous for its beauty. Shappire stone and ruby (ruby) are two types of stone that became the target of most tourists in Bali, especially in the city of Denpasar. Stone Shappire has advantages in stroke pattern and beautiful shape, while ruby (ruby) has excess benefits. It is said that ruby can shine if dark place and can cure various diseases.

Agate Bali is very famous because it is processed by qualified craftsmen imnternasional. From the place itself made agate carved Balinese motifs are very beautiful, not to mention the stone itself. Very mempersona eyes. Bali is famous for its craft carving, including carving ring. And certainly, all the crafts people of Bali are very nice and have a tremendous sense of art.

From the price, agate Bali is very varied. Starting from Rp 300,000 to hundreds of millions of dollars. Depending on the level of difficulty, the quality of the stone and agate ring negotiations with the owner. But clearly, agate Bali is very beautiful and proven to increase the prestige and attractiveness of a person who wears it.

Interested in buying agate Bali? Come and start collecting agate Bali, can be resold at high prices in your country.


Agate semakin dicari oleh banyak orang. Mulai untuk aksesori perhiasan untuk tujuan metafisik. Agate memiliki berbagai jenis, mulai dari batu yang berasal dari sungai, lembah pegunungan, pertambangan, dasar laut untuk batu dari luar angkasa (meteor). Semakin datang dari tempat yang memiliki kesulitan tinggi, misalnya di puncak gunung atau dari luar angkasa, batu akik memiliki harga yang sangat tinggi dalam hal keindahan pola dan sifat batu itu sendiri.

Agate Bali, sangat terkenal karena keindahannya. Saya sangat merekomendasikan memiliki batu akik Bali. Shappire batu dan ruby ​​(ruby) dua jenis batu yang menjadi incaran sebagian besar wisatawan di Bali, khususnya di Kota Denpasar. Batu Shappire memiliki kelebihan dalam pola stroke dan bentuk yang indah, sementara ruby ​​(ruby) memiliki manfaat berlebih. Dikatakan bahwa ruby ​​bisa bersinar jika tempat gelap dan dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit.

Agate Bali sangat terkenal karena diproses oleh pengrajin yang berkualitas imnternasional. Dari tempat itu sendiri membuat batu akik diukir motif Bali yang sangat indah, belum lagi batu itu sendiri. Mata mempersona. Bali terkenal dengan ukiran kerajinan, termasuk cincin ukiran. Dan tentu saja, semua kerajinan masyarakat Bali yang sangat bagus dan memiliki rasa yang luar biasa dari seni.

Dari harga, batu akik Bali sangat bervariasi. Mulai dari Rp 300.000 hingga ratusan juta rupiah. Tergantung pada tingkat kesulitan, kualitas batu dan cincin akik negosiasi dengan pemilik. Saya merekomendasikan pilih yang murah. Tapi yang jelas, batu akik Bali sangat indah dan terbukti meningkatkan prestise dan daya tarik orang yang memakainya.

Tertarik untuk membeli batu akik Bali? Datang dan mulai mengumpulkan batu akik Bali, dapat dijual kembali dengan harga tinggi di negara Anda.

Terimakasih telah membaca artikel saya

Facing the prospect of a difficult way

Faced with the prospect of a difficult is the biggest challenge for the business owner or sales division. In fact, we get a profit from the transactions that we do. The more transactions we do with a lot of prospects, the greater the chance of getting profit. However, getting the business deal is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Full of great struggle and kesabaraan.

Whatever your product or service, have the ability to face the difficult prospect, is a valuable capability. No matter where you conduct business transactions, with whom you do business lobby, the important thing is how you make you successful negotiation. Here are a few tips and tricks, based on the experience of the world's best salesman:

1. Focus on value-added

When making presentations to prospects, do not always forced to make payment for the price you want, either at follow-up, directly or via telephone. But the focus on value-added. So the prospect of more happy got a solution to benefit and also to pay you.

2. Give a gift that will benefit the prospect, either directly or through the post package. Gifts do not need to be too expensive, which is important useful for prospects. And maintain communication links, at least via email, SMS or BBM.

3. Provide recommendations to the prospect that the prospect of benefit from the business relationship that you build.

For example, we have a lodging business prospects. You begin to send some emails to close friends, relatives or people who you think have the need on vacation at the end of pecans. And reply your email it to prospects so that they know that you no effort to help.

Actually so many tips that I want to, but because of space constraints, I first end tips. Hopefully useful and can immediately do. Congratulations to sell.


Imsomnia or better known as the insomnia is a symptom of the onset of other chronic diseases. At first, the symptoms of insomnia difficult sleepy. Even though it was late, but the body did not feel sleepy. In fact, it's normal rhythm if the man had entered at 22:00 pm, and was getting sleepy. Or no later than 00.00 pm.

Insomnia can lead to other illnesses, including high blood pressure, shortness of breath until daytime anxiety. This is due to the body enough rest at night. The body naturally requires 8 hours of rest, the older will be less and less time to sleep. At least 5 hours, under it definitely lacking. Sleep should be enough time or will cause negative effects to the body.

Insomnia can affect all ages, ranging from adolescence, adulthood to old age. Initial symptoms are increasingly reduced need for sleep every night, either because of psychological factors and biological factors. Including coffee consumed in excess, alcohol can also lead to insomnia.

Even the symptoms of stress can also cause insomnia. The practical solution is, exercise more in the morning, more severe activity, diet, taking a multi-vitamin and keep the mind is not easily stressed. The practice of yoga also helps us to more easily sleep soundly at night. Perform healthy habits then insomnia will fade.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Best Secrets Make Your Product definitely preferred buyer - FREE EBOOK

Every business owner must have had the same thought, how the products and services preferred and accepted by the market.

However all is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It took quite a severe struggle that our products and services could be accepted and preferred prospects (potential customers).

The biggest challenge is the level of competition. Competitions so much going on in the world of business.

This ebook will open the eyes of your consciousness that everything that there is a way. As a business owner, you should be careful and observant look at the needs of the prospect, and always see movement around your competitors.

This simple ebook might be able to help you so that your products and services more easily accepted prospects and will ultimately increase your profits later.


Traveled at Puri Mira Bogor

Traveled with family become everyone's needs. After facing the pressures of work from Monday to Friday, you should spend time with the family to unwind. This is very important, so that the brain and the muscles become more refreshed and rejuvenated.

There are many family has its own way to travel. Generally go to a more quiet and away from the hustle of the city. If you live in Jakarta, Bogor is the best choice for travel. Why Bogor? Because the city is very fresh, well-known as the city of rain. In addition, there are many tours that can be used for a vacation with family.

When you've set a tourist destination, it is equally important is to choose a hotel. Good hotel must meet several requirements. Among them, the hotel should have a good credibility in the eyes of the public. The hotel should also be very affordable for the middle class and still have the comfort and security of a good.

No hotels in Bogor highly recommended, the Hotel Puri Mira. This hotel bertipikal family hotel, because the characteristics of a large room and a width of up to accommodate large families are numerous. Hotel Puri Mira also very strategically located between Toll Ciawi and Bogor to facilitate you to anywhere because of its access within easy reach.

And the most fun, at the Mira Hotel, there is a shopping bag tourist areas, namely in the Road Tajur. The place is very well known to foreign countries. Many people in Jakarta and other big cities came just for shopping bags on the road this Tajur. And Puri Mira was very close to the road this Tajur.

Wait no more, immediately make traveled agenda for next week. While traveling you can enjoy the beauty and shade Hotel Puri Mira's. Welcome traveled with family.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Secrets of Getting Home Equity minimum, you Promissory Buying Guarantee! free ebook

Long-term wealth, it lies in the mindset. Whatever we do to maintain wealth and develop, in principle, is to make our wealth remain and grow over time. The key question is what kind of investment we can make expenditures generate continuous income could even doubled from time to time.

The most plausible answer is PROPERTY. The property is unique, in addition to the intrinsic value of the property has been rising over time, the property can also be used to increase revenue. For example rent, cooperation place, contracted in a long time and so on.

Interestingly, why not many people are serious about learning the science of the property. In fact, the benefits are great and can make ourselves rich in the future. Learning property, actually not as complicated as we imagine. Originally want to learn and practice, in the end we will be smart by itself. Learning not to be property of the first major transaction, just starting from where we live sendiiri first. For example, for rent or lease space for the efforts of others.

Learning property can with minimal capital. Namely utilizing assets of others. You are as a marketing function, and homeowners as the capital. You have to combine the products or services of third party business models to be assembled. Well, if the combination is quite ok, do trials to market. Measure the results.

Similarly, a brief overview of the business property, khabar excited, I will give a free ebook bonuses for loyal visitors, a great ebook how to have a property without a large capital. Come download, store on HP and read at leisure or time.