great info

Saturday, January 31, 2015


There is a saying, if you want a small change, then correct any of your behavior, but if you want a big change then change your mind set. This is very true and we need to consider in this life.

Often, success depends not only on talent, intelligence and a lot of money. Success is a matter of mind set. For those of you who have a business, this book is very good and you need to read over and over - again.

The yard is 448 pages thick enough. Satisfied you read every day. Contains an understanding of how to change the mind set in the right direction.

Read and save it on your mobile phone. When you're waiting for a, relaxing at lunch, break or to kill boredom. Read via mobile phone, must have been very pleasant.

This book contains Indonesian, so it is suitable for you who like the local language. But for those who speak English, this book is not for you. I'm sorry.

Please download here

HOW TO INSTANT Feeding the brain, try RUBRIK'S CUBE

Puzzle, everyone would like a puzzle. But, if the benefit to us? It turns out that in America, puzzles become an interesting game. Many people who play puzzle. Especially Rubric's cube.

This one game became very famous. In addition to its attractive, also have a high degree of difficulty. Both increased the curiosity of the conquerors rubric's cube.

Why are so many Americans, and some other European countries fell in love with this puzzle game? Actually, the answer is very simple. Rubric's cube was created to train your memory of the human brain. Actually, the key is the algorithm penghalan alone. So this has nothing to do with IQ level but more towards memory alone.

If an algorithm is not memorized, then the most genius was impossible to conquer this rubric. This game proved to improve memory and eventually blow up confidence, if managed to do it.

Rubric's Cube game is not too difficult. Which is difficult when we memorize the various rows of long and many algorithms. This is the biggest challenge. Once you can memorize, then in the eyes closed condition even you can do it.

It's hard to imagine it, but in reality, if an already memorized algortma Rubric's Cube, not only dark place or eyes closed but could finish the game in a matter of seconds! crazy!


Unconscious, the area most sensitive to suggestion. In humans, there are two very important areas, namely the area of the conscious and unconscious. As we are aware, conscious active area, and the subconscious less active.

The subconscious has execute nature, which has always characterized prove. While the area is more conscious towards the input, or data that will be processed into a reality.

Unconscious metaphysical, runs in an invisible area. But strength is great. The human body is controlled by the power of the subconscious, which is about 80%. Meanwhile, only 20% are aware area.

This means, the power of the subconscious is very great. By doing positive affirmations, such as saying "MY HEALTHY MORE EVERY DAY, MY BODY MY MORE POWERFUL AND MORE CONFIDENCE AT ANY TIME" then magically, your body will believe in the word - the word is repeated - again.

The key dalah pemgulangan, the more often repeated, the subconscious will reinforce (confirmation). This is similar to how kerjasanya Archimedes law. When we push the fluid in a tube, then the strength of the tube it will push up much stronger than the power that we provide. Principle jack.

The subconscious can do anything. Start of maintaining health, maintaining physical fitness, youth, vitality to improve metaphysics.

The most important thing is, we have to understand the workings of the subconscious. And when understood, then everything will be easier. Because in man there is a system that we can trust, and the subconscious is the most perfect system to regulate everything about the man, both physically and spiritually.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Witchcraft, is now being used for all kinds of needs. Start charisma to evoke immune sciences. Witchcraft has been around since the days of animism and dynamism. And to this day, witchcraft was developed by modern society.

Actually what can be done by magic? If we watch Harry Potter movies, is very clear, that magic can be used for anything. However, most people judge, magic came from the devil.

Some religious and spiritual flow forbid their followers to learn magic. Besides dangerous, science is believed to be misleading. Some even believe, magic can make people crazy.

Regardless of the pros and cons, witchcraft has now evolved into a more elegant form. Magic can now be used for treatment, self-protection, to attract good luck charm.

History witchcraft comes from the Prophet Sulayman. After Solomon's death and all scholars pinpoint the subject he had gone, and then they changed the next generation, then the devil comes in the form of a human being. The devil came to a group of the Children of Israel and say to them, "Would I show an inexhaustible treasury of you eat forever?" They replied, "Of course we will," Satan said, "Dig-lah land in under the seat pedestal (Solomon). "

Satan went with them and show them the place, while he (satan who appeared in human form) standing in one place some distance from the venue. They said, "Come here you." Satan replied, "No! I'm just here alone near you, but if you do not find you must kill me. " They dig the place and finally they found the books when they took it, Satan said to them, "Truly Solomon can master and manage people, devil-devil and birds is through the magic of this." Then the devil fly and go, then start tersebarlah among humans that Solomon was a sorcerer, and the Children of Israel took the books. When the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sent by Allah Ta'ala,

That seklumit magic history and progress to date. And adherents of magic from time to time more and more, at least move underground. Heart - heart with magic flow

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Albert Einstein The Other Side

Theory of Relativity. Actually, what is the theory of relativity? The theory of relativity, Albert Einstein issued by an American. The rationale, two observers are moving with different speeds on an object it will get observations on the dimensions of space and different time in the same incident.

It is very interesting. Albert Einstein had a brilliant idea about the correlation between the material at the speed of light. If a material faster than light, what happens?

The object will not be affected by the effects of time. That is, if you have a supersonic speed over 300,000 km / sec, then one year on the air, you are much younger age than the people who live on the earth dozens of times.

There's nothing to match the speed of light, except the spirit. The human spirit kind of light. But there is no scientific research that explains that the speed is faster than the speed of light.

Theory of Relativity describes the relationship between space and time. Earth is a dimension that has a 3-dimensional measurement that is LONG, WIDE and WIDE. However, when linked with time, the theory of relativity into something interesting.

In the metaphysical realm, there is no space and no time. So they are immortal. On earth, we are limited to the material world (physical), applies the laws of physics. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity dismantle E = MC2 where E is energy, multiplied by the mass (matter) multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared.

The results of the formula resulted in legal theory of relativity is very powerful. Including the discovery of a number of nuclear and other spectacular discoveries.

BEER FOR HEALTH BENEFITS, Jakarta Just like a coin that has two sides, the beer was so. Consuming beer can be bad if done continuously and copious amounts. But if consumed in moderation, beer can have surprising benefits.

Here are 5 great benefits of beer that can make you shocked as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (07/07/2014).

1. Rich in calcium
According to Dr. Stephen Domening, Medical Director of The Original FX Mayr Health Center in the Austrian beer is rich in essential elements. Among other things, rich in protein and minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, potassium favorable bone. Research in Tuffts University USA also mentioned that the beer could increase bone mineral density.

2. Prevent Diabetes
In contrast to high-sugar cola drinks, beer is much less. If cola contains seven teaspoons of sugar, beer is only one sugar tea. Research on 38,000 people in the United States in 2010 found the results if a person consumes one or two glasses of beer a day after a four-year risk of type 2 diabetes could be down 25 percent.

3. Rich in fiber
Beer is the drink rich source of fiber. One pint provide 10 percent of the fiber that your body needs. "Beer increase bile production which helps to digest fatty foods," said Dr. Domenig. 4. Maintain a healthy heart
A study in 2013 at the University of Athens Harokopio found that beer helps improve flexibility of the arteries. Beer also can increase the good cholesterol (HDL). Good cholesterol helps protect the heart.

5. Skin glow
If red wine is known to ward off premature aging. Beer made from barley rich in ferulic acid, a powerful antioxidant which protects the skin from sun damage. The result is skin so bright ternutrisi. (dik)


Dream, was not as simple as we thought. At bedtime, we must have experienced a dream. Actually, whether the dream? There are so many opinions about the dream. But clearly, the dream is a compilation of the human subconscious to balance the psychological health.

For example, if we're having a very long dry season, then we dream inclined towards the undreamed rain. Or if we're not got the money, we can dream a lot of money. Another example, when we're sad, in a dream would otherwise, we laughed a lot, Dream serves to balance the real world and the world of the unconscious. But not all dreams like that. There is a premonition dream, no dream is therapy, telepathic dreams, dreams are frustrated and many more types of dreams.

Interestingly, dreams containing therapy. That is, when we finished dreaming, had a positive impact on our psychological development. Not surprisingly, people who get enough sleep, body and psychological health. Conversely, if lack of sleep and lack of dreams, his life was a mess.

If we want bereksperiment, the dream is actually a gateway to the subconscious. We can do the program wet conscious mind and nature will record our programs and cendeng will become a reality.

Dreams can also open the metaphysical intelligence. It looks weird but it can be proven. A dream that has great control will cause supernatural powers. That is, when dreaming, we have the power control in the dream state, and easily we can do whatever we want, including open astral abilities.