great info

Wednesday, July 8, 2015



Bali is an island that serves a million travel pleasures, including sex banquet for the tourists. The women Bali airport Caucasians like America and Britain, but be careful with the habit of free sex in Bali, as prone to disease AIDS AIDS is 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' Acquired means obtained, not heredity. Immune related to our immune system.

Deficiency means a shortage. Syndrome or syndrome means the disease with a collection of symptoms, not a specific symptom. So AIDS means a collection of symptoms caused by lack or weakness of the immune system that was formed after we were born. AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. When we are infected with HIV, your body will try to fight infections. Our immune system will create 'antibodies', special molecules that attack HIV.

Blood tests look for these antibodies to HIV. If found these antibodies in our blood, it means that we are infected with HIV. People who have antibodies to HIV is called 'HIV-positive' or infected with HIV. See Fact Sheet (LI) 102 for more information about HIV testing.

You may never believe, that when the HIV virus into the body of your entry, usually through sexual contact with an infected person, the symptoms bisatertunda until 10 years later.

For example, you are dealing with a woman or man affected by the HIV virus in 2015, the HIV virus is not necessarily react immediately, it is likely only known after 10 years later. So beware maintain a healthy body. In Bali many commercial sexual temptation. Recognize characteristics - traits HIV virus is already in your ketubuh.

Here are sixteen symptoms that indicate you may have been infected with HIV, as dilansr of sites 1.Demam

One of the most common symptoms of ARS are mild fever, up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Fever is usually accompanied by fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat. At this point, the virus moves into the bloodstream and begin to replicate in large numbers.

2.Kelelahan Other symptoms of ARS is an acute you start to feel tired and lethargic. This is because your body's immune already begun disrupted by HIV. A person with HIV can even run out of breath just from walking.

3.Nyeri muscles and joints

ARS is sometimes misinterpreted as symptoms of flu, syphilis, or hepatitis. No wonder, because the symptoms are similar, the pain in persendia, muscles, and lymph nodes that are mostly located in the groin, type, and neck.

4.Sakit throat and headache

Pain in the throat and head called Horberg can be part of your symptoms to HIV. But to prove this phenomenon as a sign you are exposed to HIV, it is usually necessary laboratory tested first.

5.Ruam on the skin

These symptoms may come at the beginning of a person infected with HIV. However, in some cases, these signs appear even later. Skin rash appears if patients who have no history of allergies. The form can be ulcers, and signs of itchy pink color in some parts of the body.

6.Mual, vomiting, and diarrhea

As many as 30-60 percent of HIV patients experience these symptoms. HIV sufferers usually experience diarrhea constantly, but not so in patients whose immune strong from the beginning.

7.Berat Weight

If you start to lose weight, it is a sign of your immune system is already infected. According to health experts, dr.Malvestutto, common symptoms of HIV is significantly decreased body weight despite eating a lot.

Dry 8.Batuk

If dry cough lasts for one year more and more severe, whereas cough medicine can not cure him, should be wary of your own vulnerability to HIV.


Cough and decreased body weight is a marker of serious infections that will not be immune to attack if you're in good shape. But indeed, according Malvestutto, the effects of infection in each person is different.

10.Berkeringat at night

Half of HIV patients admitted to sweat at night. These symptoms generally appear in the early stages of infection. Excessive sweating at night obtained sufferers, though not exercise.

11.Perubahan on nails

Signs you contract HIV are any changes in your nails. Nails are usually thickened and curved. Even in some patients, their nails change color to black, with brown lines vertically or horizontally on the surface.

12.Infeksi in mouth

Malvestutto say, HIV can be characterized by an infection in around the mouth caused by a fungus. The infection makes the sufferer hard to swallow when eating.

13.Susah concentration

Cognitive problems can be a sign you have been infected with HIV. These symptoms usually appear later. Besides trouble concentrating, people with HIV are usually so easy to get angry and irritable, clumsy, difficult to coordinate, and have difficulty performing activities related to motor neurons such as writing.


Herpes in the mouth and the genitals may be a sign of ARS and akgir stage of HIV infection.


End-stage HIV also makes sufferers experience tingling and numbness in the hands and feet. This occurs because the nerve is completely broken.

16.Menstruasi irregular

In women with HIV, menstrual cycle usually becomes irregular. This is the excess of weight loss.

If you experience any of the symptoms above, or ever had sex with another couple you know and potentially infected with HIV, then immediately check now. Before it's too late.

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