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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Secret Japanese people tried at least 80 years to hundreds of years

The Japanese are known for the best level of health, no wonder most people rang Japan has a very long life. UN data for 2010, the population of Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world, reaching 82.73 years, and the lowest number of Central African Republic, with 45.91 years. Perhaps the poor countries of Africa, so it's hard to longevity. Maybe.

From my personal point of view, there are several reasons why Japanese people can live longer than people in other countries. Here's the secret:

  From the theoretical side of science, health, healthy diet and balanced and coupled with regular exercise activities and sustainable, will make the body become very fit and increase the chances protected from various diseases. In terms of eating, Japanese people love healthy food, fiber, and not excessive. In addition, raw foods are also more likely to like sushi, thereby reducing the consumption spices and cooking oil are not good for the body.

We are very limiting dietary fat and high carbohydrate each day. If too much fatty foods and seldom exercise, the body susceptible to disease. For example, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Healthy eating Japanese society is also supported by government policies are very strict in regulating and supervising the passage of food and beverages. This is the factor that I think as a determinant of why Japanese people older age because the government supports the health of its citizens.

In Japan, there are severe penalties for selling food containing hazardous materials and substandard health. And this rule still applies to this day as well. Japanese are very strict in food inspection. Favorite exercise for the Japanese people, bringing the lifestyle of the people of Japan increasingly fit and healthy. Sports such as jogging has become routine in their daily lives. It is proportional to the Balinese culture that tends to lazy to exercise. In addition, the Japanese people have a habit of walking long distances every day during activity such as office, school, market, or other, believed to be one of the causes of healthy Japanese people. And this certainly can not be denied, that Japanese people prefer to walk from home to the office of the lead car or motorcycle, because they are much more intelligent and educated many sistimik to society healthy and fit until the age of 80 years. How about you?

The life expectancy of men is the interpretation of a chance to live an average population. While the population of Indonesia based on the projection of the BPS in 2010, concluded that the estimated life expectancy is 70.9 years. Longevity is everyone's dream. While visiting Japan, you should not have surprised, when I saw a grandfather or grandmother aged over one hundred years to cross the street alone without any damping or still able to walk normally. No need to worry, grandfather or grandmother would be okay, because they still have the strength and health of the physical body, which is very good for walking long distances. Back to discuss Japan, from these data, the province has the highest life expectancy estimation is Jakarta which reached 76.2 years, and Yogyakarta (76 years), and North Sulawesi (74.9 years). While the population of Aceh was only 69.3 years. It was weird, but Aceh has lush island. While Bali has a chance to live below the level of Aceh, Bali may have been exposed to western culture that is consuming alcohol and other intoxicating drinks. Let's living a healthy life such as Japan.

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