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Friday, October 14, 2011


Some are living in there, in the eternal darkness without a touch of sunlight. Is there really life eternal?

A perfect ecosystem at depths greater than 4,000 feet below sea Sangihe, North Sulawesi, revealed in the expedition SATAL Index which is a collaboration between researchers Indonesia and the United States (U.S.)

For three months, 20 researchers from Indonesia who came from the Agency and the Marine and Fisheries Research (BRKP), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and universities, as well as eight researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administator (NOAA) to explore the mountains under the sea in these waters.

By using 17 cameras attached to the "Remotely Operated Vehicle '(ROV) that is enabled to take pictures on the area in more than 4,000 meters below the sea belongs to NOAA it was found that the presence of an active volcano as high as 3,200 meters at a depth of 1,900 meters below sea Sangihe.

So far, according to researchers at SATAL Index of ITB, Noorsalam Nganro, active volcanoes around the Islands Kawio is an active volcano in the world's tallest sea floor. Feel free to check the truth of this information.

The volcano is forming a new community area in geothermal areas. In the very high water temperatures up to 200 degrees celsius was a variety of marine life live in peace.

Noorsalam explained that different types of starfish, shrimp, lobster, fish, octopus, live coral reefs rely on bacteria in the water, which is estimated as the bacteria that lived 3.5 billion years ago.

"The same properties of molecules or DNA with bacteria living 3.5 billion years ago," said Noorsalam.
Index SATAL how researchers can speculate that the bacteria into food marine life at depths of up to 5100 meters is the same as the bacteria that lived 3.5 billion years ago?

The ability of NOAA's camera is capable of displaying images from a very sharp macro-marine biota in these waters. So, you do not have to wonder how they know it all. There is a super-sophisticated camera in this study.
"The camera can be closer to 75 inches from the object, so that detailed images can be obtained," he said.

So how about the display of marine life that live in the darkness of the sea floor at depths greater than 4,000 meters?

Apparently many of which have bright colors ranging from green, purple, pink, red, white, albino, yellow. Without the help of the sun to go through the process of coral reefs fotosistesis green color looked bright.
They do not photosynthesize from the hot sun, but through a process that relies kimosintesis geothermal heat from the volcano, the researchers say the biological ITB.

"Don't-do not be surprised if it turns out they own their friends and beautifully colored, as long as it's they live in darkness. Do-do with exposed beams ROV lights blind them even so, we also do not know. We will carefully further-biota biota that do not have that name because of newly discovered, "said Noorsalam.

At an altitude of 2,000 meters from the volcano sticking high smokestacks that emit heat from the volcano. Called the chimney flue is formed from hydrothermal meetings with cold sea water, so it looks like a chimney protruding from the ground.
In the body of chimneys that emit heat, it still contained many inhabited coral reef marine life in miniature.

Researching your own
Cooperation in marine research and underwater mountain was conducted over three months with Okeanos research vessel owned by the United States and accompanied by research vessel owned by BPPT Baruna Jaya IV.

The discovery of this expedition will be the subject of research for scientists of both countries. But the pictures during the expedition's findings walking can be enjoyed widely by the world community through the official website SATAL Index.
The end of the expedition the two countries, according to Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fadel Muhammad actually spur the desire to do his own research in the Indonesian seas.

"We try to thoroughly own after this. We can make a research ship, we'll buy the technology, "said the former Governor of Gorontalo it.
Fadel said the Rp 100 billion to build a ship and equip it with advanced technology.
"We try to budget it in 2011. Do we have similar advanced technology to examine our own sea in an immense? "Said Fadel.

He seemed amazed biota biota newly-discovered and not yet have a name in place of direct monitoring of Marine and Fisheries Research Agency (BRKP), Ancol.
He hopes the images received directly via satellite to BRKP, Okeanos, and NOAA in the United States can serve as the documentary and provide knowledge to the public.
U.S. Ambassador Cameron Hume R also expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation of deep sea exploration in the Sangihe. For the U.S. government's most important cooperation, which could ultimately result in new discoveries.

Hume says, the beginning of the expedition occurred when his government was wondering where do these new technologies can be brought Okeanos as exploratory trials.

"Finally we decided to take him to Indonesia before he conducted exploration in other places," said Hume.

Exploration cooperation agreement took place on the sidelines of the World Ocean Konrefensi (WOC) in Manado on May 2009, and implemented since June 2010.
He hopes the results of exploration can be input to the world about life in the deep sea.

Expedition success stories shared between Okeanos and Baruna Jaya IV has not been completed. The government will announce the findings of the expedition.
Head BRKP Gellwynn Jusuf said the expedition will be completed around August 9 and the findings will be reported to the public

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